Informed consent does not exist , putting a gun to someone’s head and demanding do as I say or all human rights to live , work , support ones family will be taken away is nothing short of criminal, and to all the bureaucracy that have supported this , you have committed treason at the highest level and should be dealt with accordingly. Time to eradicate all major parties in this country the cancer needs to be removed now . To you George thank you for your tenacity and courage to stand up to this oppression
An excellent short 32 minute video of a Canadian virologist who is appalled at the “scientific” data that the “fact checkers” seem to demonise about this “vaccine” jab.
Dr Bridle is an authority on this topic and speaks the unfiltered truth based on decades worth of established immunology and vaccinology principles.
What we are seeing with these biological weapons mislabelled as “vaccines” is Corporatised Accelerated Mass Global Genocide through Emergency Use Authorisation Act. They are NOT VACCINES! Covid-19 has NEVER been proven to exist, it's never been isolated. Even the CDC and the WHO confirm this fact with other scientists around the world. The PCR tests were a farce as they gave out too many false positives because the companies that were doing the tests were told to test them at a high rate so that they came back “positive” when in fact people didn’t have the “virus”.
Firstly, no one ever has, or ever will, die as a direct result of a corona virus infection - there are many, many corona viruses (one is a common cold). Secondly - any real immunologist will tell you, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND if you want to produce a viral antigen in your own body - autoimmunity will result, and a spike protein destroys B-cell class switching, so people will mostly die of autoimmunity and/or AIDS or accelerate a cancer they may have. The clots and heart attacks are an acute phenomenon just after the injections - endothelial cell damage. Many, many other problems later down the track which people will have to rely on big pharma to help them with whatever problems they develop.
Treatments are still being suppressed by government, by social media, and by medical authorities. This has cost millions of lives worldwide. It is being done to keep fear of COVID alive, and to make sure that vaccines are the only game in town. If I may offer my expert opinion as a biostatistician: Many more people have died of COVID in the last year than if the world’s governments had done nothing at all, imposed no restrictions on commerce or culture, and allowed the medical system to operate without interference as it has in the past.
Make no mistake about it: The “fake news” campaign is not about protecting the public from lies; rather it is about establishing a state-sanctioned news network, which has been a central pillar for the stability of every totalitarian regime in history. Despotic leaders can only remain in power by hiding the truth of what they are doing from the people they govern. Conversely, there can be no meaningful democracy if there is only one source of centrally-managed information.
But the story of vaccines is in a class by itself, by far the most successful corporate propaganda campaign in history. In every other field, we define pathological fanaticism by its extreme dogma, taking an absolute position, with no recognition of subtlety and no regard to evidence. This is the attitude of the religious zealot. But in the case of vaccines, the propaganda narrative has turned this common sense on its head. The dogmatic view is deemed to be “science”. All vaccines are safe. All vaccines are effective. Full stop. Anyone who questions a particular vaccine, or identifies a side-effect, or claims that getting the disease provides better protection than taking the vaccine, is an “anti-vaxxer”, a science-denier, a menace to the universal social good of herd immunity. BTW, the term, “herd immunity” used to be defined in the world of public health as a condition of a population which had been through the disease, and so was resistant to future epidemics. In the age of COVID, “herd immunity” has been re-defined by WHO as a benefit that can only be conferred by vaccines (by the way, you won’t get herd immunity with this vaccine because once the population has been jabbed in the hundreds of thousands in a short space of time, herd immunity disappears. The community of medical researchers is long overdue for a full and nuanced examination of vaccines, one-by-one, their short- and long-term effects both on the target disease and other aspects of health, including the ecological and evolutionary effects that develop only over decades.
These demeaning name calling replies- from even the pollies and their taxpayer funded minions is straight our of Marxism. We (the remnants of the CovidJabCull) are being over- run by extreme socialists who (evidentially) will stop at nothing- including stealing elections (Trump) massive culling of the sheeples and here after- socialistic IT controls to limit discord and criticism (thats what the camps are really for...). So carefully consider your vote this time around... lest we get more of the same...
