George, something to add to the narrative as it develops.

My Best Man and lifelong friend recently sold some real estate and needed to park the proceeds somewhere safe until he needed it again to pay for a house he is building. He broke the money into packets of circa $500k and spread it around among four different banks (yes - those four!).

When he came to the banks and asked for his money, they ALL told him he had no money in his account. He is an accountant so of course he had a money trail proving his deposit, but they all took about 6 weeks before they released his money - with no explanation or apology.

I've heard similar stories from others, too, and experienced similar things myself. If this is what digital currency is like now, imagine what it will be like when there is no cash around to deal with life as the banks search for your money that they have misplaced.

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This is worldwide, not just Australia.

If you’re familiar with the Bible, the last book, Revelation, details the end of the age as we know it. It describes what is to happen at this time, including a global push for every single person to receive a “mark” on the right hand or forehead to be able to buy or sell.

As this was prophesied 2000 years ago, this “mark” will most likely to be an implanted microchip holding all our personal details. This technology is available right now, and we know CBDC’s together with AI will be able to monitor all people.

If you are interested, there is very ordinary American who has been chosen to warn God’s people through the medium of a YouTube video of what is coming. Google-

“Jesus took me to the tribulation and gave me a glimpse of what’s to come. I had this visitation in 2014.”

Don’t be put off by his non-professional presentation. 1.12 hrs.

An online Bible is available at “Biblehub.com” Check out Revelation chapter 13, verses 16 and 17. and chapter 14, verses 9-11.

Don’t be put off by traditional “religion” as God wants you to search for Him personally as your Heavenly Father through Jesus who paid the price for your sins by dying in your place. Watch some more videos by Brandon at his “last days” site.

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