UN is a greedy finance seeker using funds beyond its proper capacity Always considered it a fraud agency appealing to gullible softheaded people

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Brilliant pod cast George . Thank you.

The stories I could tell ya.........

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Well written George, an excellent truth-based summation of the Satanic UN.

Have you any interest George in compiling all your excellent articles into a book. I'd be the first to buy a copy or two. God bless.

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the truth shines in the Canadian production of Tip toe to tyranny part one https://librti.com/tiptoe-release

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Terry wolf explains the earth/UN religion really well in his most recent interview on todays news talk radio https://tntradio.live/shows/the-hrvoje-moric-show/ on November 10 with Mr Moric. His substack is winterchristian and he's in the fandangling linktree. He goes through the C O twoism.

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In the november 9 episode here the conversation runs through what human will is and how that has changed through the centuries https://cliftonduncanpodcast.captivate.fm/

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Thursday, November 10, 2022 by: MIKE ADAMS - NATURAL NEWS - BRIGHTEON

SHOCKING: Corporations to start running GENDER COMPLIANCE AUDITS and “blackness checks” to qualify for lower loan rates from “woke” finance giants



Get full details on this bizarre (and highly illegal) corporate plan in today’s Situation Update podcast:

– Finance giants offer lower lending rates to corporations that meet “woke” quotas

– If you hire more Blacks or Hispanics, you get lower rates

– If you hire more transgenders, gays, lesbians or bisexuals, you get lower rates

– Will hiring teams now start grilling applicants on who they have sex with?

– Finance companies will need to deploy GENDER COMPLIANCE AUDITORS

– Get ready for your “gender check” from the loan company

– Get ready for BLACKNESS COMPLIANCE AUDITS from finance companies

– Will they base loan compliance on shades of Black / tones of pigment in skin?

– Lighter-skinned Blacks might only count as 5/8ths of a “fully Black” (shades of slavery)

– This practice turns human beings into SLAVES / COMMODITIES based on external properties

– The ultimate dehumanizing enslavement system, packaged as “inclusive” or “woke”

– Crypto markets rocked by FTX fallout and collapse of liquidity

– Bitcoin drops nearly 22% in 2 days as crypto carnage spills over

– FTX accused of being a digital Ponzi scheme from the start

– Europe says “Take that, Putin!” while cutting off its own oil supply

– Beyond Meat is slashing employees because their products taste like crap

Brighteon: Brighteon.com/03eb3ffc-9587-482b-b043-d5f352bb6633

Rumble: Rumble.com/v1t814m-situation-update-111022-crypto-carnage-and-the-coming-corporate-gender-comp.html

Bitchute: Bitchute.com/video/sdRger6ZUi6r/

Banned.Video: Banned.video/watch?id=636cd9011b7819266491214e

iTunes podcast: Healthrangerreport.com/situation-update-nov-10-2022-crypto-carnage-and-the-coming-corporate-gender-compliance-auditors

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