Totally agree Leonie, but when it all boils down, their main agenda is depopulation of what the swamp consider ‘THEIR’ planet…
Why are our quasi government permitted to quax our happy, healthy children who are not affected by, or likely to carry, this foreign designed bio weapon?
It's obviously not for the money...They already have that all securely vacuummed to the top of the money tree...
Could it be, because children are not effected by this contagion, and that this will insure that their planned democide is complete?
Obviously it's not for the disease control purposes, as there is no pandemic in Australia. Never has been…but regardless, it could be/have been successfully blocked at international borders by genuine politicians...
The answer can only be the elephant in the room...that our (floridated) dumbed down, cringing population refuses to recognise…And that is, the well advertised and ingeniously planned WEFs depopulation of the useless feeders from OUR planet earth...
Let's face facts people and get some straight and permanent answers from scomo on his watch, before offering more of our babies for human sacrifice at the alter if evil.
This is because the Sars-Cov-2 virus does not exist.
It has never existed.
Influenza A and B have been rebranded and remarketed as COVID-19.
It is as simple as that.
Sars-Cov-2 is a fairy-tale.
The gain of function research for this alleged virus conducted at the Wuhan Lab in China and under the direction and management of Dr.Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and other Satanic Globalists is actually a cover-story for even more heinous crimes.
Dr. Robert Redfield former CDC Director, Dr.Richard Fleming, Senator Rand Paul, The Highwire's Del Bigtree, Dr.Judy Mikovits, Prof.Peter Gotzsche, Dr.Sherri Tenpenny, Alex Jones, Mike Adams and many others are all lying to you.
Some are lying to you knowingly others out of ignorance and naivete.
The Satanic Globalists want you to think that the Sar-Cov-2 virus exists because the truth is much worse.
They also want America to start a war with China but that is a story for another time.
Getting back to this fairy tale, there has never been any research on Sars-Cov-2 because the virus does not exist.
It has never been isolated nor purified nor has it ever satisfied Koch's postulates (see Dr.Tom Cowan's work on the Contagion Myth et al).
In addition, consider how deadly COVID-19 really is.
CDC' s own data shows that the COVID-19 infection to fatality risk (IFR) for those under 50 years of age is less than 0.03% (3 out of 10,000).
For those under 20 years of age the risk is 0.002% (2 out of 100,000).
Meanwhile children are virtually immune from COVID-19.
Obviously there has been no productive "gain of function" research on this very benign and relatively harmless fake virus.
Yeah, it's so deadly that a 60 year old over-the-counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats COVID-19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin).
If the Satanists at the Wuhan Lab really were working on making the Sars-Cov-2 virus more deadly it is clear from the above data they have failed.
All of the research at the Wuhan Lab was instead focused on the COVID-19 vaccine.
The virus is a cover story for the creation of an undetectably deadly vaccine.
This gain of function research at Wuhan went into making the vaccine a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide.
Where is the proof of this ?
The proof is hiding in plain sight.
Take the symptoms and ailments of those allegedly afflicted with the COVID-19 Sars-Cov-2 virus and then compare that to the symptoms and ailments of those poisoned with the COVID-19 vaccine. They are completely different.
Thank you Leonie...I totally agree...It's great to see it so succinctly explained and I would love to use your information if you approve to circulate with your approval please
Absolutely agree with you , why in the world would you sack frontline operators like nurses ,firemen , ambulance personnel etc., after almost 2 years of not being vaccinated and still working , isn't this what we want as an end result .
Bars and restaurants in NSW are spreading covid and only the vaccinated are permitted in those establishments .
All this talk about vaccine breakthrough , wish they would call it by the correct title and that is seems to me that Pushing the sacking of our frontline operators is to expedite the agenda in hand...which is the total breakdown of our social, health, safety, religious and family structure to demoralise the population in their attempt planned attempt at population control by democide...This has nothing to do with a pandemic which has always been a diversionary tactic.
