Your interview with Stephen Chavura was really helpful George thank you. I am not sure that the suggestions put forward on how to combat this encroachment are strenuous enough but as yet I have none of my own to offer...

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Thank you for sharing these interviews George. It is so good to hear the truth. There is so much lying out there. I really like Father Lazarus. He is on the ball

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Did Spotify remove all 3 of these segments? I keep getting page not found trying to watch it today 27.5.23

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Thank George, if the WHO was fair dinkum they would try to investigate why Papua new Guinea had so few deaths from covid despite only 4 % vaccination! Population does take ivermectin to combat mosquito borne diseases!

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I really hope One Nation gets to hold some sort of power to keep whoever gets in honest!

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I watched an interview with Mark Latham where he said he was for lockdowns & mandates for mRNA.

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Father Lazerus is equally interesting and again we need further more concrete direction dont ch reckon.

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George the term scarily, really under states your observations.

I know I am prone to be dramatic but doesn’t the adjective terrifying, fit more appropriately here ?

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Does anyone know if there is a share option for the individual radio segments please ?

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You can go direct to https://tntradio.live/shows/the-george-christensen-show/ and share that page?

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Hi George, thank you for your effort to try and rescue this beautiful big island of ours. If you could I would be very interested to hear from someone well qualified, you pick who, to speak about the changing angle of the earth on its axis in relation to the effect of the moon which controls the weather on this planet. This may be the major cause of the climate change that we are witnessing at this time. Thank you.

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If there's any suggestions of experts on this from yourself or other listeners, I'd be interested to know.

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