The elite appear to have won the hearts and minds of gullible climate changers who see only truth in their new beliefs A proposed ridiculous tax on farting cattle to quell evil emissions will decimate cattle industry and subsequent employment. Have these people forgotten what it takes others to provide food to eat ? Not their problem as some enslaved character will cater for their tastes vegan or otherwise regardless of any hidden costs Water control is another aspect with the prevention of further dam building or water storage structures,when that excess liquid may be kept to deflect drought issues. NO! it will move some rare bird reptile frog but surely feeding people is more important Solar panels and wind turbines occupy too much agricultural crop land so no crops no food
Because of my life-long interest in natural healing methods, eg, herbs, I subscribe to some natural medicine newsletters. Imagine my shock yesterday when one of those newsletters from the US featured the American host Stew Peters interviewing an Aussie woman I had not known about, Maria Zeee, and the topic was the CSIRO behaving badly:
I'm sure most Aussies have always thought of the CSIRO as a worthy institution. However this article shows they are involved in some way with
β’ βgain of functionβ research to produce bioweapons β here in Australia!!!
β’ and they have been manipulating the weather for 10 years!!!
Re the weather β there are orchestrated droughts being reported on every other continent, to reduce food supply, not to mention destruction by fire of so many food processing plants in USA or recently the wholesale food market in Paris (not covered in MSM of course). I wonder if the opposite, ie, all the rain and floods, are being orchestrated in our country, to interfere with food production here. My husband spoke this morning to a friend farming on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. There has been so much rain there, that there is something wrong with his crop but he canβt identify it β he sent photos to his agronomist, who said he had never seen anything like it, he was only familiar with dry-land farming diseases, and he would refer it to a colleague with experience in wet-area farming. When did SA ever have problems with too much rain in farming areas, especially Eyre Peninsula??? We were always known as the driest state in the driest (inhabited) continent, indeed we used to export our dry-land farming expertise to Iraq, as I was told by a retired farmer neighbour many years ago.
Both problems are serious, but I suspect the food situation is the most urgent. I have also written to SA senator. What can be done?
George and team. You totally get it. I find it so refreshing when educated and influential people such as pollies and doctors (as opposed to mere social media content creator nobodies) state what we all suspect, express it so well and join the dots. Each time this happens I feel a little less concerned that i may simply be paranoid. Keep up the great work.
Another great informative article from George. There are many front globalist organizations today that are beholden & controlled by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican. There are many important books exposing this Luciferian Globalist Cabal controlled by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican.
And there are many public statements from the ruling political class who have openly and publicly admitted & confessed to this globalist conspiracy or New World Order if you will.
Take note, here is what J. Edgar Hoover the chief head of the FBI warned:
"The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." Let that sink in. This is not just some crack pot or fringe element in society warning the public of a "monstrous conspiracy", this is a prominent U.S. law enforcement official, the head of the powerful FBI making this warning statement. You can do your own research online to see many other statements from other prominent people in government making similar warnings of a monumental conspiracy at work. As a Christian I have personally read hundreds of books on the New World Order over the past 30 years, and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that this monstrous conspiracy is indeed very real, and very terrifying. So real in fact that 30 years of personal research into this subject matter has caused me to develop chronic depression, that's how much impact & toll this research has had on me personally, and I praise the Lord Jesus every day for His healing power to help me confront and overcome my depression. Without the Lord Jesus I would not be alive here today.
Rodney Stich worked for the FAA for many years and wrote a number of books exposing the monumental corruption & conspiracy within the American system of government. Stich personally investigation this corruption & conspiracy exposing the involvement of prominent U.S. politicians & businessmen. In one of his books Stich reveals George Bush Sr. & Bill Clinton involvement in the U.S. Government-CIA drug trade peddling drugs to the predominantly black communities in America.
In his book βDEFRAUDING AMERICAβ, Stich exposes the FBI's involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing terrorist attack carried out on February 26, 1993, detonating a truck bomb below the North Tower using urea nitrateβhydrogen gas, the plan & intention was to explode the North Tower into the South Tower collapsing both in a pile of rubble killing tens of thousands of people. If you want a real personal glimpse into the evil mindset of the Luciferian Global Elite than read this book, go to the link below. It's no wonder Stich has received so many death threats for exposing these evil criminal Luciferian bastards.
