Best write-up I've seen so far regarding this degenerate display. Thank you senator Babet!

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Agreed - Senator Babet you have called it out with courage and conviction - I didn't know that even the Olympic Flag was raised upside-down! - thank you so much for this confronting summary.

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Thank you.

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If the opening ceremony offended you email your complaint to pressoffice@olympics.org

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Ok, I'll forward this link to my friends. Thanks

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Thanks senator, totally agree. If the AOC weren't part of the corruption that is the Olympics, we might be able to challenge them to at least raise an objection regarding this filth.

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Great article..I love the Olympics but also refuse to watch it.. any religion should never be mocked.

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I could not agree more. I refuse to watch any sport.

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Totally agree - I will not be watching any of it at all. All decent people should do the same.

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Christians need to stand proud and put an end to this crap.

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Sad,sad,sad to think this could be the work of the Olympic officials denigrating what should be a time of good family viewing. Does it encourage the young to want to take up sport at all with this sort of behaviour!

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I didn't watch it but then I don't enjoy that sport anyway. Sport is more about money now and building yourself up to a level that is not natural without steroids or body building. The introduction was a display of perversity and disgusting to watch.

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I totally agree with you I was discussed with the French they allowed it to happen.

Haven’t gone out of my way to watch it . As long as our Olympic committee doesn’t try that type of crap

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Satan (himself) has overstepped the mark. Not going to watch one minute of the Olympics. I am glad that people have been affronted from all over the world. Is this the 'death' of the Olympics? I saw a clip the other day that countries are not putting up their hand to host upcoming events. As King Solomon said - There is a time and season for everything under the sun'. God has also said in His

Word - 'that He is going to shake all things' - meaning that ALL that is offensive to Him will come down.

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I hope this will be the final downfall of Macron.

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Thank You Ralph

Well said, sadly I too will not watch the olympics as a result of the blasphemy.

What has our Pope got to say?

Why is he silent?

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Good question.

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The artistic director Jolly was consulted by MSM and after their apology he turned round and stated the piece was not about ' The last supper' but the 'Feast of the Olympus Gods' which was a pagan parody of Da Vinci's work. So their apology was meaningless and the act was not about diversity but a direct mockery as was the 'Feast Of The Olympus Gods'.

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Last Supper is epitomised for many by that famous painting which wasn't the actual action Laugh at stupidity of French idea of comedy or joke & feel pity for those whose ideas of comedy differ to others If feeling that your choice of faith is downgraded so too are the authors of this If faith is strong this example will not harm only personal lack of faith will allow it happen Publicity is the danger detracting you with this example So no publicity & refuse to believe in whatever stupid message they are portraying

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