Don't be surprised when the next "global shock" will be a virus the little green men from Mars bring with them and the only solution is mandatory global vaccination. 🤔

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I think absolutely nothing is beyond them/it.

And I’m sure they/it has plans for little green men. “ They have placed them selves in the place of Christ.”

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The United Nations are evil to the core. Which of course is exactly the reason they are proposing this. The only 'global shock' (whatever that is), is the stark realisation that the Satanic monsters that seek death and destruction to the entire creation have materialised in our lifetimes..

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“ power without authority is evil “ ....for its own sake .

Evil for its own sake is satanic.

Human evil as we know, exists but this is something quite different.

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The idolatry of self - is what you are writing about George. Time to call it by its true name, surely ?

They have placed them selves , in the place of God and fully intend to mandate all, to worship them , via the State.

True Communism.

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They have weakened our political leaders to such an extent they are incapable of making decisions so of course the UN must take over.! What do they know about each country's needs! They will create the emergency then put in the solution over those bought and weak political leaders.

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Only if we allow it.

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Yes and let’s hope we have the ability not to allow it.

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If we don’t, we are in grave danger. Along with our children and grandchildren.

Then of course we must stand before God and answer to Him .I think the old passing the buck statements won’t get us far this time.

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The UN and globalists are unelected nobodies paid off by the likes of bill gates etc and we should have the right to say no and chose a new government, one that works for us not the globalist puppets

Where’s the justice ? How can we stop these evil people ?

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Great and important question ? Don’t stop asking it.

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You can't.

You can't because first of all, unlike the USA, Aust and similar commonwealth nations have with gusto, disarmed the good, the responsible, and the masses willingly complied due to ignorance and emotions that 'authority' manipulated to leave ALL utterly defenceless against both criminals and government. And the masses of ignorant people believe they are safer - they believed the lies because it was easy.

Thus, the environment WE (collectively) created is one where Government, Police and Criminals have the real power - and via our broken two party duopoly that has been infected with Green and socialists ... our votes are meaningless.

It's a matter of voting for which lot will do the least damage.

That apparently is called DEMOCRACY!

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We need to get out of the UN.

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The Entire UN needs be completely demolished and restructured with TIGHT codes and limits to halt this sort of invasive behaviour and the self serving growth of the UN Bureaucracies..

It needs to be a hub for communication and cooperative international behaviours … which post WW2 was the very reason it was created, but morphed into an actual uncontrollable monster.

Koffi Anan sought his / the UN’s own standing army as distinct from input from “Member States”.

Utterances and Edicts from the UN on practically any subject – with gusto are complied with – be it guns, climate, energy, virus, migration etc and never questioned – simply implemented through ALL levels of government right down to local government by a network of processes that have over recent decades been constructed.

If this – yet another attempt – if this succeeds then the cull WILL commence in at least Australia of those who undermined Straya (again). The last straw!

Success here would only put the UN on a pedestal once and for all to “be THE “single source of truth” as Jacinda Ardern so arrogantly and brutally stated … one guess where Jacinda now ‘resides’!

NOTHING is by accident with these megalomaniacs, and short of organised armed revolution - nothing can change.

I am truly grateful that most of my life I have enjoyed freedom, and I pity those younger than me who think they are free. If only they knew.

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Dear Peter

Never say never.

Love n blessings to you n yours.

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Kaylene - thankyou for your comment.

Normally I would agree, but for decades (since the early 80s) regarding firearms and the continued persecution of those who legitimately possess and use them - and prior to that @ 1970 regarding resisting the NPWS "lock it up" form of so called "management" - I am one who has been directly AFFECTED by UN "Green" direction, but unlike most, have been very active in resisting the assaults. The problem is - Australians are complacent because life has been 'easy' - freedom for example was just 'there". They didn't have to fight for it, so despite the patriotic fervour at times such as Anzac day - the vast majority are so complacent that they only care when things affect them personally - until then then it's 'bugger you chum" and "I'm orright Jack"

That means Australians collectively are stupid and selfish. They fail to learn from history - but we aren't alone - NZ is in a vastly worse situation ... and we are headed there with gusto as our elected (so called) "Leaders" are inflicting racism on us. They are trying to introduce co-governance into the constitution based on divisive race, but that should be no surprise given the actual Communist roots of Green and Labor .... but to prove my point .... just look around at the utter bias of the ABC and SBS toward YES - and populist media ditto, and universities ditto.

Over decades., the indoctrination system ('education') has created not only the Green infection but the "Leftist" near dominance.

THAT is why now I say "NEVER".

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No trust in Guterras,the WHO or UN all intent on ruling the world according to their agenda The Secretary seems unaware of values and lifestyles of other nations lumping all together Save our money and secede from these shambolic political dramas as their future seems faint

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Our politicians are bad enough at managing any crisis. The last thing I'd want is for them to then be kowtowing to some unelected power-hungry mob in Geneva!

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Yes it is a huge worry especially for children and grandchildren. Nowhere to pass the buck!

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Mark of the Beast! Sunday Laws Coming Soon in fulfilment of Bible Prophecy!


Mark of the Beast being fast-tracked!


Climate Change will lead to the Mark of the Beast


Sunday Laws will be Enforced!


Climate Change Hoax Confirmed


We are Very Near the End of Earths Final Hours!

"He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus." Revelation 22:20


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