For those of you who are Christian will know that the diabolical state of the world today is all warned & predicted in the Holy Bible. And the impending Mark of the Beast will be the final global crisis test, the Great Tribulation Event that will impact ALL of earths inhabitants. A Global SUN-DAY Worship Law will soon be enforced in America at first, & than the whole world. And ALL those who reject-refuse to receive-worship the Mark of the Beast, the Bible warns & predicts in this End-Time:
βno one may buy or sell except one who has the mark.β Revelation 13:17.
This Scripture in Revelation 13:17 is speaking specifically here of a Global Cashless Digital Society.
βAnd he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killedβ (Revelation 13:15).
This Scripture in Revelation 13:15 is speaking specifically here of a Jesuit Vatican Papacy-America-Global Church-State Inquisition.
At this time, the great tribulation begins and the seven last plagues start to fall.
The Jesuit Vatican-America-Church-State Inquisition will soon enforce the Mark of the Beast, a
Global SUN-DAY Worship Law. The only Church on this Earth today that is proclaiming & warning the world about the impending Mark of the Beast, A Global SUN-DAY Worship Law, is the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. God led me to the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ & the SDA Church 23 years ago. I've personally witnessed & experienced from those professing to be Christian the hostility, attacks, wrath against the SDA Church, who unwisely, foolishly, falsely brand the SDA Church as a "cult". I personally believe the hostile Christian critics of the SDA Church are somewhat deceived by the enemy Satan and they don't even know it. That's what Satan does best, he deceives even those who profess to be Christian into attacking and branding as a "cult", those SDA Christians who proclaim the absolute immutable truths in the Word of God in the Bible and the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.
The SDA Church is NOT a cult, but an end-time Remnant Church proclaiming the Three Angels Messages to the whole world, preparing & readying Christians for the imminent glorious Second Coming of our Lord Saviour God Jesus Christ!
The real cults or cultists are those who follow apostate religious systems like the Roman Catholic Church & Jesuit Vatican Papacy, and many other apostate religious systems on earth today, including the Covid-19 pandemic cult, & the Climate-Change cult, they are ALL deceived & led by Satan.
To learn more about the impending Mark of the Beast, go to the link below.
Remember this, the impending Mark of the Beast, IS a Global SUN-DAY Worship Law. This IS the New World Order.
Go to White Horse Media & watch Steve Wohlberg and James Rafferty discuss the current Covid-19 crisis, mask mandates, freedom of choice, and the soon-coming Final Crisis when βno one may buy or sell except one who has the mark.β Revelation 13:17. To discover exactly what the mark of the beast is (based on the Bible), see White Horse Mediaβs pocketbook, Decoding the Mark of the Beast (
My thoughts after doing immense research. I have come to the conclusion like many others that the 5G network is not for us whats so ever. When the do turn some of these towers on, the transmission will react with the graphing oxide in the Vax people bodies and most probably cause instant death. They will only do small areas at a time so as to say there has been an out break of some variant, The unVaxed that survive will be rounded up and put into quarantine for the sake of stopping the spread and then they will be exterminated. They would not be able to turn many of these towers on at the same time as it would cause blackouts. Some of these towers in the UK are boring trees and grass around them, their's a group there checking radiating levels and there off the chart. Get out of the cities. good luck ,
Hey brother Paul, that's awesome, praise God. I was very much influenced by Geoff Youlden like yourself, & other preachers of the Gospel. God used brother Youlden, Kenneth Cox, Steve Wohlberg, Doug Batchelor, Jac Colon, Bill Hughes to open up my heart & lead me to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord Saviour 23 years ago at age 30. The greatest day of my life when I embraced Jesus Christ as my Lord Saviour and was baptized in my local SDA Church here in Townsville. God bless brother.
NOT SURE if it was you George, who introduced us to the little exercise the elites had called "CYBER POLYGON" - obviously about taking down socy. Interesting the way the club of room talks about humans being the enemy - WHAT ARE THEY THEN? This is where people start to really think, especially about other peeps labelled crazy by saying (COLD BLOODED) reptilians are among us, etc. HOMO SAPIENS ???? = I don't think so; not those who are in denial and walking into the cyborg factory like on DR Who. - Lambs to the slaughter. Don't 4get, I think it is something like a third of humanity who are going to be burnt (nuclear war?) as per what the bible says. There is a whole bigger world out there, different to the moronic smiling of actors in advertisements. The default position of humanity is one of suffering - not just this loneliness crap, etc - but real physical suffering.
