Hiya George, can you please name the" voice " corporate sycophants supplying the money to gain a "YES" vote, obviously these companies do not deserve my patrionage , they are only interested in dividing the country , so I'm happy to spend my hard earned bucks elsewhere

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George, I just listened to your brilliant interview with Deborah Yuille and it raised the question I have asked several people but haven't yet gotten an answer to. You may or may not know, but in 2016, when No Jab No Pay became law, the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) tried to take an action against it before the High Court because we said it was contravened by several treaties Australia had signed including the Rights of the Child and the Nuremberg Code. We were told that even though Australia had signed these treaties, they were no binding on Australia because we had never enacted legislation requiring us to abide by international treaties (I may have the wrong wording here, but that was the intent). Now, we're being told that the rules laid down by the WHO will be binding. Has something changed or is this simply another case of we will listen to what suits us even if it's not legal? I would love to know if this is something you've looked into? Thanks :-)

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Semi government authorities barely known to public appear to have too much say about problems & organisations that can affect many people in various ways Decisions being made in secrecy then sprung on the unsuspecting public are not welcome subjects but appear to frequently occur. Calls of transparency and integrity are loudly touted but fail to impress with their results Are people meant to be kept in the dark about decisions or is this bureaucracy at its shining best or truth being the sad loser again

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Amen to that !

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Your radio interview’s are appreciated George and no small feat during these days. All the more reason to protect or reclaim, our ability to speak truth to power. To bring that truth to the public square regardless of the cost. And yes what we face really is that, serious.

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Can you please put all your advertising for your radio show etc at the bottom I hardly read what you have to say because it is too hard to find it. thanks. Simone

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I know what you mean bcs when I read this on my iPhone I scroll through the spiel , mentality going blah blah. Well that’s what I do on a not so good day.

But today the sun is shining 🙋‍♀️

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