All us naysayers oppressing trans women telling them they can't get pregnant and give birth to babies? Presumably, they'll be able to have the whole virtual experience soon. lol

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The movie Zero Population Growth (ZPG) had this exact scenario the only difference being that they had actual life size dolls and children to substitute for the real thing.

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Its interesting time, its time we talked about adoption instead of abortion, give a family a baby they cant have. The vaccine side effects are far from being seen, we dont know how many people will not be able to have children. I have a friend who lost there baby in its last term due to the vaccine and now they cant have any more.

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A healthy woman or man who is tricked into looking after a virtual baby will go psychotic, the brain will be torn in two. One half will want the baby to be real, the other half will know that it is not. The desire for a baby can be extremely strong.

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So correct George! I also think that the transgender propaganda foisted on our youth is yet another depopulation tactic. Children now identifying as something other than their birth gender is off the charts. According to the Pew Research Centre, roughly 5% of young adults in the US believe their gender is different to what they were at birth. These numbers are simply astounding! Not sure whether there's similar research in Australia, but if the US is anything to go by, the effect is a deficit in the availability pool of breeding couples. Cold hard fact. So it's a win for those pushing the depopulation agenda. What's the bet they dine out on those stats.

Those unfortunate enough to get caught up in this incredibly sophisticated psyops campaign should take heart that they've been hoodwinked by the best that there's ever been. I have no doubt that at some point, God will take his vengeance on the evil perpetrators behind this. I mean where on God's green earth can two men conceive and give birth? It is a physical and physiological impossibility.

(the Pew Research article: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/06/07/about-5-of-young-adults-in-the-u-s-say-their-gender-is-different-from-their-sex-assigned-at-birth/ )

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The world is going mad.

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Maybe those so called 'elites' will breed themselves out of existence by then so intent will they be in cutting the population.

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Tyranny of babies by artificial choice is abhorrent Another growing tyranny barely recognised is the tyranny of the weak which would delight the elites Television views of Somalian women some pregnant tramping long distances over days to find food and shelter yet AGAIN. Famine & starvation seems normal for this part of the world happening frequently and aid is rushed in from rest of world saving hundreds of lives for a while UN never question the leaders of these poor countries why conditions there remain so bad ,why illegal immigration is sought and basic rights of food shelter are denied Some leaders appear at UN clad in stylish exotic traditional garb always begging for help and aid most of which is freely given but which the neediest people don't receive being siphoned off by corrupt bureaucrats yet the rest of the world is still expected to keep donating Those downtrodden women probably uneducated are just exploited for financial gain expecting little as that's what life is all about knowing any other and which restricted thinking will continue through the coming generations. The growing generations of the weak will be depending on the rest of the world to aid them in all things unless some stop is placed on this matter People desire to help the weak helpless and feeble but hate having their kindness being shamefully used That is a form of tyranny by the weak aided by corruption

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It is almost impossible to find words for this insanity! I guess it is a way for trans men to have babies. They can play dolls. It makes you wonder who thinks up these incredible ideas, people on LSD? Maybe they are having a "trip" and this is waht they see. How much longer will we put upo with it?

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