I gave up on being polite to peeps who stab me in the back or make a mouth at me years ago. You are right but. censorship abounds. JUST REMEMBER - the "Truth will set you free". Love from Scott. :)
Great article and video - thank you. With the fast track of lab grown meat and milk with insect protein ice cream for kids with brain chips in their dumb skulls ....dumb because it if forbidden to teach them to think.... dumb because they are injected and moulded from birth to be distracted from any normal brain development and social education that develops critical thinking for themselves. This must stop soon. Our Lord will not allow it to continue and will intervene. Thank you for being so brave to speak out George and risk the dreadful abuse you must surely receive and the loss of many friends and colleagues I imagine. Godbless you always and give you the continued passion to bring truth to people to help expose these diabolical plots hatched so long ago to keep us slaves at their whim. God have mercy on us all. Our Lady of the Rosary...ora pro nobis. BTW a message to the Christians on this chat who love to attack Traditional Catholic Faith is little known or understood. We are all focused on God's will... judgement is coming for us all so let's forget the Protestant revolt, the FreeMasonic infiltration and 'enlightenment' and unite under Our Lady's Immaculate Heart and join her in silent trust of God's promise to us that we will see Heaven on Earth in Body and Soul and there are no aliens and no other intelligent form of life with body and soul(spirt) in one. We have intelligent life in the universe....yes....they are called angels and demons and you better stay away from the evil spirits as they are lurking in all our homes these days with barely a murmer of the name of Our Lord to frighten them away.... we are being warned and we better start to listen.... you don't have to be a Catholic to say the Holy Rosary in reparation for the sins of the world. Love to all Rx
Safety of Abiding in the Presence of God.
Psalm 91. May God Protect His People In All Walks Of Life. β¨ππππ―π
91 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2 I will say of the Lord, βHe is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.β
3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
4 He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
7 A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
8 Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
9 Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
10 No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
14 βBecause he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
15 He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
And show him My salvation.β Amen. β¨π
The elite appear to have won the hearts and minds of gullible climate changers who see only truth in their new beliefs A proposed ridiculous tax on farting cattle to quell evil emissions will decimate cattle industry and subsequent employment. Have these people forgotten what it takes others to provide food to eat ? Not their problem as some enslaved character will cater for their tastes vegan or otherwise regardless of any hidden costs Water control is another aspect with the prevention of further dam building or water storage structures,when that excess liquid may be kept to deflect drought issues. NO! it will move some rare bird reptile frog but surely feeding people is more important Solar panels and wind turbines occupy too much agricultural crop land so no crops no food
Because of my life-long interest in natural healing methods, eg, herbs, I subscribe to some natural medicine newsletters. Imagine my shock yesterday when one of those newsletters from the US featured the American host Stew Peters interviewing an Aussie woman I had not known about, Maria Zeee, and the topic was the CSIRO behaving badly:
I'm sure most Aussies have always thought of the CSIRO as a worthy institution. However this article shows they are involved in some way with
β’ βgain of functionβ research to produce bioweapons β here in Australia!!!
β’ and they have been manipulating the weather for 10 years!!!
Re the weather β there are orchestrated droughts being reported on every other continent, to reduce food supply, not to mention destruction by fire of so many food processing plants in USA or recently the wholesale food market in Paris (not covered in MSM of course). I wonder if the opposite, ie, all the rain and floods, are being orchestrated in our country, to interfere with food production here. My husband spoke this morning to a friend farming on the Eyre Peninsula in South Australia. There has been so much rain there, that there is something wrong with his crop but he canβt identify it β he sent photos to his agronomist, who said he had never seen anything like it, he was only familiar with dry-land farming diseases, and he would refer it to a colleague with experience in wet-area farming. When did SA ever have problems with too much rain in farming areas, especially Eyre Peninsula??? We were always known as the driest state in the driest (inhabited) continent, indeed we used to export our dry-land farming expertise to Iraq, as I was told by a retired farmer neighbour many years ago.
Both problems are serious, but I suspect the food situation is the most urgent. I have also written to SA senator. What can be done?
George and team. You totally get it. I find it so refreshing when educated and influential people such as pollies and doctors (as opposed to mere social media content creator nobodies) state what we all suspect, express it so well and join the dots. Each time this happens I feel a little less concerned that i may simply be paranoid. Keep up the great work.
Another great informative article from George. There are many front globalist organizations today that are beholden & controlled by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican. There are many important books exposing this Luciferian Globalist Cabal controlled by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican.
And there are many public statements from the ruling political class who have openly and publicly admitted & confessed to this globalist conspiracy or New World Order if you will.