I would also like to know the answer to this question and if they are treated as lepers if they try to go into restaurants. I voted for Scott Morrison thought he was an ok bloke as politicians go being a Christian as he claims
But then then lies to us all promising that there would not be a mandate and then passes the decisions to the
Premiers of each state to make the decision. Coward. Not getting
I was disappointed in him right from the start when power went to his head after visiting USA and he went on holidays in Hawaii while we were terrorised by Fire.. He just doesn't seem to have a feel for the average Australian and if you look right in his face/eyes when he speaks I am sure he does NOT care..
He is paid by his bosses, the evil ones running this world and wanting 80 - 90% of the human population culled ! All leaders and opposition leaders are bought off by these evil people. Big pharma are raking in massive profits, while sending small businesses broke. This is to usher in a cashless society. People are easier to control if they depend on a card for all financial transactions !
I have a very good friend in Victoria who was a postal worker- he lost his job because he is not vaxxed! He’s also an excellent teacher. Left teaching to have a break back at his old job for Australia Post. Now he can’t do either!
The comments by the PM on your interview responses did not carry any real weight or relevance to the real issues at the heart of what the Australian people have had to face because of his government's poor mismanagement of this country's economic, social and political life which has continually failed in its duty to protect the democratic rights of its citizens, to pull the State Premiers into line who are clearly breaching the Constitutional rights of all Australians and to get on with the task of truly rebuilding of this nations economy and life. Instead they are acting like puppets on strings pulled along by the NWO and Globalists agenda.
I have lost two relatives who were fit and healthy to this vaxx. I am standing behind my grandchildren's mother in not wanting this vaxx for either herself, despite losing her job, or the two boys aged 11 and 17.
The amount of fear being peddled by mainstream media is totally out of hand.
Yes fear by MSM they never seem to pick up on the fact that the spokesperson for pfizer or the high priest of Australia's medical establishment are never absolute in how they explain it is always " maybe " , " we think " " it could " take 3 jabs " . those comments seem simple enough but the cost of following those THOUGHTS will cost several billions of dollars .
They should ask the questions will it work ? if you cannot give a positive answer then we may as well use Ivermectin .
Di Farmer (Small Business Minister) has stated that Qld supermarkets, pharmacies and other essential businesses could (should?) have the ability to exclude unvaccinated customers in a major shake-up to the state's jab rules. Perhaps she would also like us to wear a yellow star or a sign reading "unclean lepers"?
Where do they come up with this crap. The unvaxxed have EVERY right not to get the spike protein gene therapy bioweapon when even the double jabbed can get “Covid”. We’re not leper’s but intelligent individuals who have god given rights to decided for ourselves what to put in our body without being coerced, bribed by some two bit imbecile with half a brain who has done NO RESEARCH WHATSOEVER on this “vaccine “. If you listen to msm all you get is their propaganda and nonsense as they are being PAYED and PLAYED by their company/corporation - if they don’t push the narrative to the nth degree they’re out of a job. They all should be hung, drawn and quartered. It’s a conavirus which EVERYONE in the whole wild world has 3 or more in their body ie, cold, flu, pneumonia. Where has all the numbers gone of people this year and last year of how many died of the flu this year, last year etc. All probably noted as “Covid” by the “medical experts!”
I have been watching Alex Jones/Infowars for many years. He tells the truth and exposes corruption in the media and government. That’s why they attack him and hate him with a passion. So good on you, George Christensen, for going on his show. You are exposing the corruption here in our government. That’s why you’re being attacked as well. Our government is trying to take our freedoms away, they’re trying to force us to think a certain way, and they’re trying to force us to be their human experiments by taking these experimental, unapproved injections. The similarities to Nazi Germany are obvious. Stand strong. The Australian people are with you.
