Having seen years of badly mismanaged indigenous funds in regional areas failing to reach the correct people it becomes impossible decision to say Yes to Voice Funds managed by top level long standing black leaders who failed their people diverting money to unworthy projects and people This cannot occur again as ordinary Australians cant afford the bill for all these organisations mostly fighting amongst themselves & achieving little. Lets see the receipts the results of work effort rather then sly grins at whitefellas stupidity Lets hear a supporting word for the imposed upon average white Aussie whose taxes help pay for this monstrous rip off orchestrated by people who arent as black as claiming to be but know how to spend the money that surrounds the stories Too much attention given to metropolitan indigenous dwellers not enough to isolated residents Never sure about the Torres Straits indigenous status but all have the same opportunities if taken up and used Totally destroy the one side history book stories being peddled to school kids forced to bear guilty shame for taking black land

The can of worms is starting to unwind and taking woke nonsense with it

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Thanks George - You've said it all - Letter sent to The Australian spells out my viewpoint:

When will we find the “wherewithal” to state the prime reason as to why Aboriginal development / participation has not attained levels hoped for by all Australians: “The stranglehold over the Department of Aboriginal Affairs by the left-wing was complete. Responsible elements in the Department were as ineffective in their efforts as ourselves.” (“Red Over Black”-Geoff McDonald-former Communist-1982: “the chilling and almost unbelievable story of the Marxist manipulation of the Aboriginal ‘land rights’ movement as told by a man who learned of Communist strategy while in the Communist Party.”)

Socialist-Left-Communist policy has long been to hold Australia – the West – back, whilst implementing its trademark “DIVISIVE” policy. (Witness the debilitating U.S. “Divisive Mess”, the result of 1.5 centuries of internal subversion.) Keeping the various Aboriginal tribal groupings “backward”, solely to be “used” to further Communist ideology was seemingly their prime purpose.

Two gems: “ --- the employment of Aboriginal medicine men to work with the RANF (Nurses) members on the reserves. ---- Some of the older, more experienced nurses had written to the RANF strongly objecting to the new system, after it had been instituted as a directive from Canberra in the package of ‘returning to the old ways to give the Aborigines more dignity.’ “ (“more dignity” – or subversive policy in action)

“The Communist strategy towards the treaty is to put it forward as a whiteman’s proposal first, “without any details”, (Voice referenda?) and once the Federal Government accepts the idea, and then submits it as a plan for consideration by the Aborigines, there is to be a committee elected by the Aborigines themselves who are to put forward demands etc.” (written 40 years ago)

Our MEDIA controls the “Narrative.” ”IT’S TIME” the Australian people were given the “whole TRUTH.”

Best Wishes Bill Webster

All Australians value our indigenous people and will wholeheartedly support a transparent meaningful option, but we need to take care: the West has been led by the nose to the point of surrendering our Western way of life - founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic - via a relentless subversive “element”: "call sign" - "DIVISIVENESS."

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The entire structure of Government in this country from Federal to State all affiliated arms have been completely subverted by Left wing activist leadership class. All those people who went through University when the Communists were at their busiest filling the education system with a post modern curriculum, all these people have no allegiance to Australia, only their political and external masters. Not the Australian people. Read any email from a government official and it will have virtue signalling signature blocks acknowledging some minority group. They have been dividing the nation from the inside for the last ten years. That is evidenced by the Yes vote in Canberra.

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The demoniac Jesuit coadjutor Anthony Albanese should personally apologize to all Australians and resign immediately for subjecting them to racial divisiveness and abuse, for squandering half a billion dollars on the "voice". There must be an independent investigation immediately into who and where the $35Billion annually of Australian taxpayers' money to aboriginals is going and not going. Anthony Albanese will surely be remembered without question as the most incompetent, misguided, disingenuous, deceitful, deceptive, dishonest, divisive, destructive Prime Minister in Australian history! All Australians need to be consciously aware that the Jesuit Vatican Papacy New World Order Global Elite Cabal now know what the majority of Australians think & that the majority of Australians vehemently opposed their pet project aka the "voice of racial & social divisiveness" and they will not take this loss & defeat lightly nor tolerate this dissent from the majority of Australians and so they will be working tirelessly to devise another diabolical agenda & way to persecute & punish the Australian people & nation!

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Oct 15, 2023·edited Oct 15, 2023

As I type this some activist Aboriginal is on TV at the AFLW bemoaning their 'victim' status because Australians voted NO. On the other hand, many NO voters are running round gloating how clever they were and have won the war. For those people, here is a news flash. That was just one skirmish a big one but a skirmish all the same, a good one to win because it sends a clear message, not just locally but all over the world to every other nation that faces similar actions from the Globalists. It also sends a clear message to those same Globalists and the shills like Langton, Pearson and the politicians and public servants behind them, don't try and play Australians for fools who you can sell a bag of BS to. People like Marcia Langton, Thomas Mayo, two of the Voice architects, Noel Pearson, Linda Burney and every other useful idiot of the Globalist Left are doing lessons learned. Labor I suspect will be deciding whether to blade Albanese and dump his sorry backside asap for messing it up. What we can expect now is for them to slink off, lick their wounds and them come back and double down on the gaslighting of the Australian people. More so start slinging the blame at the LNP, Australians and the NO brigade, as Albo started this morning. I expect next week or sooner the Yes camp will point the finger at the Internet and social media, claiming it was the major source of "Misinformation", expect them to start targeting the Internet, social media and places like Substack, Telegram etc very aggressivley. Do not let complacency set in, off the back of this Australians must apply more pressure. Already there is chatter from these people for "Regional Voices" at a State level. Linda Burney stated on TV last night, the next step is 'Treaty', 'Truth telling' and what she did not mention was 'Reparations' as stated in the Uluru Statement From The Heart. They are still going for it, using different tactics. The other item that requires our attention is the "Disbanding" of that so called unelected 'National Cabinet' used by these State premiers and Prime Minister to undermine our house and Constitution, allowing the likes of Dan Andrews and co to negotiate treaties at the state level and impose martial law at a whim. That is why these premiers are so arrogant, they have become drunk on this so called "Collegiate" power sharing arrangement and it needs to be crushed along with any Federal or State ambitions to sign treaties, create truth commissions and pay reparations.

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It’s important to note here that NONE of these viruses exist in nature & since nature cannot be patented, they manufacture them in a lab.

Next question to ask yourself is why would scientists create deadly viruses in the first place if they weren’t trying to depopulate certain members of society? If you were a scientist wouldn’t you use your skills for the good of humanity vs the demise?

Things that make you go hmm…

"Natural or Manmade??? Hint: Natural products cannot be patented: only man-made products. They are developed in a lab:

AIDS- US-Patent 5676977 Owned by Fauci and WHO (World Health Organization)

H1N1- US-Patent 8835624 Owned by Fauci and WHO

Ebola- US-Patent 20120251502 Owned by Fauci and WHO

Swine Flu US-Patent CA2741523 A1 @ctv.ch6 Owned by Fauci and WHO

BSE US-Patent 0070031450 A1 Owned by Fauci and WHO

ZIKA ATTC VR-84 Owned by The Rockefeller Foundation the ked

SARS US-Patent 7897744 & 8506968 Owned by Fauci and WHO

CORONAVIRUS S-Patent 10130701 Owned by Fauci and WHO"


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