Take note, here is what J. Edgar Hoover the chief head of the FBI warned:
"The individual comes face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind has not come to a realisation of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent." Let that sink in. This is not just some crack pot or fringe element in society warning the public of a "monstrous conspiracy", this is a prominent U.S. law enforcement official, the head of the powerful FBI making this warning statement. You can do your own research online to see many other statements from other prominent people in government making similar warnings of a monumental conspiracy at work. As a Christian I have personally read hundreds of books on the New World Order over the past 30 years, and there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that this monstrous conspiracy is indeed very real, and very terrifying. So real in fact that 30 years of personal research into this subject matter has caused me to develop chronic depression, that's how much impact & toll this research has had on me personally, and I praise the Lord Jesus every day for His healing power to help me confront and overcome my depression. Without the Lord Jesus I would not be alive here today.
Rodney Stich worked for the FAA for many years and wrote a number of books exposing the monumental corruption & conspiracy within the American system of government. Stich personally investigation this corruption & conspiracy exposing the involvement of prominent U.S. politicians & businessmen. In one of his books Stich reveals George Bush Sr. & Bill Clinton involvement in the U.S. Government-CIA drug trade peddling drugs to the predominantly black communities in America.
In his book βDEFRAUDING AMERICAβ, Stich exposes the FBI's involvement in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing terrorist attack carried out on February 26, 1993, detonating a truck bomb below the North Tower using urea nitrateβhydrogen gas, the plan & intention was to explode the North Tower into the South Tower collapsing both in a pile of rubble killing tens of thousands of people. If you want a real personal glimpse into the evil mindset of the Luciferian Global Elite than read this book, go to the link below. It's no wonder Stich has received so many death threats for exposing these evil criminal Luciferian bastards.
For those of you who are Christian will know that the diabolical state of the world today is all warned & predicted in the Holy Bible. And the impending Mark of the Beast will be the final global crisis test, the Great Tribulation Event that will impact ALL of earths inhabitants. A Global SUN-DAY Worship Law will soon be enforced in America at first, & than the whole world. And ALL those who reject-refuse to receive-worship the Mark of the Beast, the Bible warns & predicts in this End-Time:
βno one may buy or sell except one who has the mark.β Revelation 13:17.
This Scripture in Revelation 13:17 is speaking specifically here of a Global Cashless Digital Society.
βAnd he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killedβ (Revelation 13:15).
This Scripture in Revelation 13:15 is speaking specifically here of a Jesuit Vatican Papacy-America-Global Church-State Inquisition.
At this time, the great tribulation begins and the seven last plagues start to fall.
The Jesuit Vatican-America-Church-State Inquisition will soon enforce the Mark of the Beast, a
Global SUN-DAY Worship Law. The only Church on this Earth today that is proclaiming & warning the world about the impending Mark of the Beast, A Global SUN-DAY Worship Law, is the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. God led me to the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ & the SDA Church 23 years ago. I've personally witnessed & experienced from those professing to be Christian the hostility, attacks, wrath against the SDA Church, who unwisely, foolishly, falsely brand the SDA Church as a "cult". I personally believe the hostile Christian critics of the SDA Church are somewhat deceived by the enemy Satan and they don't even know it. That's what Satan does best, he deceives even those who profess to be Christian into attacking and branding as a "cult", those SDA Christians who proclaim the absolute immutable truths in the Word of God in the Bible and the Gospel Message of Jesus Christ.
The SDA Church is NOT a cult, but an end-time Remnant Church proclaiming the Three Angels Messages to the whole world, preparing & readying Christians for the imminent glorious Second Coming of our Lord Saviour God Jesus Christ!
The real cults or cultists are those who follow apostate religious systems like the Roman Catholic Church & Jesuit Vatican Papacy, and many other apostate religious systems on earth today, including the Covid-19 pandemic cult, & the Climate-Change cult, they are ALL deceived & led by Satan.
To learn more about the impending Mark of the Beast, go to the link below.
Remember this, the impending Mark of the Beast, IS a Global SUN-DAY Worship Law. This IS the New World Order.
Go to White Horse Media & watch Steve Wohlberg and James Rafferty discuss the current Covid-19 crisis, mask mandates, freedom of choice, and the soon-coming Final Crisis when βno one may buy or sell except one who has the mark.β Revelation 13:17. To discover exactly what the mark of the beast is (based on the Bible), see White Horse Mediaβs pocketbook, Decoding the Mark of the Beast (
Affirmation of the Disciple
βI am a point of light within a greater light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love Divine.