Let's call this what it is. This is NOT a vaccine, this is gene therapy. Changing the definition of vaccine to fit their narrative doesn't change the fact. Mandating this poison to anyone goes against every human right and every man-made right, then giving it to children-especially children who have not yet reached puberty is unconscionable. Media feeding the fear porn. Every person involved in this should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Copy of email sent to Michael Mccormack on Julian Assange Injustice
Hi Michael,
Firstly thankyou for your time and I hope this finds you well.
The recent decision on Julian Assange extradition to the usa being overturned is a blight on humanity and human rights and a terrible turn of events for your political party going into an election.
Australians do not forgive easily and we have all watched how the Australian government has let the usa run this mockery of justice in the UK with out a word in favour of the TRUTH Shame on our government and its representatives for all acting like Cowards and letting the worlds most war crime country run the show.
With video proof of war crimes and out right murder like playing a video game and you are sentencng the person who made it public Michael get the Lib/Nationals together and say if they want to win the election Bring Assange home to serve the sentence and his wife and family to follow then set him free to show the world we are just, and this will win you the election.
Thank you George for standing up to the lies. Pray that God will raise up more leaders to speak out. “Like sheep lead to the slaughter people are going to get jabbed”. Bless you
That every Member of the ruling LNP, ostensibly a 'conservative' Government, is not speaking out like you George, particularly on this corrupt pandemic with its deceitful gene therapy 'vaccines,' is an indictment against everyone of that silent majority! Keep pushing back George, even harder and more often. God bless you! Everyone can be thankful there is you, George, standing up to be counted on behalf of all people like me and telling the truth for a change.
Please answer the risk factor for children for covid19. It is minuscule. The crime is when good people do not do their homework and check out the facts. I am fearful for the children of the world!
Yes, very few children suffer anything but minimal symptoms. That's why I was disgusted when Yvette D'Ath and Grace Grace announced teachers and all other school staff had to get the jab to 'protect the vulnerable' - absolutely ridiculous! 🤬
Thanks George for all that you do! My skin crawls in horror that they're coming for our kids!!! How dare they!!! The astronomical crimes against humanity they have already committed and now they want to harm the kids!!! We must protect our pristine, innocent kids who still have an undeveloped immune system and are unable to make an informed consent decision due to being infants and under the age of consent (18).. Deeply saddening.
Informed consent does not exist , putting a gun to someone’s head and demanding do as I say or all human rights to live , work , support ones family will be taken away is nothing short of criminal, and to all the bureaucracy that have supported this , you have committed treason at the highest level and should be dealt with accordingly. Time to eradicate all major parties in this country the cancer needs to be removed now . To you George thank you for your tenacity and courage to stand up to this oppression
An excellent short 32 minute video of a Canadian virologist who is appalled at the “scientific” data that the “fact checkers” seem to demonise about this “vaccine” jab.
Dr Bridle is an authority on this topic and speaks the unfiltered truth based on decades worth of established immunology and vaccinology principles.
What we are seeing with these biological weapons mislabelled as “vaccines” is Corporatised Accelerated Mass Global Genocide through Emergency Use Authorisation Act. They are NOT VACCINES! Covid-19 has NEVER been proven to exist, it's never been isolated. Even the CDC and the WHO confirm this fact with other scientists around the world. The PCR tests were a farce as they gave out too many false positives because the companies that were doing the tests were told to test them at a high rate so that they came back “positive” when in fact people didn’t have the “virus”.
Firstly, no one ever has, or ever will, die as a direct result of a corona virus infection - there are many, many corona viruses (one is a common cold). Secondly - any real immunologist will tell you, YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND if you want to produce a viral antigen in your own body - autoimmunity will result, and a spike protein destroys B-cell class switching, so people will mostly die of autoimmunity and/or AIDS or accelerate a cancer they may have. The clots and heart attacks are an acute phenomenon just after the injections - endothelial cell damage. Many, many other problems later down the track which people will have to rely on big pharma to help them with whatever problems they develop.
