Satanism & the Olympics
Nation First's special guest writer and Australian Senator Ralph Babet outlines why shaking hands with the devil is to normalise evil.
Dear friend,
I will not be watching a single minute of the Olympic Games. Not even the highlights.
Don’t get me wrong, I love sport. But you cannot tell me the Olympic movement is only about sport after watching the degeneracy they served up during the opening ceremony.

Special guest writer and Australian Senator Ralph Babet is not watching the Olympic Games due to the degeneracy shown during the opening ceremony.
Artistic director Thomas Jolly said he aimed to promote “diversity”, but it resulted in indecent and blasphemous displays.
The ceremony mocked Christianity and Western civilisation while promoting gender confusion.
Watching such content normalises evil and perpetuates a satanic agenda, which I refuse to support.
The Paris Games opening ceremony was a display of decadent nihilism, and decent people must vocally refuse to partake in it.
Artistic director Thomas Jolly claimed the four-hour extravaganza was aimed at promoting “diversity”.
He’s the kind of guy who, to borrow a crude but apt expression, will pee on your head and tell you it’s raining.
We used to agree that a guy exposing himself was indecent. Olympic organisers now expect us to smile and call it diversity? Do they think we are idiots?
We once would have called a recreation of the Last Supper using lesbians and men wearing woman-face an act of blasphemy. But today, the International Olympic Committee expects us to applaud and call it inclusive.
Should I laugh, or should I cry?
What I know for sure is that I have way too much self-respect to fall in line with their degeneracy. And you should too.
These people, with agendas that can only be called evil, count on us to simply shrug off the garbage we saw during the opening ceremony and keep watching as if nothing happened.
Sitting through some satanism before the swimming and tolerating some degeneracy before the discus is now expected of us.
But to agree to shake hands with the devil is to normalise evil and to ensure it continues. How, in good conscience, can we do that?
By continuing to watch and consume their content, even as they blatantly tell us how much they hate us, we give them licence to keep going with their satanic agenda.
I know some people will react to my use of the phrase “satanic agenda”. But what else would you call it? Art?
Since when does parading transgenderism and giving the middle finger to Jesus Christ constitute enlightenment?
When you mock Christianity, ridicule Western civilisation, and promote gender confusion to the entire world — all the while insisting it’s a virtuous act of diversity and inclusion — you are evil.
The most astonishing thing is that they were not even attempting to hide it.
People around the world sat with their children to watch the opening ceremony only to be confronted by three gender-neutral-looking weirdos alluding to having a threesome, or as the French like to say, a Ménage à trois.
Not exactly what mum and dad had promised the kids.
Throw in a near-naked pornographic Smurf symbolising Dionysus, the pagan god of drunkenness and Bacchanalian orgies.
A bearded man masquerading as a woman cavorting like a cat on heat dancing and gyrating in front of the table where the Last Supper blasphemy occurred.
A self-described “fat, Jewish, queer, lesbian” who played the part of Jesus and who labelled the performance as the “New Gay Testament” on Instagram.
The head of a golden calf - a direct reference to the historical account in the Book of Exodus where the Israelites, having grown tired of God, created a cow from their gold and worshipped it.
I might add that Moses, when he discovered what the people had done, made them melt the golden calf and drink it.
A pale horse — alluding to the four horsemen of the apocalypse from the Book of Revelation. The pale horse represented war, death and hell.
Using drag queens as torchbearers. God only knows what drag queens have to do with sporting prowess. They are, in reality, a subversion and bastardisation of womanhood.
On and on it went. Not exactly the display of cultural magnificence you hoped your children would enjoy.
That they then raised the Olympic flag upside down was entirely fitting since the entire ceremony was an inversion of all that is good, wholesome and normal.
I love sport, and I love our Australian athletes. I hope they perform well, but I cannot be party to this event.
We need to be vocal about our refusal to partake in it. Enough is enough.
If decent people don’t stand up now, when will we?
The organisers of the Games, and those that share their sordid ideology of decadent nihilism, are literally destroying the West in real-time right in front of our eyes.
The Paris Games opening ceremony was not a celebration of sport, nor did it bring the world together. Instead, woke elites — who, in true fashion, ruin everything they touch — used the ceremony to platform satanic ideas and to insult people of faith the world over.
If good people do not find their voice and push back on this, then I fear our civilisation will soon be lost.
We entrusted the French to hold an event that would bring the world together and that would promote everything wholesome. Instead, they used their privileged position to spread satanic bile and to ridicule the Christian faith.
That performance should not be rewarded with our attention.
— Senator Ralph Babet
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
Best write-up I've seen so far regarding this degenerate display. Thank you senator Babet!
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