recently I attempted to order on line from a mail order firm from which I have occassionally purchased articles. They requested I sign in & create an account which I did not want to do as they have had my address phone number and payment details for some time It appears plain ordering is unacceptable requiring me to comply if using either on line or phone I felt like an unwelcome suspicious customer yet have had no problems with this firm previously using past systems Yes I did order on my terms stating my reasons why first being not tech savvy second irked at overbearing manner

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I had the same deal. A company I'd dealt with for years and years suddenly demanded I do buying by using PayPal. Nope. For a while I'd ring up and make orders, then I could direct deposit for my order.

And then they said no...so I said no to paying online and forcing me onto it.

They lost around $200 per month. Their loss. I now buy locally - with CASH.

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Australia is under threat! The United Nations and the World Health Organization are the source of global tyranny resulting in the destruction of personal and national health, autonomy, and sovereign power by Australia's complicit government.

The "COVID pandemic" was just a "dry-run" for the real thing. Agenda 2030 programs are being implemented now by UN/WHO in Australia to accomplish:

- Loss of Personal or National Sovereignty /Agenda 2030 / the Great Reset

- Vaccine and/or Mask Mandates

- Transhumanism / "Internet of Bodies"

- Lockdowns / Quarantines / Travel Restrictions

- Social Engineering / Behaviour Modification / Social Distancing

- Violation of Property Rights

- Violation of Parental Rights

- Hyper-sexualization / Victimization of Children

- Censorship / Persecution of Dissenters

- Pseudoscience

- Surveillance / Elimination of Privacy / "Contact Tracing"

- Digital IDs / “Vaccine Passports”

- Central Bank Digital Currency / Social Credit Score

- Urban Concentration Camps / "15 min Cities" / "Smart Cities" / C-40

- More limitations on your Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Despite the propaganda Australia's only gain from UN/WHO membership is vulnerability to tyranny. We have a Constitution, help compel our Legislators to use it by getting us out from under these globalist organizations and restoring our rights and freedoms.

Frankly, one email won't do it. So each of us needs to share this link: https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/promo/5XK with everyone you can reach to motivate them to join you in preserving Australia's democracy.

For documentation and further information please visit https://PreventGenocide2030.org

God Bless!

P.S. Thanks George for raising public awareness of this urgent important matter. Have signed the petition & advised family, friends, strangers to do the same. Keep up the great work brother.

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And "philanthropist" Bill Gates just "donated" money to Australia to "help" combat digital theft. It was on the media but I only saw it once! Where's the guts of the "donation?" Anyone?

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Great post, George!

I've already signed the petition, and I put in x2 Submissions (just in the nick of time!) against the Digital ID Bill & Digital ID Accreditation Rules.

What I want to know, and perhaps you, having previously been a Parliamentarian, could tell me, is how many days is STANDARD for people to be able to put Submissions in? Can it vary so greatly? Sometimes they extend them the same evening they're closing, like the Digital ID Bill - it was scheduled to close @ 5pm AEST, but it seems they forgot about WA (again) so they moved it to an 8pm closing time! Some others get extended for weeks and weeks, like the Misinformation Bill. And some they have for such a short time - like the Digital ID Bill. What's the go? I would've thought there were basic standards on the times Bills are available for people to view/write Submissions - but are there?

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There probably isn’t a standard. It seems all this was done in the thick of the night though, during the middle of a referendum campaign as well.

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Thanks. And yes, I'm quite sure they're just chopping and changing as they see fit. That's pretty evident! :-(

But if there is a standard, I certainly can't see it in operation. These Bills have such random timeframes for us to be able to submit our Submissions that it doesn't seem there could be a standard - which to me sounds pretty wrong.

Perhaps there's something in legislation about politicians being able to shift timeframes for them if they so wish...but I wouldn't know where to start to figure that out. Perhaps I could call Parliament and find out?! Who knows if I'd be told the right thing or not...

I think there should be a set timeframe for each Bill. It's only fair and reasonable that people have enough time to have their say on each Bill. And this way, one bill is not given way more importance than another. Unless of course, time is automatically extended if certain numbers of submissions come in...?

When elections are called, there's a minimum timeframe. So SOME areas of politics at least have minimum timeframes...but from what I can tell, some Bills are given 2 weeks, others 5 weeks, others 8 weeks - and this is from the get go! Why?

By the way, they've extended ONLY the Digital ID Accreditation Rules submissions:

https://www.finance.gov.au/about-us/news/2023/digital-identity-bill-2023-consultation - finished on 10th Oct supposedly...but see the new date here:

https://www.digitalidentity.gov.au/have-your-say - now it's the 31st Oct!

So they keep bloody changing them all the time!! WHY?! How can it be normal (or legal?) to do this?!

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