Hi George - you mentioned that evil Yuval Noah Harari in this post. I just want to tell you that I found a children's book in Big W on Saturday that is written by him. It's called 'UNSTOPPABLE US - volume 1 - HOW HUMANS TOOK OVER THE WORLD'.
I was flawed when I found it and took a photo of it. We have to do something to get this filthy evil off the shelves and away from the children of the world.
Each of us is unique Somewhere unseen we were silently wrought to a definite pattern unaided for nine months yet finally appeared as the expected human being when time elapsed Who or what decides this mystery is unexplainable as it happens the choice is not ours to be born at a set time location or of certain skin colour There is within each of us a special nucleus that no other has been given that has to be nurtured and protected for when this lifetime human body dies then that unique nucleus must return to the unknown donor Remember that its something to protect and fight for always keeping better principles in mind and offering hands up not hands out to others as we travel the same life's path with same ending for all
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20
Besides being informed and aware of the evil that is being perpetrated please do not lose sight of the absolute truth that Jesus has paid the price for us to rise in the authority we have been given and that principalities and powers are under His feet and we are heirs with Him.
Bill Johnson in his book “The Mind of God” reminds us:
“Either we make an impact on the world around us, or it makes an impact on us” and,
“Whenever we have a conviction about the last days that wrongly affects our commitment and hope for fulfilling our assignment, then we have given that conviction the wrong place in our hearts”
Bill’s desire is to help us understand our assignment to “take the good news of the Kingdom to every people group in the world”
That is surely right George. It is getting harder to know what the truth is because we are bombarded with so much. The self is important but what good is it when you have lost your soul. The simple life is one which could be sought but very hard to attain. I used to say to my father as a child , ‘why can’t things just be simple instead of always complicated’ and he said ‘because they (probably being govt etc )find it too hard ‘. Sounded like a contradiction in terms but the meaning was there just the same.
Hi George - you mentioned that evil Yuval Noah Harari in this post. I just want to tell you that I found a children's book in Big W on Saturday that is written by him. It's called 'UNSTOPPABLE US - volume 1 - HOW HUMANS TOOK OVER THE WORLD'.
I was flawed when I found it and took a photo of it. We have to do something to get this filthy evil off the shelves and away from the children of the world.
Love what you shared today and the signs are all there for all to see! It’s only our faith in God that will see us though!🙏🏻
Each of us is unique Somewhere unseen we were silently wrought to a definite pattern unaided for nine months yet finally appeared as the expected human being when time elapsed Who or what decides this mystery is unexplainable as it happens the choice is not ours to be born at a set time location or of certain skin colour There is within each of us a special nucleus that no other has been given that has to be nurtured and protected for when this lifetime human body dies then that unique nucleus must return to the unknown donor Remember that its something to protect and fight for always keeping better principles in mind and offering hands up not hands out to others as we travel the same life's path with same ending for all
Blessings, George!
Good to be reminded about the last hour... The Lamb wins!
All of creation can raise a fist or turn it's back on the Almighty Lord God Creator,
but only to it's own destruction and damnation. Psalm 2.
Better by far to repent and accept His mercy now.
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20
What is the Mark of the Beast in these End times ? - Steve Wohlberg
GOD is all there is ! There is nothing else !
To deny our creator is to live a lie and follow the lies of men.
The truth is found in GOD's word which exposes lies and those who lie. Liars, hate being exposed and who exposes them.
Our spirit is eternal and we are given a choice, choose wisely, for what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet loose his soul.
It is better to stand with GOD and be judged by the world than to stand with the world and be judged by GOD.
We are all sinners and have but one saving grace, His name is Christ JESUS.
Besides being informed and aware of the evil that is being perpetrated please do not lose sight of the absolute truth that Jesus has paid the price for us to rise in the authority we have been given and that principalities and powers are under His feet and we are heirs with Him.
Bill Johnson in his book “The Mind of God” reminds us:
“Either we make an impact on the world around us, or it makes an impact on us” and,
“Whenever we have a conviction about the last days that wrongly affects our commitment and hope for fulfilling our assignment, then we have given that conviction the wrong place in our hearts”
Bill’s desire is to help us understand our assignment to “take the good news of the Kingdom to every people group in the world”
Very wise words, thank you Bill Johnson
That is surely right George. It is getting harder to know what the truth is because we are bombarded with so much. The self is important but what good is it when you have lost your soul. The simple life is one which could be sought but very hard to attain. I used to say to my father as a child , ‘why can’t things just be simple instead of always complicated’ and he said ‘because they (probably being govt etc )find it too hard ‘. Sounded like a contradiction in terms but the meaning was there just the same.