Thank you George I have been preparing for this for some years now but the Pandemic was a surprise. I was expecting War with Russia then Donald Trump won the election. Now I see the Democrats are progressing with their War plans as the Emerging Multi-Polar World Order is set to surpass the US Empire of Lies. I'm afraid all of Klaus Schwab, and Prince Charles plans are going to come tumbling down around their ears. All be it in the form of a Kalibr Missile or a Poseidon Nuclear Tsunami Torpedo. President Putin seems convinced when he said Nothing can stop the Liberal World Order from collapsing and the Multi-Polar World Order replacing it. Where true Peace. prosperity and Democracy will replace the US so called Rules based Order which everyone except the US is forced to obey haha Have you heard of Greg Hunter on USA I think you should touch base with him and do an interview on his program. You could talk about your experience at the Vatican exorcism Course, the Evil times we find ourselves in and how you've become one of Australia's leading Freedom Warriors. You can plug your Nation First News site and also speak out about the vaccines and mandates which are still having an effect on our community. I still can't visit my eldest son who fell through the cracks and is serving time Risdon Prison. Not unless I have 2 doses of the Death Vax. Well just a though George I enjoy your work so thank you and God Bless you too and keep you strong doing his work or Calling people to wake up in these Biblical Times.
The young men of this world are one of the largest groups of victims from this madness. Their very identity as 'men' has been attacked all their lives. Young boys now are constantly on 'suspension' for just being 'boys'. These perverts who talk about being 'nice' and 'kind' to one another need a good round with a couple of real men in a boxing ring. Prayers for your son that he may gain from the experience of enforced solitude and find peace outside the material world.
Hi George, I am posting this address . This is Roman from 'The Epoch Times" interviewing a Dutch MP regarding the farmers protest. In a later interview Roman shows that Australia has also signed up to this starvation program. What is not being said is that there is a genocidal program in play. However first they are going to take your money before your demise.
I sit back I watch these clowns year after year slowly remove bit by bit our life pleasure’s whilst they themselves increase theirs whilst destroying our great country. I believe we must have a judicial system that prosecutes politicians for destroying Australia and our economy It’s a shocking case of mismanagement at all levels. By taking away from us they are actually showing us how well we can sustain without all the over seas interference. Now us the time to implement changes to voting system. Remove the two party preferred basis. Remove anyone who has no proven success in running a. Large profitable corporation. But importantly remove life long pensions for those who helped bring our country heterodoxy under false misleading fear mongering lies. Arrest those who are claiming the next pandemic is coming . They must be part of the lie to call that. Arrest anyone who prints false news articles. They have misappropriated tax payer money to push agendas not good for our economy. I refuse to acknowledge any of their rubbish. Never done a flu test never taken a vaxx and never brought into the fear Morrison and his criminal cartel mates tried to con us with. It’s time to demand better leadership If climate change is so bad why r they still building on waterfronts Why are they still flying in jets and what is generating the power to mine lithium. Refuse their format of politics it’s so destructive it’s shameful
Thank you George for your candid information. It gives me hope that perhaps those who know the truth of what's going on, may be able to save themselves and their families. I pray so anyway. I look forward to reading about how to secure our future. I have been aware of the shenanigans going on since the early 80's but so far, very few have the answers we need to change the status quo or how to prepare and shield from the storm. I used to be a 'tin foil hat' wearer haha... but not now ;)
This is uncomfortably close. According to this film director Frank Jacob there is an explosion of Information INTENSITY (ANYONE else notice the new key word being used 'intensity'. My husband reports hearing it being used in last nights Rugby SofO and it caught his attention is being so incredibly stupid. This high INTENTSITY of NET CHATTER is a concern because it has never been this high,.... 9/11 and the GFC were the last two high Inf Int. but this polarises what happened then . We'll know soon enough I guess and wish you all a good ride on the roller coaster to come. Rx
Australia has had a bubble economy for years. This has been fueled by massive,shortsighted resource extraction for export and a shamelessly bloated immigration policy.
The most obvious bubble is the housing sector fueled by minimal interest rates,government subsidies and the contrived population explosion. The fall is historically inevitable and long overdue.
The culprits in this ponzi scheme,the developers and their local government entourage,the typically near sighted political class and their advisors and the complacent and willfully ignorant citizenry will not,in the main, suffer the deserved consequences.
The bunnies in the spotlight will be the holders of inflated mortgages on their McBoxes all made out of ticky tacky. There will be the usual flow on effects.
If it wasn't for these (comparitive) innocents it would be easy to succumb to the sin of Schadenfreude.
