Those that advocated for lockdowns did not lose a single dollar of income. We were not ‘All in this together.’ Politicians and union leaders were exempt from the vaccine mandates. Unvaxed union reps could walk through hospitals organising union business, but we could NOT visit our relatives, even if they were in danger of dying.

They purposely destroyed small businesses in order to make the large corporations even richer and more powerful. They borrowed money against our children s futures. Put Liberal, Labor, Nationals & Greens dead last. They are unAustralian!

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Let s hope you and the other few politicians like your self get in

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Thanks as always for being the reasonable voice in the government!

Just quickly - what's the go with the WHO Pandemic Treaty and Australia? Are we falling for it or is there going to be resistance?

Don't want to see a body like the WHO dictating what Australia has to do in regards to anything!

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I read somewhere that Australia is fully committed to it.. I'll see if I can find the link for you.

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That is disturbing! Appreciate any links you can find.

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Without watching all of the videos again, I don't recall which suggested Australia was onboard. I'm not sure if links are allowed here, so perhaps take a trip to Bitchute or Rumble and search for treaty or pandemic treaty.

If anyone can confirm if posting of links is allowed I'll post what I have

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Go to bitchute and type this in the search box... Prime Minister Scott Morrison SUPPORTS the World Health Organisation Treaty. You might also find the video on youtube, unless it's been deleted.

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There's a petition against the treaty here: https://daily.news.lifesitenews.com/link.php?AGENCY=LIFE&M=2996267&N=8680&L=13399&F=T&drurl=aHR0cHM6Ly9saWZlcGV0aXRpb25zLmNvbS9wZXRpdGlvbi9zdG9wLXRlZHJvcy13aG8tcGFuZGVtaWMtdHJlYXR5P3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9bHBfZW1haWw=

While I think of it, medical apartheid has not ended either. I've had no access to any medical services since the scamdemic started, and I still have no access. No medical service that I've tried to access will provide any service to me whatsoever. Some demand double jabbed, some are demanding triple jabbed.

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Media has a lot to answer for as well. They cheered this crap on.

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Alas, most people have short memories.

However, I've collected over 20k of links; and numerous emails sent.

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Is it a short memory or willing ignorance. A willingness to take the easiest path, and then whine about it later?

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Good questions. I wish I could know. They repeat the lie that the faccines helped lessen the covid effects. When I either refuted them or demanded "proof", they looked sheepish and kept quiet.

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I will never forget , the coercion from state and federal governments along with mainstream media and health officials ,

I will never forget stories like yours George .

I will never forget about the suicides .

I will never forget the people who could not attend funerals .

I will never forget those that couldn’t get married , celebrate a birthday , attend a birth or death or spend their last moments with a loved one .

I will never forget those that could not come back to their country of origin and residency .

I will never forget those that could not cross a imaginary line to get back to their home .

I will never forget how fear was spread and is still being spread for a virus with a survival rate greater than 99%.

I will never forget how health and government officials frightened parents telling them their kids would die if they don’t get vaccinated .

I will never forget the doctors and nurses who risked their lives for ours in the beginning only to get sacked or forced out of their job for refusing poison being injected into their body .

I will never forget how the narrative has been pushed to line the pockets of the scum who call themselves leaders .

I will never forget the peaceful protests and police brutality dished out to those that dared to go against the narrative .

I will never forget the word , narrative , or Covid or coronavirus or the name Fauci , or Walensky or Biden , I will never forget Palazscsuk or Palachook or De’ath and how they stood in front of the cameras and lied to Queenslanders .

I will never forget Dan Andrews or Michael Gunner or Mark McGowan and how they treated the people in their states .

I will never forget about the 118000 people who have had an adverse reaction and suffered needlessly .

I will never forget how this is tied in somehow with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum .

I will never forget how I keep hearing” the world has changed” , well the sun goes down at night and it will be up tomorrow morning , the world hasn’t changed , only the people who think they own us do .

I swear I will never vote for Liberal or Labor ever again or any party who seeks to step on its people to feather their own nest .

This country does not need Labor Liberal Greens or Nationals .

This country needs a real leader who cares for the people of this Nation , who puts the Nation up their on the same pedestal alongside their family members .

We should never forget how poorly we have all been treated and how scared people remain after being threatened with death if we didn’t follow the hollow mandates .

I will never forget the 776 million dollars the NSW government wasted on PPE . How much did every other state waste . Now we all pay because inflation is through the roof based on lies , governments around the world printing money like water , for what ? So the few could get richer ! I am sickened by the so called elites of this world .

Absolutely an enquiry is needed and wanted , heads need to role for how we have all been treated .

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Well said, Rod, and I would add that I will never forget how many Aussies cheered on the tyranny.

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Well said.

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I will never forget the past 2 years. Members of my Family, fell prey to the mandated vaccines. Bad decision on their part.

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Marching today with so many others - Sack Them All…Vote Majors Last!!!

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No less than Jail for those Traitors

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Thank you George. We will not forget.

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Apsolutley truth when are people going to wake up

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go get them all Freedom fighters

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Thanks George. You’re a champion, God Bless you

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The peaceful and beautiful image of Aus-tra-lia is suddenly turning fretful as not heard before!!!

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How do we know the Royal Commission wouldn't be "influenced"?

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I will gladly give testimony against these Traitors. If the RC was to be run fairly then it should be run by the people for the people. No Elites/Politicians can be involved unless it is to answer questions after swearing on the Bible. The people must be the ones who choose the QC not the Politicians/Medical Bureaucrats etc. (those owned by Big Pharma) especially after what has been released this past week regarding those in the US CDC/NIH/NIAID/FDA taking hundreds of millions in kickbacks over past 10 years. No wonder despite being on a public servant's salary Fauci is a multi millionaire a hundred times over.

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I will never forget these two years....as I livid as the politicians lied as their no exemption give when people have major issues with the jab, the segregation and hatred toward the unjabbed is awful! What more the Australian Immunisation Handbook has been tossed in trash the gaslighting the blackmail and pressure the put on people is horrendous whist exempting themselves from the jab mandates!

In history of Hitler the symbolic yellow star was used to segregate races now it's has transformed into the U's Vs the V's to segregate the Unvaccinated From Vaccinated!!!

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