This is not our time for answers but they will, come. This is our time to support those who are speaking out....and to pray..... a lot. Blessings to you.
So it would appear the hammer is close to falling....Well I pray it FALLS ASAP. Enough of this bullshit. Enough already.
But our poor excuse for a grubberment, now recommending a fifth jab. Apparently this next lot is so much more potent. So I pray more arre waking up to this bullshit.
Thank you George for all you are doing. God Bless you and yours.
Again in many ways are we being coerced and censored about health deals,climate change money transactions personal traits and ideas and are being told that we are absorbing misinformation unless its theirs By whose standards and for what aim is never fully explained These shadowy creatures whose desire to own the planet and its inhabitants have no place in world harmony yet seem able to convince many that they are the born leaders thus attracting followers who have forgotten to think for themselves and meekly tag along Big Pharma appears to view everything from a financial point of view without bothering about final results to patients or users of their products Bad Karma for Big Pharma?
With NSW elections on the horizon perhaps now is the time to begin the clean out and clean up campaign of those who hold power in and over our Government ? Big pharma is the tip of the iceberg and we can no longer claim ignorance.
Yeah, but to do that, we'd need to get rid of 90% of the candidates that are running!! :-D
The corruption level is probably that bad. But I don't think getting rid of most of the candidates is a bad thing. I don't want to vote for most of them anyway. And given the dodgy ones are only looking after their mates and their own back, it's not like most of them are WORTH voting for anyway, no matter how Cheshire-like their smiles or how much they pretend to want to help your hip pocket...
With that in mind Lyle Shelton is running as an Independent . It would be good to have someone like him in the Upper House. His book I Kid You Not is a partial bio I reckon .
Then please please be more than........ fine. If we do not support them actively then where does that leave them , our children and our Nation . Yours is a good strong voice - dont let it go to waste?
Thanks Kaylene, but I'm not interested in getting involved with politics per se. The role of our parliamentarians is to stand up for the public, their constituents; the everyday Australians. Their opinion doesn't actually matter - so long as they vote in the way their constituents would.
I couldn't care less who my local MP was so long as they LISTENED to the community and voted the way the public wanted them to. In many way,s a robot would do a far superior job to most MPs! :-(
If I had my way, I'd totally shake up parliament, get rid of parties altogether, make it fixed terms and have every adult in Australia able to be called up for Parliamentary Duty, just like Jury Duty, and they'd have to do a 6 month F/T course or 1y P/T course on parliamentary duties first - you know, so they actually KNOW what they're doing when they start work!
What we've got now can be good, but it doesn't work because people abuse the system.
Since I can't trust anyone in parliament anymore, and haven't been able to for years, the last thing I'd be doing right now is actively supporting a politician. I am OK to sign petitions, write emails & attend rallies - but handing out leaflets, door-knocking and all those things are not my cup of tea right now.
I've done so much helping in my job as a Chiropractor for 16 years. I've also written Chiropractic papers. I'm writing books now, too. I've helped in other jobs including public service jobs. I've been kind. I've volunteered for all sorts of things. And none of it makes much difference in the end because people are still...people.
We need to bring back Philosophy in school, at least 2 sessions a week. From kindergarten! Get them THINKING. Get them asking QUESTIONS. We need give our kids a future!
The system we've got now is rotten to the core and I don't think it's worth saving. Although it might actually be savable, it's not up to me to save it: it's up to everyone. I've done SO much to make the world a better place in my 44 years and I feel like I've achieved almost nothing, Kaylene. I still help out on a daily basis, but we need other people helping, not just the handful of us that feel like they're running on empty most of the time because we're busy holding everyone and everything else up!!
Why can’t this be used as evidence for their lies why do they bring this up and still getaway with putting us through more bs
Of killer vaxes and fake disease and hurting animals as well when is enough enough ?
This is not our time for answers but they will, come. This is our time to support those who are speaking out....and to pray..... a lot. Blessings to you.