Thank you Leonie! Great video, courageous scientist - I hope that together we will put the END to this genoside.
Exactly what big pharma want - millions and millions of customers!
Exactly Lisa, but customers and money is not their main agenda...The elimination of people is their evil intent...
Treatments are still being suppressed by government, by social media, and by medical authorities. This has cost millions of lives worldwide. It is being done to keep fear of COVID alive, and to make sure that vaccines are the only game in town. If I may offer my expert opinion as a biostatistician: Many more people have died of COVID in the last year than if the world’s governments had done nothing at all, imposed no restrictions on commerce or culture, and allowed the medical system to operate without interference as it has in the past.
Make no mistake about it: The “fake news” campaign is not about protecting the public from lies; rather it is about establishing a state-sanctioned news network, which has been a central pillar for the stability of every totalitarian regime in history. Despotic leaders can only remain in power by hiding the truth of what they are doing from the people they govern. Conversely, there can be no meaningful democracy if there is only one source of centrally-managed information.
But the story of vaccines is in a class by itself, by far the most successful corporate propaganda campaign in history. In every other field, we define pathological fanaticism by its extreme dogma, taking an absolute position, with no recognition of subtlety and no regard to evidence. This is the attitude of the religious zealot. But in the case of vaccines, the propaganda narrative has turned this common sense on its head. The dogmatic view is deemed to be “science”. All vaccines are safe. All vaccines are effective. Full stop. Anyone who questions a particular vaccine, or identifies a side-effect, or claims that getting the disease provides better protection than taking the vaccine, is an “anti-vaxxer”, a science-denier, a menace to the universal social good of herd immunity. BTW, the term, “herd immunity” used to be defined in the world of public health as a condition of a population which had been through the disease, and so was resistant to future epidemics. In the age of COVID, “herd immunity” has been re-defined by WHO as a benefit that can only be conferred by vaccines (by the way, you won’t get herd immunity with this vaccine because once the population has been jabbed in the hundreds of thousands in a short space of time, herd immunity disappears. The community of medical researchers is long overdue for a full and nuanced examination of vaccines, one-by-one, their short- and long-term effects both on the target disease and other aspects of health, including the ecological and evolutionary effects that develop only over decades.
These demeaning name calling replies- from even the pollies and their taxpayer funded minions is straight our of Marxism. We (the remnants of the CovidJabCull) are being over- run by extreme socialists who (evidentially) will stop at nothing- including stealing elections (Trump) massive culling of the sheeples and here after- socialistic IT controls to limit discord and criticism (thats what the camps are really for...). So carefully consider your vote this time around... lest we get more of the same...
Want more of the same? Vote the same...Want democracy and freedom? Do us all a favour and Vote anything but green liblabs💪
Totally agree Leonie, but when it all boils down, their main agenda is depopulation of what the swamp consider ‘THEIR’ planet…
Why are our quasi government permitted to quax our happy, healthy children who are not affected by, or likely to carry, this foreign designed bio weapon?
It's obviously not for the money...They already have that all securely vacuummed to the top of the money tree...
Could it be, because children are not effected by this contagion, and that this will insure that their planned democide is complete?
Obviously it's not for the disease control purposes, as there is no pandemic in Australia. Never has been…but regardless, it could be/have been successfully blocked at international borders by genuine politicians...
The answer can only be the elephant in the room...that our (floridated) dumbed down, cringing population refuses to recognise…And that is, the well advertised and ingeniously planned WEFs depopulation of the useless feeders from OUR planet earth...
Let's face facts people and get some straight and permanent answers from scomo on his watch, before offering more of our babies for human sacrifice at the alter if evil.
Focus on the vaccine, the virus is a cover story.
This is because the Sars-Cov-2 virus does not exist.
It has never existed.
Influenza A and B have been rebranded and remarketed as COVID-19.
It is as simple as that.
