This goes beyond the WEF and UN, especially after the Dalai Lamah incident and the push by all those who support his position driving the narrative that "Tongue sucking by children is a cultural difference not sexual".

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John Adams is another contemporary Australian hero . May God continue to bless him and his family. May God help each one of us to live these days - in integrity.

Thank you George.

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Hi George

I cannot seem to access these links at all, Spotify pops up saying neither of them can be found.

I’d this a censorship issue?

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What has been done and continues to be done to Julian Asauge is almost...... beyond description. Then there is the issue of what this corrupt system has done and continues to do to Julian's family.

Again thank you George.

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Your interview with Bernard Gaynor shows him to be a mighty man of God and, a defender of our children .It was a great challenge to listen to this particular conversation and , I am so glad I did. Thank you both for all that you do to keep us strong.

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Go to the Kinsey Report for further details about his impact on the issues we face.

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Your interview with Bernard Gaynor shows him to be a mighty man of God and, a defender of our children .It was a great challenge to listen to this particular conversation and , I am so glad I did. Thank you both for all that you do to keep us strong.

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I went looking for your show yesterday George. Just now realised I was looking in the wrong place.

It occurred to me - would you consider an email prompt for those of us who are still IT babies ?

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I will try to add a direct link, Kaylene.

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