If cardiologist Dr Ross Walker is saying not to have them, I think the govt should listen!!!! As a Chiropractor of almost 17 years, I have heard many good things about him on the grapevine - from reputable sources. This man is worth listening to!

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Would these doctors not be de registered for speaking out publicly. Seems to be what’s happened to others. It is good that some are speaking out now but it should have been done before now.

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But yes, speaking out A LOT earlier would've been ideal. Nevertheless, AHPRA would've just deregistered all those who spoke out. So the few who could see the light were threatened with not being able to help any at all if they spoke out.

It's a bit of the old "you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't" scenario. I'm sure there were plenty of registered health practitioners who spoke to at least some of their patients privately about their concerns with mRNA injections and/or PCR tests, but very few did this publicly - or at least lived to tell the tale and STILL remain registered!

The AMA & AHPRA have been brutal on registered health professionals. I am deeply unhappy with them - and have been for years!! And I've told them so. But nothing changes. I am a 'nobody' to them so they ignore me. So I speak out now and then and nothing happens to me, but hey, I'm just a lowly country Chiropractor - who's currently on Sabbatical! What threat am I to an organisation who can just ignore me no matter what complaints I put in?! This is how AHPRA works. They are so rogue and NOBODY in Australia takes charge of them. The pollies all say 'oh no, it's not our responsibility' and so AHPRA can do what they like. They've even recently change their name so they're a seeming corporation of "Ahpra & National Boards" now. How do we stop rogue behaviour at this level? I've tried. But I'm just one person. And I have no weight to throw around. So AHPRA/Ahpra continues on, gagging their 800K+ registered health practitioners, hauling them into line over the hot coals, and ruining patient care.

Sometimes eminent people speak up - and Ross has timed this well, I think. I hope nothing bad will happen to him. I, too, wish he had spoken up sooner - but we know what would've happened if that was the case...

It is not what you know, it is WHO you know. And it is also about WHEN you know.

If you want to make change it has got to be at the right time...in the right place...with the right information...and the right audience...

You've got to have the perfect conditions.

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Thank you for your information and I am sure you are worthy in your profession but understand the difficulties you and others in medical professions face. I am a retired Bowen Therapist also in the country but luckily just retired before all this started so was saved the stress of having to deal with imparting information to clients.

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Ah, good timing on your part, Suzann!! :-D

Yes, you missed the worst of it. Well done! I'm still not back at work...and still not missing it...but I think I'd LIKE to be back at work...under different circumstances...

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Dr Walker is getting on in years, and he's VERY well known. If he's taken out at this stage of the game, even with AHPRA breathing down his neck, well, he was probably aiming for retirement anyway!! ;-)

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Yes I saw you said something about him. That sounds like a good plan then. Maybe they know that.

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That is amazing. Such great news that important people are speaking up. There is hope.

Thank you, George

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Glad that Ben is talking about the adverse side effects of the vaccine..

Not a fan of Ross Walker he has been a big advocate for the vaccines the last 3yrs.. Ross now admits the vaccine can cause heart problems, but he says ‘a slight Risk’.. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I stopped listening to 2GB after Alan Jones 'left' and several of their announcers continued the salespitch 'jabs in arms'....though I commend Ben Fordham for this interview, it falls far short from addressing what this so called 'pandemic' is truly about and unfortunately he still works in mainstream media and we all know who they serve.

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Yet they still push it in people in nsw the children can’t start school unless they’re vaxed , it’s criminal and I hope no parents allow this to happen to their children

In my family alone my dad had a stroke my mother has pericarditis my mother in law passed away most likely from too many jabs , the elderly are being targeted to die off , my uncle died of a blood clot after his booster , everyone I know is saying no more .

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Well, here is some more good news to add to GC's (sorry, here in the west of Oz, 2GB does not get a run at all 😞 )

In my email inbox, I got a notification from that legend of legends, Aaron Siri, that he's published a Part 1 on his substack with Part 2 coming tomorrow. He doesn't publish a lot, but when he does, it is worth an immediate go look/see.


Check it out

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Different circumstances of a more ‘normal’ time would be good. 🙏

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