Sars-Cov-2 is a fairy-tale.
The gain of function research for this alleged virus conducted at the Wuhan Lab in China and under the direction and management of Dr.Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and other Satanic Globalists is actually a cover-story for even more heinous crimes.
Dr. Robert Redfield former CDC Director, Dr.Richard Fleming, Senator Rand Paul, The Highwire's Del Bigtree, Dr.Judy Mikovits, Prof.Peter Gotzsche, Dr.Sherri Tenpenny, Alex Jones, Mike Adams and many others are all lying to you.
Some are lying to you knowingly others out of ignorance and naivete.
The Satanic Globalists want you to think that the Sar-Cov-2 virus exists because the truth is much worse.
They also want America to start a war with China but that is a story for another time.
Getting back to this fairy tale, there has never been any research on Sars-Cov-2 because the virus does not exist.
It has never been isolated nor purified nor has it ever satisfied Koch's postulates (see Dr.Tom Cowan's work on the Contagion Myth et al).
In addition, consider how deadly COVID-19 really is.
CDC' s own data shows that the COVID-19 infection to fatality risk (IFR) for those under 50 years of age is less than 0.03% (3 out of 10,000).
For those under 20 years of age the risk is 0.002% (2 out of 100,000).
Meanwhile children are virtually immune from COVID-19.
Obviously there has been no productive "gain of function" research on this very benign and relatively harmless fake virus.
Yeah, it's so deadly that a 60 year old over-the-counter medication called Hydroxychloroquine easily combats COVID-19 (and now the anti-parasite drug Ivermectin).
If the Satanists at the Wuhan Lab really were working on making the Sars-Cov-2 virus more deadly it is clear from the above data they have failed.
All of the research at the Wuhan Lab was instead focused on the COVID-19 vaccine.
The virus is a cover story for the creation of an undetectably deadly vaccine.
This gain of function research at Wuhan went into making the vaccine a biologically poisonous and toxic weapon of mass murder and an instrument of genocide.
Where is the proof of this ?
The proof is hiding in plain sight.
Take the symptoms and ailments of those allegedly afflicted with the COVID-19 Sars-Cov-2 virus and then compare that to the symptoms and ailments of those poisoned with the COVID-19 vaccine. They are completely different.
(1)---Sars-Cov-2 symptoms/ailments: coughing, slight fever, sniffles
flu-like symptoms.
(2)---COVID-19 VACCINE symptoms/ailments: stroke, brain aneurysm, blood clots, heart attacks, paralysis, blindness, mass skin rashes, anaphylaxis, coma, death.
In the first group, the former, we have flu like symptoms.
In the second group, the latter, from the vaccine, we see neuro-degenerative symptoms like muscle spasms and paralysis to name only a few.
Why the huge difference if the virus and vaccine both allegedly contain the SPIKE PROTEIN ?
Because we have been lied too.
There is NO spike protein on the Sar-Cov-2 virus. Because the virus Sars-Cov-2 does not exist.
The SPIKE PROTEIN can be designed and manufactured without the need for any fake virus (on a computer).
Snake and spider venom is replete with spike proteins. That is what is in the vaccine. No virus needed instead we have Spider venom!
The fake virus was created out of thin air for the vaccine. Not the other way around.
They had the vaccine already on hand and then invented a reason to use it.
Thus the invented concocted reason for the vaccine becomes the non-existent fairy-tale Sars-Cov-2 virus.
No gain of function reasearch on the virus.
No laboratory man-made virus.
No virus at all.
The only biological weapon and instrument of genocide is the VACCINE.
Please remember that.
Thank you Leonie...I totally agree...It's great to see it so succinctly explained and I would love to use your information if you approve to circulate with your approval please
Absolutely agree with you , why in the world would you sack frontline operators like nurses ,firemen , ambulance personnel etc., after almost 2 years of not being vaccinated and still working , isn't this what we want as an end result .
