The issue is compounded, because with dumbing down of education, children being taught to be influencers rather than researchers, those that have acquiesced to a domicidal agenda, are decreasingly capable of recognising their plight.

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We can try to work out why people do what they do but Lord Jesus Christ is the only answer. When we all accept what Jesus has done for us just because He loves us, then we fill that gap in our being that can only be filled by Him.

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Yes, we are witnessing adult tantrums. They imply it is ok to destroy things that are good. Respect, for others and themselves, is severely lacking. The reasion behind all this is because these people do not know how much our God loves and cherishes them.

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Isn’t it also because they are in some extinction group and being encouraged to draw attention to themselves In order to save the planet. Supposedly. Misguidedly. So much of this disrespect happens in small towns too. Newly embedded plants get pulled out, small trees are swung on, toilets are ripped off walls , doors broken off hinges and walls graffitied. You have to wonder why they hate their surroundings so much and are so bored they have to amuse themselves this way. No excuse of a climate catastrophe coming either for that group of young people. .

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I totally agree with todays email that the people of today that are destroying artwork plus don’t appreciate what we have are nothing but spoilt brats!

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The destruction of the family unit is a major cause of society's ills . Though being scorned by some of newer generations it has been the backbone of a workable community for centuries creating and keeping rules that establish a safe and peaceful country. Indifferent attitudes to a settled marital basis is a leading factor that doesnt promote a reliable foundation for future generations instead bringing chaos to a settled way of life often dismissed as unnecessary to growing children Keep the family lifestyle for the future as the trauma of a scattered family group is a serious hidden fault within our society Note the problems of broken homes and sad unhappy children who are passed from one family to another not always be their choice and kids never knowing their father or mother because of hasty and flimsy broken relationships

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How can the malleable younger ones learn to have respect for a lot of those that have gone before?

Take for example, the governments across the world for the decades past. Most of them criminal [taken for granted that a lot of those that gravitate to levels of 'power' are sociopaths]; getting caught with their hands in the till; and with a big attitude problem themselves [and untouchable].

The 'top' needs a lot of chastising...and removed. When do we start?

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