I pray the gig is up for Pfizer. With the Thai government thinking about making their contract with pfizer null and void, due to the princess now in a coma since the third jab. And now a court in the UK found Bourla guilty re harm being done to kids from the jabs :
So it would appear the hammer is close to falling....Well I pray it FALLS ASAP. Enough of this bullshit. Enough already.
But our poor excuse for a grubberment, now recommending a fifth jab. Apparently this next lot is so much more potent. So I pray more arre waking up to this bullshit.
Thank you George for all you are doing. God Bless you and yours.
George, I think this article about the Thai Kings daughter going into a coma after 3rd Pfizer jab is more interesting...
Again in many ways are we being coerced and censored about health deals,climate change money transactions personal traits and ideas and are being told that we are absorbing misinformation unless its theirs By whose standards and for what aim is never fully explained These shadowy creatures whose desire to own the planet and its inhabitants have no place in world harmony yet seem able to convince many that they are the born leaders thus attracting followers who have forgotten to think for themselves and meekly tag along Big Pharma appears to view everything from a financial point of view without bothering about final results to patients or users of their products Bad Karma for Big Pharma?
With NSW elections on the horizon perhaps now is the time to begin the clean out and clean up campaign of those who hold power in and over our Government ? Big pharma is the tip of the iceberg and we can no longer claim ignorance.
Yeah, but to do that, we'd need to get rid of 90% of the candidates that are running!! :-D
The corruption level is probably that bad. But I don't think getting rid of most of the candidates is a bad thing. I don't want to vote for most of them anyway. And given the dodgy ones are only looking after their mates and their own back, it's not like most of them are WORTH voting for anyway, no matter how Cheshire-like their smiles or how much they pretend to want to help your hip pocket...
With that in mind Lyle Shelton is running as an Independent . It would be good to have someone like him in the Upper House. His book I Kid You Not is a partial bio I reckon .
I'm fine with anyone in parliament who actually stands up for their constituents!
Then please please be more than........ fine. If we do not support them actively then where does that leave them , our children and our Nation . Yours is a good strong voice - dont let it go to waste?
Thanks Kaylene, but I'm not interested in getting involved with politics per se. The role of our parliamentarians is to stand up for the public, their constituents; the everyday Australians. Their opinion doesn't actually matter - so long as they vote in the way their constituents would.
I couldn't care less who my local MP was so long as they LISTENED to the community and voted the way the public wanted them to. In many way,s a robot would do a far superior job to most MPs! :-(
If I had my way, I'd totally shake up parliament, get rid of parties altogether, make it fixed terms and have every adult in Australia able to be called up for Parliamentary Duty, just like Jury Duty, and they'd have to do a 6 month F/T course or 1y P/T course on parliamentary duties first - you know, so they actually KNOW what they're doing when they start work!
What we've got now can be good, but it doesn't work because people abuse the system.
Since I can't trust anyone in parliament anymore, and haven't been able to for years, the last thing I'd be doing right now is actively supporting a politician. I am OK to sign petitions, write emails & attend rallies - but handing out leaflets, door-knocking and all those things are not my cup of tea right now.
I've done so much helping in my job as a Chiropractor for 16 years. I've also written Chiropractic papers. I'm writing books now, too. I've helped in other jobs including public service jobs. I've been kind. I've volunteered for all sorts of things. And none of it makes much difference in the end because people are still...people.
We need to bring back Philosophy in school, at least 2 sessions a week. From kindergarten! Get them THINKING. Get them asking QUESTIONS. We need give our kids a future!
The system we've got now is rotten to the core and I don't think it's worth saving. Although it might actually be savable, it's not up to me to save it: it's up to everyone. I've done SO much to make the world a better place in my 44 years and I feel like I've achieved almost nothing, Kaylene. I still help out on a daily basis, but we need other people helping, not just the handful of us that feel like they're running on empty most of the time because we're busy holding everyone and everything else up!!
May God continue to bless you and those you love . May He soothe us all - with His love.