As a former RN and former accredited vaccinator, the entire scenario which has played out is more than disturbing . In reality, the more ppl who are vaccinated , the less is the disease burden ( normally) . The disease should be practically non existent with all the jabs the population has had . The rates of disease have skyrocketed . ( or are they side effects of the jab ? ) This is not how effective vaccines work - figures should have plummeted. The adverse events including long term disability and death is enough to halt the administration of this toxic experimental jab. Someone eventually needs to be held accountable for the rollout and the subsequent physical and mental health issues inflicted on innocent people , mainly by way of lies and coercion .Another disturbing issue is the lack of proven preventative measures allowed to be prescribed to prevent serious outcomes , and the lack of debate , including the silencing of very qualified medical professionals. It all wreaks of a sinister overtone indeed.
Keep up the great work George. It's hard to believe that even now, there are those who still go along with the BS. I was outcast from the family for trying to convince them otherwise.
George, I'm sure they do know that they were wrong, and now are trying to save their skins. This is why our politicians and M.O's have encouraged people to return to a more normal way of life. They are pushing booster shots because they are aware that immunity drops off very quickly and the triple vaxxed can't afford to get sick. They see our hospitals full of the vaxxed. Here in WA , our neighbour and local real estate agent, had a stroke 1 week after his second shot. Fortunately his wife was home and called the ambulance. He was taken to Sir Charles Gardiner hospital ; the premier medical centre in Perth. After he was stabilised he was taken to the new Midland hospital , about 13 kilometers from Perth. This hospital is a 50/50 private/government arrangement and he was put on the second floor. All the wards on the second floor were full of stroke victims. He was surprised at how many young people have strokes ( he is 60). In April 2021, I visited a relative everyday for a month on the second floor and the wards were children's wards and wards for elderly people which included elderly stroke victims . When he asked why was he bought to Midland ; he was told that all the best stroke doctors and nurses in Perth were now at the Midland hospital. None of this information is in the public space, however Mark MacGowan did make the inane comment "all our hospitals are full and we don't know why". I imagine Eastern States hospitals have also set up these specialised arrangements for the people with adverse reactions.
It NOT safe I know a friend who took AstraZeneca and Pfizer jab and it stuffed her up, it aggravated her medical issue that was been treated and now the net she's immobile due to adverse reactions!
from my experience is NOT safe for people on long medications as with Pfizer info given to the people administering them, the was no Medical interaction studies performed on it!!!
another got off lightly as these person now have on ongoing nerve pain in their right, leg, chronic rashes and slight droop on their mouth!
this person was pressured into the jab via mandate, the 1st one was Pfizer did more harm than good...
From their experience the cure is worse than the bite!
This is all organized & manipulated by the WEF & Globalist's Elites, in your story about our corrupt Australian Government's purposely participating in their scheme to jab everyone with an ineffective substance causing deaths & injuries, you could've added comments &/or video from Klaus Schwab making comments with others at the WEF meeting to the effect that their intention is to 'depopulate the world' using these jab substances & food shortages ie them controlling all food supplies!
These substances are not vaccines, the legal definition of vaccines is 'it ends up providing immunity' Government's have never proven immunity since this started & now up to the 4th jab with more people dying & with adverse reactions now, Government's have allegedly purposely mislead everyone by using the term 'vaccine' to trick everyone to take an untested Experimental/trial toxin that is now killing & injuring people, this is criminal!
The data is already overwhelmingly supportive of the thousands of experts that repeatedly tried to raise the alarm but were viciously attacked. Those politicians, bureacrats, media, etc, would know this and simply cannot claim they didn't. But with the magnitude of destruction they have caused, imagin having to admit they were wrong, and can we really expect people who lack integrity to do so?
I saw an interview with Dr Naomi Wolf who has a team of 3000 medical experts and lawyers reviewing the pfizer documents forcibly released by court order. She said the trial data showed waning efficacy and that they always intended to give the population 6 shots. They just never told people that when they rolled it out.
