Can’t wait for that arrest to happen !!!

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Exposing the machination of Klaus Schwab may help alleviate spread of power but proving his deceits is another matter His influence travels further than openly seen but start has been made to stir other bodies to investigate this insidious creature He should be schwabbed away like the evil monster he is away from public bodies which he seems to rule by stealth Big blow to WEF & its members wh are no better

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Schwab always uses the terms “ they MUST” do this or that, as if he says a country “ MUST” adopt his arrogant edicts, the country MUST obey him. Just because an egocentric person has money does not make them our dictator.

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Karma will get all of them

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Good news

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I can hardly wait to see the documentary.

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Thanks for the post. Yes, the WHO, WEF, Big Pharma, Big Tech, GAVI - and then some! - have taken far too many liberties and stolen millions, if not billions of lives from people. Mind you, these people also gave of their lives because they did not do the proper research and/or they believed blindly and/or they lacked courage to say NO.

However, it's not OK to do what has been done. People weren't really given 'free will' and the indoctrination by schools, governments, MSM and large global organisations were nowhere near balanced (it was just a bunch of lies)!

However, I always find it odd when people say 'goodness must overcome evil' - when they are but two ends of the same scale. Imagine if you got rid of all Darkness in the Universe - and there was only Light left. That is hardly neutral! And it would be blinding and very, very hot!!

Some evilness is therefore always necessary, IMO, and should be countered with a healthy dose of goodness. But to be at one end of the spectrum only...? Pure Goodness, although it sounds wonderful, and is what most religions strive for (Heaven, Nirvana; whatever your belief system) is, IMO, almost as unhealthy as Pure Evilness. Why? Because Balance is lacking. And what is Life but a walk on a tightrope, striving to keep that balance as delicately as we can, every step of the way.

Perhaps if almost all people made it a priority to get in touch with their Shadow side, and used their Free Will to then choose to be better, AWARE people (you know, aware that they have darkness within them, aware that they could kill someone if it came to it, aware that they are being greedy, egotistic, jealous etc), then maybe, just maybe, as a species, we'd have a future. Because how can you change something you are not aware of?? And being aware of your shadow side, but choosing the other side, means darkness is still there, it's just not being adhered to. That is a MUCH more balanced situation. But most people don't do it this way. They put their Shadow side in a box, lock it/pretend it's not there, then pretend that they're Good people, even tell themselves (and others!) that they're a Good person, and go forth in life, wrecking people's happiness all around them (including their own).

I think as a species, we need to slow down, smell the roses, stop listening to the MSM and all this fear-based idiocy, contemplate/reflect on things more and we might surprise ourselves with the end result.

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