Bars and restaurants in NSW are spreading covid and only the vaccinated are permitted in those establishments .
All this talk about vaccine breakthrough , wish they would call it by the correct title and that is
" VACCINE FAILURE " . seems to me that Pushing the sacking of our frontline operators is to expedite the agenda in hand...which is the total breakdown of our social, health, safety, religious and family structure to demoralise the population in their attempt planned attempt at population control by democide...This has nothing to do with a pandemic which has always been a diversionary tactic.
why are politicians exempt from having this vaccine
I would also like to know the answer to this question and if they are treated as lepers if they try to go into restaurants. I voted for Scott Morrison thought he was an ok bloke as politicians go being a Christian as he claims
But then then lies to us all promising that there would not be a mandate and then passes the decisions to the
Premiers of each state to make the decision. Coward. Not getting
My vote
I was disappointed in him right from the start when power went to his head after visiting USA and he went on holidays in Hawaii while we were terrorised by Fire.. He just doesn't seem to have a feel for the average Australian and if you look right in his face/eyes when he speaks I am sure he does NOT care..
He is paid by his bosses, the evil ones running this world and wanting 80 - 90% of the human population culled ! All leaders and opposition leaders are bought off by these evil people. Big pharma are raking in massive profits, while sending small businesses broke. This is to usher in a cashless society. People are easier to control if they depend on a card for all financial transactions !
I agree Mike.. I'm doing all I can
No human mind could conjure all this up there is a much higher entity
You are spot on.
agree we have been deceived.
He also could have been threatened .. as Mike says below..
So true, it shows in his face
and the employees etc of big pharma...???
Because they are knowingly running the democide seems to be the logical conclusion?
And there staff and Medicare workers and Australian post workers
I have a very good friend in Victoria who was a postal worker- he lost his job because he is not vaxxed! He’s also an excellent teacher. Left teaching to have a break back at his old job for Australia Post. Now he can’t do either!
This country has turned rotten!
It's the whole world unfortunately..
The comments by the PM on your interview responses did not carry any real weight or relevance to the real issues at the heart of what the Australian people have had to face because of his government's poor mismanagement of this country's economic, social and political life which has continually failed in its duty to protect the democratic rights of its citizens, to pull the State Premiers into line who are clearly breaching the Constitutional rights of all Australians and to get on with the task of truly rebuilding of this nations economy and life. Instead they are acting like puppets on strings pulled along by the NWO and Globalists agenda.
I have lost two relatives who were fit and healthy to this vaxx. I am standing behind my grandchildren's mother in not wanting this vaxx for either herself, despite losing her job, or the two boys aged 11 and 17.
The amount of fear being peddled by mainstream media is totally out of hand.
Yes fear by MSM they never seem to pick up on the fact that the spokesperson for pfizer or the high priest of Australia's medical establishment are never absolute in how they explain it is always " maybe " , " we think " " it could " take 3 jabs " . those comments seem simple enough but the cost of following those THOUGHTS will cost several billions of dollars .
They should ask the questions will it work ? if you cannot give a positive answer then we may as well use Ivermectin .
Di Farmer (Small Business Minister) has stated that Qld supermarkets, pharmacies and other essential businesses could (should?) have the ability to exclude unvaccinated customers in a major shake-up to the state's jab rules. Perhaps she would also like us to wear a yellow star or a sign reading "unclean lepers"?
Where do they come up with this crap. The unvaxxed have EVERY right not to get the spike protein gene therapy bioweapon when even the double jabbed can get “Covid”. We’re not leper’s but intelligent individuals who have god given rights to decided for ourselves what to put in our body without being coerced, bribed by some two bit imbecile with half a brain who has done NO RESEARCH WHATSOEVER on this “vaccine “. If you listen to msm all you get is their propaganda and nonsense as they are being PAYED and PLAYED by their company/corporation - if they don’t push the narrative to the nth degree they’re out of a job. They all should be hung, drawn and quartered. It’s a conavirus which EVERYONE in the whole wild world has 3 or more in their body ie, cold, flu, pneumonia. Where has all the numbers gone of people this year and last year of how many died of the flu this year, last year etc. All probably noted as “Covid” by the “medical experts!”
