I really appreciated your message George and sent it to share with my son in interstate! We are truly blest to have the Lord in our lives and know even though there is so much evil in the world we have Jesus 🙏🏻

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Spot on George! Very well said, thankyou!

Hope is just wishful thinking...Faith however is 'the substance of things hoped for'... the substance is the child King born this day, who rose from the grave, witnessed by hundreds, reported by eye witnesses, transformed the Roman world, split time into BC:AD. This Jesus cannot, will not be extinguished IS the light, that darkness cannot overcome!

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Well said George. The Light will prevail over darkness. God bless you and your family this Christmas and new year ❤️

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Light always overcomes darkness. Have a blessed Christmas George and family and a more peaceful New Year and throughout 2025.

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Merry Christmas George. Hope your daughter recovers soon.

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To dear George & Family

wishing you peace, joy and the love of Christ Jesus, as we celebrate His birthday. Thank you for your faithfulness to the truth and the true meaning of Christmas.

May God bless you all at this most special time of year.

Yours in Christ,

John & Victoria Smith

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Thank you for your work. May God bless you and family with a peaceful, happy and holy Christmas.

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The light is there in every ones ego but blinded by greed dishonesty hatred & anger but can shine through at most unusual times as we all should hope Happy new Year to all

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God bless you and your family this Christmas George and thank you so much for all you do to expose the truth. Happy New Year to you 😀

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God's blessing on you George. I do trust that this coming year will be a fruitful time for your ministry. Keep the truth on all subjects before the people of Australia, even if they reject it.

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Have a merry Christmas and happy New Year George and family also to your many readers and supporters. 2025 will be a crucial year for our country and the western world in many ways. as always - light will overcome darkness, truth overcomes dishonesty and freedom overcomes tyranny. Take care everyone

Ken from Victoria

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Thank you I will send message on

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