Good post, George. I don't think people are taking this all seriously enough. We all need to be as self-sufficient as we can be right now, and into the future. It'd be helpful if people could pay more attention to posts like yours and all do at least a little something towards being able to cope on their own should 'services' go out the window....which they will.
Stocking up on basic foodstuffs is helpful - but it's not enough, as you say. We need to have a bit more variety of things stored up - including things to trade with should it come down to barter - because if we're not signing up for the Great Reset then we'll be on our own: no Centrelink payments, possibly no access to our bank accounts...or other assumed services, all because we're not doing what the govt wants. Then it will be very difficult for people to cope if they have not stocked up...
Already we are seeing massive delays in things like farming gear/fencing availability. Very often some foods are not 'in stock' for weeks, or even months, at a time. Sometimes you just have to get a brand of something you don't normally get because you just CAN'T get the brand you prefer. And now companies are changing their ingredients in some foods because they can't source their usual ingredients. So this war on food (and then some!) has already started. And it's only going to get worse. People are not looking into the future here. They NEED to be more aware! And they need to act now!
I have heard on the community grape-vine that Bill Gates has been providing funds for an Agricultural Research Facility near Warwick Qld. called the Hermitage. I have also heard that Mr. Gates has acquired a sizeable amount of land in the vicinity of the Hermitage. I have no way of substantiating this information George, but perhaps you have contacts who are able to do just that.
I think I have a reasonable solution for the cops or elite turning the car off . this can only be done to cars from 2000, 2001 onwards apparently. if it was me I would be wrapping the ECU of the car in LEAD it will stop info getting in and out, it would also disable the SATNAV , I never use one anyway. Thats my solution to that problem. good read George.
Christ will continue to reveal Himself to us, and we will continue to reflect His character. As we do, whatever gift He wants to manifest through us for a particular occasion, or whatever way He wants to motivate, encourage, and fulfill us in spreading His love, or whatever gift He wants us to become to the Body, will be made known to those around us without particular emphasis and without recourse to hype, self-promotion, research, questionnaires, or inventories.
"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith." Romans 12:6
"They" have been attacking our farmers for years, using their puppet governments. Look at the incredible cost constraints put on our farmers under "the reef runoff laws"! Dr Peter Ridd proved that farm runoff was barely detectable, while the climate alarmists were screaming for many years "the reef is dead"! Then, as soon as the harder left get in, and go all out on power poverty with their 43%, all of a sudden the reef is "the healthiest its been since measurement began". We are being totally scammed, for the purpose of totalitarian control.
George, why is it that our farmers are forced to use extremely expensive, short life, pesticides, some costing $800 per litre, when our federal dictatorship allow produce to come in from countries which aren't held to the same standards?
Simple answer is not to buy imported produce, but we should not buy from countries which don't meet our standards!
Good post, George. I don't think people are taking this all seriously enough. We all need to be as self-sufficient as we can be right now, and into the future. It'd be helpful if people could pay more attention to posts like yours and all do at least a little something towards being able to cope on their own should 'services' go out the window....which they will.
Stocking up on basic foodstuffs is helpful - but it's not enough, as you say. We need to have a bit more variety of things stored up - including things to trade with should it come down to barter - because if we're not signing up for the Great Reset then we'll be on our own: no Centrelink payments, possibly no access to our bank accounts...or other assumed services, all because we're not doing what the govt wants. Then it will be very difficult for people to cope if they have not stocked up...
Already we are seeing massive delays in things like farming gear/fencing availability. Very often some foods are not 'in stock' for weeks, or even months, at a time. Sometimes you just have to get a brand of something you don't normally get because you just CAN'T get the brand you prefer. And now companies are changing their ingredients in some foods because they can't source their usual ingredients. So this war on food (and then some!) has already started. And it's only going to get worse. People are not looking into the future here. They NEED to be more aware! And they need to act now!
Hello George thanks for your good work..keeping us informed...
THE AUSSIE FOOD SECURITY GUIDE is FREE for anyone in your community...everything you need to know to store enough food for 12 months.
The FREE guide is a 30 page download
I have written several books on healthy lifestyles for adults and children...this one is a community project.
Click on this link below
feel free to share with family and friends
Thank you xx
Best wishes and hopes for successful meeting
I have heard on the community grape-vine that Bill Gates has been providing funds for an Agricultural Research Facility near Warwick Qld. called the Hermitage. I have also heard that Mr. Gates has acquired a sizeable amount of land in the vicinity of the Hermitage. I have no way of substantiating this information George, but perhaps you have contacts who are able to do just that.
I think I have a reasonable solution for the cops or elite turning the car off . this can only be done to cars from 2000, 2001 onwards apparently. if it was me I would be wrapping the ECU of the car in LEAD it will stop info getting in and out, it would also disable the SATNAV , I never use one anyway. Thats my solution to that problem. good read George.
Christ will continue to reveal Himself to us, and we will continue to reflect His character. As we do, whatever gift He wants to manifest through us for a particular occasion, or whatever way He wants to motivate, encourage, and fulfill us in spreading His love, or whatever gift He wants us to become to the Body, will be made known to those around us without particular emphasis and without recourse to hype, self-promotion, research, questionnaires, or inventories.
"Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith." Romans 12:6
God may have other plans for the land Bill Gates is buying up!!
Pray that this is so!
May the Holy Spirit direct your prayers as you pray…
and God’s Word … Luke 6:10 The Passion Translation..
Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth,
(capitals mine)
"They" have been attacking our farmers for years, using their puppet governments. Look at the incredible cost constraints put on our farmers under "the reef runoff laws"! Dr Peter Ridd proved that farm runoff was barely detectable, while the climate alarmists were screaming for many years "the reef is dead"! Then, as soon as the harder left get in, and go all out on power poverty with their 43%, all of a sudden the reef is "the healthiest its been since measurement began". We are being totally scammed, for the purpose of totalitarian control.
George, why is it that our farmers are forced to use extremely expensive, short life, pesticides, some costing $800 per litre, when our federal dictatorship allow produce to come in from countries which aren't held to the same standards?
Simple answer is not to buy imported produce, but we should not buy from countries which don't meet our standards!