Yes that’s how I feel
The sign should say " stay away ' the vaccinated can be super spreaders
Agreed. I thanked the tour company for their new rule in only including the vaccinated. The unvaccinated don’t want to catch it from the spreaders.
Can you imagine being locked up in a bus with these people.
I applauded this tour company for their forward thinking.
We are Pure-bloods or Free of poison..They should keep away
No one should be forced, coerced, blackmailed or pressured to be vaccinated. It’s supposed to be voluntary
It would be OK if it were a REAL vaccine
Please stand for re election as an independent. We need people like you to keep standing up and representing the people of Australia
I have been watching Alex Jones/Infowars for many years. He tells the truth and exposes corruption in the media and government. That’s why they attack him and hate him with a passion. So good on you, George Christensen, for going on his show. You are exposing the corruption here in our government. That’s why you’re being attacked as well. Our government is trying to take our freedoms away, they’re trying to force us to think a certain way, and they’re trying to force us to be their human experiments by taking these experimental, unapproved injections. The similarities to Nazi Germany are obvious. Stand strong. The Australian people are with you.
Let's call this what it is. This is NOT a vaccine, this is gene therapy. Changing the definition of vaccine to fit their narrative doesn't change the fact. Mandating this poison to anyone goes against every human right and every man-made right, then giving it to children-especially children who have not yet reached puberty is unconscionable. Media feeding the fear porn. Every person involved in this should be tried for crimes against humanity.
Copy of email sent to Michael Mccormack on Julian Assange Injustice
Hi Michael,
Firstly thankyou for your time and I hope this finds you well.
The recent decision on Julian Assange extradition to the usa being overturned is a blight on humanity and human rights and a terrible turn of events for your political party going into an election.
Australians do not forgive easily and we have all watched how the Australian government has let the usa run this mockery of justice in the UK with out a word in favour of the TRUTH Shame on our government and its representatives for all acting like Cowards and letting the worlds most war crime country run the show.
With video proof of war crimes and out right murder like playing a video game and you are sentencng the person who made it public Michael get the Lib/Nationals together and say if they want to win the election Bring Assange home to serve the sentence and his wife and family to follow then set him free to show the world we are just, and this will win you the election.
And tell the americans what justice is.
Thank you George for standing up to the lies. Pray that God will raise up more leaders to speak out. “Like sheep lead to the slaughter people are going to get jabbed”. Bless you
Keep up the good work George. Pity there aren't more courageous politicians like yourself.
That every Member of the ruling LNP, ostensibly a 'conservative' Government, is not speaking out like you George, particularly on this corrupt pandemic with its deceitful gene therapy 'vaccines,' is an indictment against everyone of that silent majority! Keep pushing back George, even harder and more often. God bless you! Everyone can be thankful there is you, George, standing up to be counted on behalf of all people like me and telling the truth for a change.
Please answer the risk factor for children for covid19. It is minuscule. The crime is when good people do not do their homework and check out the facts. I am fearful for the children of the world!
Yes, very few children suffer anything but minimal symptoms. That's why I was disgusted when Yvette D'Ath and Grace Grace announced teachers and all other school staff had to get the jab to 'protect the vulnerable' - absolutely ridiculous! 🤬
Thank you George for your updates the media absolute liars don’t believe anything they publish they also belong to the swamp rats 🐀
Thanks George for all that you do! My skin crawls in horror that they're coming for our kids!!! How dare they!!! The astronomical crimes against humanity they have already committed and now they want to harm the kids!!! We must protect our pristine, innocent kids who still have an undeveloped immune system and are unable to make an informed consent decision due to being infants and under the age of consent (18).. Deeply saddening.