As a former RN and former accredited vaccinator, the entire scenario which has played out is more than disturbing . In reality, the more ppl who are vaccinated , the less is the disease burden ( normally) . The disease should be practically non existent with all the jabs the population has had . The rates of disease have skyrocketed . ( or are they side effects of the jab ? ) This is not how effective vaccines work - figures should have plummeted. The adverse events including long term disability and death is enough to halt the administration of this toxic experimental jab. Someone eventually needs to be held accountable for the rollout and the subsequent physical and mental health issues inflicted on innocent people , mainly by way of lies and coercion .Another disturbing issue is the lack of proven preventative measures allowed to be prescribed to prevent serious outcomes , and the lack of debate , including the silencing of very qualified medical professionals. It all wreaks of a sinister overtone indeed.
Keep up the great work George. It's hard to believe that even now, there are those who still go along with the BS. I was outcast from the family for trying to convince them otherwise.
George, I'm sure they do know that they were wrong, and now are trying to save their skins. This is why our politicians and M.O's have encouraged people to return to a more normal way of life. They are pushing booster shots because they are aware that immunity drops off very quickly and the triple vaxxed can't afford to get sick. They see our hospitals full of the vaxxed. Here in WA , our neighbour and local real estate agent, had a stroke 1 week after his second shot. Fortunately his wife was home and called the ambulance. He was taken to Sir Charles Gardiner hospital ; the premier medical centre in Perth. After he was stabilised he was taken to the new Midland hospital , about 13 kilometers from Perth. This hospital is a 50/50 private/government arrangement and he was put on the second floor. All the wards on the second floor were full of stroke victims. He was surprised at how many young people have strokes ( he is 60). In April 2021, I visited a relative everyday for a month on the second floor and the wards were children's wards and wards for elderly people which included elderly stroke victims . When he asked why was he bought to Midland ; he was told that all the best stroke doctors and nurses in Perth were now at the Midland hospital. None of this information is in the public space, however Mark MacGowan did make the inane comment "all our hospitals are full and we don't know why". I imagine Eastern States hospitals have also set up these specialised arrangements for the people with adverse reactions.
It NOT safe I know a friend who took AstraZeneca and Pfizer jab and it stuffed her up, it aggravated her medical issue that was been treated and now the net she's immobile due to adverse reactions!
from my experience is NOT safe for people on long medications as with Pfizer info given to the people administering them, the was no Medical interaction studies performed on it!!!
another got off lightly as these person now have on ongoing nerve pain in their right, leg, chronic rashes and slight droop on their mouth!
this person was pressured into the jab via mandate, the 1st one was Pfizer did more harm than good...
From their experience the cure is worse than the bite!
This is all organized & manipulated by the WEF & Globalist's Elites, in your story about our corrupt Australian Government's purposely participating in their scheme to jab everyone with an ineffective substance causing deaths & injuries, you could've added comments &/or video from Klaus Schwab making comments with others at the WEF meeting to the effect that their intention is to 'depopulate the world' using these jab substances & food shortages ie them controlling all food supplies!
These substances are not vaccines, the legal definition of vaccines is 'it ends up providing immunity' Government's have never proven immunity since this started & now up to the 4th jab with more people dying & with adverse reactions now, Government's have allegedly purposely mislead everyone by using the term 'vaccine' to trick everyone to take an untested Experimental/trial toxin that is now killing & injuring people, this is criminal!
What can we say it’s unbelievable what humanity will go to Satin will stop at nothing jst look at th Holocaust we must phocus on prayer & God
The data is already overwhelmingly supportive of the thousands of experts that repeatedly tried to raise the alarm but were viciously attacked. Those politicians, bureacrats, media, etc, would know this and simply cannot claim they didn't. But with the magnitude of destruction they have caused, imagin having to admit they were wrong, and can we really expect people who lack integrity to do so?
It would be interesting to find out the details of the deal that Greg Hunt did with pfitzer, when he told us that he
bought 150 million doses for Australians. That's 6 for each of us (thanks but no thanks) No wonder they are pushing the boosters.
I saw an interview with Dr Naomi Wolf who has a team of 3000 medical experts and lawyers reviewing the pfizer documents forcibly released by court order. She said the trial data showed waning efficacy and that they always intended to give the population 6 shots. They just never told people that when they rolled it out.