Typo alert: I meant US commentator Alex Jones and not the great Australian commentator Alan Jones! Corrected now.

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Frightening concepts that are reaching into every aspect of our lives, but still the majority of people have neither heard of Klaus nor The Great Reset. While the elites have been pushing such agendas for millennia it would seem that the masses are slow to arise from their slumber despite the “in your face” clues given each day.

Our governments are running amok, our children threatened, our national security compromised, our industrial competitiveness flattened, our elderly and vulnerable forgotten, our national economy hopeless, our construction sector in tatters, our law is not order, profligacy is the new norm, lies about everything seem to prosper the wicked, the family and morality is on the way out, free speech is finished and we live under a corporatised medical tyranny that is doing it’s best to exterminate pretty much most of us.. I could go on and on...

How can people not see what is right in front of them? It’s a terrible thing to say, but I sometimes wonder if the wilfully blind are just as greater threat as those peddlers of this “reset.”

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You leave it right until the end of your article to to say - and we must never let these globalists take control. So glad you finally said it George.

Thank you.

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The problem with the world is too many dickheads organising all this rubbish!!

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Klaus Schwab he wants depopulation of earth but we are not going this always we are victorious and we don't bend on Klaus Schwab the WEF the UN and the WHO. We always despise the UN, WEF and the WHO.

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Considering that a copy of Schwab's book was sent to every politician in the country, as well as other prominent movers/shakers, why is it that our governments (both State & Federal) are seemingly going along with this terrifying, dystopian agenda?

Do the 'powers that be' assume that their families and friends, their children, will be spared somehow?

Do politicians believe that the makers and enforcers of the new normal will be exempt from the consequences of their WEF/UN complicit choices?

Is there any 'wake up' from this incredible nightmare?

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Without doubt covid provided a platform for questionable people to gain,or to manufacture authority to which they are not entitled except within their own minds and will try manipulating every weapon good or bad that will endorse their aim and ruthlessly achieve their target Is there no end to this global search for power, greed and trouble making

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The UN embraces awkward "friends" in WEF and CO and expecting us to endorse their outlook on everything Many countries ambassadors don't seem able to grasp much of what is being promoted as raising the planet's economy and way of living so vote along with the rest that being easier When will Australia take less notice of this inept body and stand up more for us. UN does have some worthy qualities but that doesn't apply to all peoples

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