PS. Your article is kinda tame compared to your recommendation’s George. I’m just sayin.....

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Hi Kaylene,

Just confirming that this post is not an article but rather links to interviews in my radio show. I hope you're able to access the Spotify links I put here in order to listen to it.

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Well that was quite a show George. I will process n digest….then return.

But for now I can only say, thank you to your guests and of course to you.

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Wait until you listen to this week's show! The first hour will grip you.

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Well its hours later and I'm still digesting George . Soooo good to realise that you and others are on this , so good to have excellent company in the trenches. The stories I could tell ya......

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So much to understand.So little time. Or so it seems , until I remember that God is in control - though He does not, seek to control us .

He created time also.

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Hi George,wondering why I can no longer share your site to Twitter please? Thanks,Sharon.

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Hi Sharon... that's got me bewildered. I know that Twitter and Substack had a bit of a blue a while back. Perhaps it's to do with that. But I still see people sharing it on Twitter so I'm not sure I'm sorry.

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