I just read the qld tennants laws to be activated on oct 1. Wow landlords are copping it big time. There’s more to come next year. Don’t be surprised if I’m time tennants can make a claim of shares in your rental property cos it’s their money paying it off. Remember you will own nothing and be happy by 2030
Thank you George I have been preparing for this for some years now but the Pandemic was a surprise. I was expecting War with Russia then Donald Trump won the election. Now I see the Democrats are progressing with their War plans as the Emerging Multi-Polar World Order is set to surpass the US Empire of Lies. I'm afraid all of Klaus Schwab, and Prince Charles plans are going to come tumbling down around their ears. All be it in the form of a Kalibr Missile or a Poseidon Nuclear Tsunami Torpedo. President Putin seems convinced when he said Nothing can stop the Liberal World Order from collapsing and the Multi-Polar World Order replacing it. Where true Peace. prosperity and Democracy will replace the US so called Rules based Order which everyone except the US is forced to obey haha Have you heard of Greg Hunter on USA I think you should touch base with him and do an interview on his program. You could talk about your experience at the Vatican exorcism Course, the Evil times we find ourselves in and how you've become one of Australia's leading Freedom Warriors. You can plug your Nation First News site and also speak out about the vaccines and mandates which are still having an effect on our community. I still can't visit my eldest son who fell through the cracks and is serving time Risdon Prison. Not unless I have 2 doses of the Death Vax. Well just a though George I enjoy your work so thank you and God Bless you too and keep you strong doing his work or Calling people to wake up in these Biblical Times.
The young men of this world are one of the largest groups of victims from this madness. Their very identity as 'men' has been attacked all their lives. Young boys now are constantly on 'suspension' for just being 'boys'. These perverts who talk about being 'nice' and 'kind' to one another need a good round with a couple of real men in a boxing ring. Prayers for your son that he may gain from the experience of enforced solitude and find peace outside the material world.
Hi George, I am posting this address . This is Roman from 'The Epoch Times" interviewing a Dutch MP regarding the farmers protest. In a later interview Roman shows that Australia has also signed up to this starvation program. What is not being said is that there is a genocidal program in play. However first they are going to take your money before your demise.
Check out this great video from Dr Yeadon. The jabs would never work on aged folk as their immune systems are too degraded and Big Pharma new this. There is only one conclusion.
Amazing link....thank you.
and Happy New Year .
I sit back I watch these clowns year after year slowly remove bit by bit our life pleasure’s whilst they themselves increase theirs whilst destroying our great country. I believe we must have a judicial system that prosecutes politicians for destroying Australia and our economy It’s a shocking case of mismanagement at all levels. By taking away from us they are actually showing us how well we can sustain without all the over seas interference. Now us the time to implement changes to voting system. Remove the two party preferred basis. Remove anyone who has no proven success in running a. Large profitable corporation. But importantly remove life long pensions for those who helped bring our country heterodoxy under false misleading fear mongering lies. Arrest those who are claiming the next pandemic is coming . They must be part of the lie to call that. Arrest anyone who prints false news articles. They have misappropriated tax payer money to push agendas not good for our economy. I refuse to acknowledge any of their rubbish. Never done a flu test never taken a vaxx and never brought into the fear Morrison and his criminal cartel mates tried to con us with. It’s time to demand better leadership If climate change is so bad why r they still building on waterfronts Why are they still flying in jets and what is generating the power to mine lithium. Refuse their format of politics it’s so destructive it’s shameful
Thank you George for your candid information. It gives me hope that perhaps those who know the truth of what's going on, may be able to save themselves and their families. I pray so anyway. I look forward to reading about how to secure our future. I have been aware of the shenanigans going on since the early 80's but so far, very few have the answers we need to change the status quo or how to prepare and shield from the storm. I used to be a 'tin foil hat' wearer haha... but not now ;)
This is uncomfortably close. According to this film director Frank Jacob there is an explosion of Information INTENSITY (ANYONE else notice the new key word being used 'intensity'. My husband reports hearing it being used in last nights Rugby SofO and it caught his attention is being so incredibly stupid. This high INTENTSITY of NET CHATTER is a concern because it has never been this high,.... 9/11 and the GFC were the last two high Inf Int. but this polarises what happened then . We'll know soon enough I guess and wish you all a good ride on the roller coaster to come. Rx
Australia has had a bubble economy for years. This has been fueled by massive,shortsighted resource extraction for export and a shamelessly bloated immigration policy.
The most obvious bubble is the housing sector fueled by minimal interest rates,government subsidies and the contrived population explosion. The fall is historically inevitable and long overdue.
The culprits in this ponzi scheme,the developers and their local government entourage,the typically near sighted political class and their advisors and the complacent and willfully ignorant citizenry will not,in the main, suffer the deserved consequences.
The bunnies in the spotlight will be the holders of inflated mortgages on their McBoxes all made out of ticky tacky. There will be the usual flow on effects.
If it wasn't for these (comparitive) innocents it would be easy to succumb to the sin of Schadenfreude.
All true and correct. Wish others would get informed.
George maybe the government can lay off been so reckless with their cloud seeding enabled by their Rain Control act in force since 1967!!!
Used cautiously good for drought and bushfires!!!
Used improperly this unseasonably wet wild weather could be the end result!!!
They can blame gas and coal all they want!!!
But the excessive use of this technology by the government seems to be cause!
Hi George, just found movie from 2014 which got Rik Mayall killed. Explains into much detail what's happening. One by one.
I just read the qld tennants laws to be activated on oct 1. Wow landlords are copping it big time. There’s more to come next year. Don’t be surprised if I’m time tennants can make a claim of shares in your rental property cos it’s their money paying it off. Remember you will own nothing and be happy by 2030