I am a Temple of the Sacred Golden Flame, focused within the fiery Will of God.
And thus, I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of Golden Light, shining upon their way.
And thus, I stand.
And standing thus, revolve
And tread this way the ways of men
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.β ππ»ππ
Thanks George. Great reporting as always ππ½
My thoughts after doing immense research. I have come to the conclusion like many others that the 5G network is not for us whats so ever. When the do turn some of these towers on, the transmission will react with the graphing oxide in the Vax people bodies and most probably cause instant death. They will only do small areas at a time so as to say there has been an out break of some variant, The unVaxed that survive will be rounded up and put into quarantine for the sake of stopping the spread and then they will be exterminated. They would not be able to turn many of these towers on at the same time as it would cause blackouts. Some of these towers in the UK are boring trees and grass around them, their's a group there checking radiating levels and there off the chart. Get out of the cities. good luck ,
thanks George, good work.
Good stuff. Keep it up.
Knowledge is power, would be interesting to consider the most effective ways, how it can be used to effect actual change.
Hey brother Paul, that's awesome, praise God. I was very much influenced by Geoff Youlden like yourself, & other preachers of the Gospel. God used brother Youlden, Kenneth Cox, Steve Wohlberg, Doug Batchelor, Jac Colon, Bill Hughes to open up my heart & lead me to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord Saviour 23 years ago at age 30. The greatest day of my life when I embraced Jesus Christ as my Lord Saviour and was baptized in my local SDA Church here in Townsville. God bless brother.
Hi Paul, praise the Lord brother, God bless you too.
NOT SURE if it was you George, who introduced us to the little exercise the elites had called "CYBER POLYGON" - obviously about taking down socy. Interesting the way the club of room talks about humans being the enemy - WHAT ARE THEY THEN? This is where people start to really think, especially about other peeps labelled crazy by saying (COLD BLOODED) reptilians are among us, etc. HOMO SAPIENS ???? = I don't think so; not those who are in denial and walking into the cyborg factory like on DR Who. - Lambs to the slaughter. Don't 4get, I think it is something like a third of humanity who are going to be burnt (nuclear war?) as per what the bible says. There is a whole bigger world out there, different to the moronic smiling of actors in advertisements. The default position of humanity is one of suffering - not just this loneliness crap, etc - but real physical suffering.
Don't mention suffering, judgement or Hell gets you banned in polite society these days.
I gave up on being polite to peeps who stab me in the back or make a mouth at me years ago. You are right but. censorship abounds. JUST REMEMBER - the "Truth will set you free". Love from Scott. :)
Affirmation of the Disciple
βI am a point of light within a greater light.
I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of Love Divine.
I am a Temple of the Sacred Golden Flame, focused within the fiery Will of God.
And thus, I stand.
I am a way by which men may achieve.
I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.
I am a beam of Golden Light, shining upon their way.
And thus, I stand.
And standing thus, revolve
And tread this way the ways of men
And know the ways of God.
And thus I stand.β
Great article and video - thank you. With the fast track of lab grown meat and milk with insect protein ice cream for kids with brain chips in their dumb skulls ....dumb because it if forbidden to teach them to think.... dumb because they are injected and moulded from birth to be distracted from any normal brain development and social education that develops critical thinking for themselves. This must stop soon. Our Lord will not allow it to continue and will intervene. Thank you for being so brave to speak out George and risk the dreadful abuse you must surely receive and the loss of many friends and colleagues I imagine. Godbless you always and give you the continued passion to bring truth to people to help expose these diabolical plots hatched so long ago to keep us slaves at their whim. God have mercy on us all. Our Lady of the Rosary...ora pro nobis. BTW a message to the Christians on this chat who love to attack Traditional Catholic Faith is little known or understood. We are all focused on God's will... judgement is coming for us all so let's forget the Protestant revolt, the FreeMasonic infiltration and 'enlightenment' and unite under Our Lady's Immaculate Heart and join her in silent trust of God's promise to us that we will see Heaven on Earth in Body and Soul and there are no aliens and no other intelligent form of life with body and soul(spirt) in one. We have intelligent life in the universe....yes....they are called angels and demons and you better stay away from the evil spirits as they are lurking in all our homes these days with barely a murmer of the name of Our Lord to frighten them away.... we are being warned and we better start to listen.... you don't have to be a Catholic to say the Holy Rosary in reparation for the sins of the world. Love to all Rx
I meant to say burning trees not boring trees typo sorry
You cant be serious!