The UN wants your freedom and sovereignty!
Nation First looks at how the United Nations tries to frustrate the will of the people.
Dear friend,
Political thinkers, since time immemorial, have recognised that the most effective means of tyranny isn’t through brute violence but through establishing an aura of legitimacy.
The Pharaohs of Egypt ruled with absolute unquestioned authority not by the force of arms but by making people believe they were appointed by the gods to seemingly uphold order, peace, and law.
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Today, we have our modern pharaohs in the form of globalist organisations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Health Organization, and the World Economic Forum.
In the name of preserving global order, peace, and law, these undemocratic organisations regularly interfere with the sovereignty of nations, undermining the people’s will to promote their own agendas.
Of these, the United Nations is the most inconspicuous in how it enforces and sustains a tyrannical order.
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More than any other global organisation, the United Nations in the public eye is seen as a just and fair organisation upholding peace and promoting human rights.
In reality, once you clear away the false façade, one quickly finds it to be among the most corrupt and vile institutions on the planet, from a history of sexually exploiting minors to profiteering off people’s suffering to actively hindering attempts at stopping a genocide.
The UN is nothing but a tool of the elites to sustain and further their power over nations using it as a front to legitimise regressive policies.
This can be seen by the action of the UN’s Human Rights Committee in pressuring the Philippines to pass a number of laws relating to decriminalising abortion, legalising divorces, and supporting the LGBT movement.
They voice ending discrimination and supporting human rights as an excuse to interfere in the domestic politics of a country.
However, let us look at the real reason why the UN is seeking to impose these policies — eliminating the nuclear family and isolating the individual.
One only needs to look at the data from countries where such laws are already passed to assess how damaging they are to the concept of family and kinship.
In the United States, for instance, divorce rates are among the highest in the world, behind only Russia and Belarus, which are suffering from war and economic uncertainty.
Almost half of all marriages in the country will end in a divorce, greatly contributing to the epidemic of children being raised fatherless.
The same is the case in the UK where 42 percent of marriages end up in a divorce.
With a new No-Fault law introduced this year, the rate is expected to climb further.
A message from the🛡United Service Workers Association🛡:
A survey to uncover the impact of work load and working conditions within the Correctional Services.
Anyone who has worked in a correctional facility anywhere in Australia since 2020.
Anyone who has had a family member incarcerated in the last 3 years anywhere in Australia.
Please share with anyone who has been involved in the Correctional Services.
Closes: 20 November 2022.
Surveys 👇
Correctional Staff Workload Survey:
Inmate Family Survey:
In Australia, the situation is not too different.
While statistics show that divorce rates are on the decline, they are deceptive as in absolute numbers, divorce rates have risen significantly, from 1.4 million in 2011 ago to 1.8 million today.
Moreover, many younger couples now forego registered marriages and instead cohabit.
The crisis of broken families thus can be better seen through data on single parenthood.
This year, in Australia, single-parent families crossed the 1 million mark for the first time in history, representing 16 percent of all families recorded on the census.
Broken, single-parent families are the easiest to exploit.
With the high cost of living, single parents are forced to rely on the state to feed their children, creating dependency and hence eliminating them as a source of dissent against state tyranny.
Furthermore, numerous studies shows how integral the presence of both a mother and father is for a child’s healthy development.
Those growing up without a father are more likely to adopt anti-social behaviour as well as partake in criminal activity, struggle with low self-esteem, suffer from mental disorders, and see their future relationships negatively affected.
Similarly, those growing up without a mother tend to be emotionally stunted, have trouble maintaining healthy relationships, are prone to suicidal tendencies, and feel a loss of hope in life.
The powers to be want to raise the future generations that are too mentally crippled to offer any real resistance.
It is under this context that the adoption of children by same-sex couples also remains a cause of concern.
And in regards to abortion, it doesn’t take much guess why the UN promotes it given that a lot of the world’s elites have been quite vocal about human depopulation.
In the US, after the case of Roe v. Wade legalised the procedure in 1973, abortion rates shot up exponentially before a series of pushbacks reduced the numbers again.
In the UK, where abortion laws received no pushback, each new year, numbers reach a new record, putting the country’s future in crisis.
Meanwhile here in Australia, while the number of abortions has remained steady, it should be contextualised with that the fact the country is suffering from a collapsing fertility rate.
Thus, the actual percentage of pregnant women having an abortion is higher than ever.
Beyond depopulation, the prevalence of abortion has also contributed to the ongoing global mental health crisis.
It impacts both spouses but especially women.
Those who had an abortion have been reported to suffer from depression, anxiety, decreased self-esteem, and even symptoms of PTSD.
So what social contract exists between ordinary people and globalist organisations like the United Nations for them to interfere with their domestic politics?
Yet, the indoctrination is so widespread that for a government to resist their meddling in the affairs of a sovereign, democratic nation is perceived as wrong.
Last year, the UNHRC tried to pressure Australia to do away with its strong border protectionist policies, citing human rights concerns, which is ironic considering some of the biggest human rights abusers sit on the council.
This includes such notables as:
Sudan, which is currently committing genocide and a whole host of excessive human rights abuses.
Venezuela, currently being ruled by a harsh totalitarian communist government, and
Communist China, the Orwellian fascist dystopia made manifest in real-life.
Under the guise of human rights and peace, the UN justifies the promotion of a globalist agenda.
It is not a concern for migrants that the UN raised issues with Australia’s border policies or Italy’s new migration laws but rather because they defied the elite’s agenda for open borders.
It is not a concern for women that the UN denounced the US Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade but rather because it defied the elite’s push for depopulation.
It is not a concern for unhappy married folk that the UN called for an end to the no-divorce rule in the Philippines but rather because it defied the elite’s bent against the traditional family unit.
Deception lies at the heart of high politics, making those who may resist unsure of one’s real intention.
We should not be pacified by rhetoric and propaganda being pushed upon us.
Rather than well-curated words, it must be consequences we should assess in determining true intentions.
And the true intentions of the globalist elite are to undermine our national sovereignty and our personal freedoms.
Don’t let them! Fight back by spreading the truth.
God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
A message from Reclaim Democracy Australia:
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George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his website.
UN is a greedy finance seeker using funds beyond its proper capacity Always considered it a fraud agency appealing to gullible softheaded people
Brilliant pod cast George . Thank you.
The stories I could tell ya.........