Same story with our system of governance. I’m wondering if we’ve ever lived in a true democracy. Always the lesser of two evils. What we truly need is a complete paradigm shift. Imagine if our governing bodies actually worked for the good of all instead of the few rich and powerful. What if we cooperated together to achieve this. Whoa. Hold on. That’s going to far….. then you’ve got to beleive that in all our hearts lie true goodwill and a caring for all of life. Jeez. The last famous guy who suggested that got strung up.

Aren’t we all born at the very least with a touch of goodness and a smattering of divine wisdom. Perhaps if that was cultivated maybe ……

Everyone’s out there celebrating a great man who had the temerity to suggest we should live in a loving way. Forgiving others errant behaviour and helping to lift us all up together. Shame we’re just stuck with Santa Claus and a bigger credit card debt to tide us over. Just about everywhere you look we picked the wrong turn.

Yep. Time for a true evolution.

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I think IT’s coming weather we like it or not

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Good article and some additional resources related to it that people will find helpful, including suggested solutions. I do not endorse the ALOR nor agree with their position on a number of things. Their library though has things that are difficult to find elsewhere. I think the one person who really captured how this globalist system works and its intent was the late and great Mr Jeremy Lee Australias foremost expert on the Globalist order. Unfortunately ALOR have removed all his content. I have linked one of his best presentations below with the ALOR library link. I strongly recommend Tragedy and Hope by Carrol Quigley as a definitive treatise on Globalism.



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When ever possible I shop with small businesses. I only ever use cash and this is really telling now in how much ( or how little ) my dollars can purchase.

Good thing I’m on keto . Eating once a day rather than my minimum of three is really paying off. Not to mention the vast improvement in my health.

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Polititians and Corporates in bed together is a form of Facism.

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Money is at the root of all evil& its insidious influence rules our lives in many ways Needing food buying or growing it costs buyer or vendor in some manner Consider items like seeds, fertiliser extra soil, mulch, gardening & stacking shelves , transport &packaging of food,cashier's desk This involves varied forms of employment involving transfer of money in wages meaning that lesser levels of money add value to lives but conversely big companies like banks with plushy offices administrators staff, boards & overseas interests claim a voice that doesn't suit the family man or country and the big stick of wealth wields its power to downgrade the masses therein lies the evil

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a great article. Thank you George

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Yes, The Mates' Yes mate, no mate, 3 bags full mate.

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