Thank you George. Hope you're able to wake up more of the asleep because the damage is mounting fast and we need them. We're all doing what we can but it's better to fight on our feet than surrender on our knees.
World Economic Forum is a front organisation. Nobody ever talks about who is really behind all of this. This Evil agenda is about destruction of the Human race and bringing about a "new order of the Ages".It has been building for for centuries, and The Medical Industrial/Inquisition Complex is an important part of it.
When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: Using predictive programming they've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is the Virus they are fighting: The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader. "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations):
None of this comes as a surprise to anyone who listens. They, the evil, want you to CONSENT to this sacrilege, the removal of our god given immune system, by getting your "vaccine" as ordered. That's why they've been telling us what they intend since the Pharohs were in charge of Egypt. IT'S NOT A VACCINE, it's a gene editing tool. when you get jabbed, you are giving up on being a human. You are voting against GOD.
real problem is us ... just like house cleaning. Most aussies nowadays would rather sell up than fix their troubles hence the RealEstateIndustry is thriving ... and communities broken (agenda). The 'cheap imports' in reality masked our own greed not wanting to pay more for quality and labour so manufacturers went offshore. Our so called Democracy was never realised thus giving political representation a sense autocracy. Then our fair-minded aussies began to flaunt their self inflicted importance on a world stage help give rise to extremism far far away and at home.
Our economics based on crudes that were manufactured further offshore came home to bite us as multi national corporations gouged price index for our own commodities needed to keep our lights on .... as if that wasn't enough most of our national assets were sold off... wonder who bought those as backwater Pacific Islanders claiming their toes are getting wet while 'our' Telstra is installing communications for them while aussies squirm at slow nbn connections and mobile drop outs in urbanised areas.
Ahhh yes the dreaded virus the one that got away and swallowed the globe in a pandemic of epic proportions beating The Flood hands down .... extinction of Man, no less. This tale has no beginning and no end as human recall is non existent at best and as tiresome as MSM's gaggle of ducks.... never-ending diatribe of nothing much.
And where do we go now .... George? Australia was and still is a nanny state and its babes have yet to grow up and look at the world without the rose tints of so many foreign national interests. Own up to our mistakes, stop blaming others for our failures and clean up 'our own mess' first.
As for all those far far far away anglosphereic propagandas, agendas, utopians, etc .... have you ever wondered why they are allowing some to be heard and others shuttered? Bipolar disorder.
Barnaby Joyce is VERY quiet after mouthing off about how ineffective McCormack was....and I thought the PM was a Christian? He is certainly not acting like one. Obviously by his words & Actions, Willing & Happy to sell out Australia's Sovereignty and OUR future Health to the highest bidder and Labor/Greens are just as dangerous. Avoid the Duopoly (except for certain genuine few like George) Libs/Nats, Labor/Greens. PM has been told/warned about danger of vaccine compared to virus but IGNORED! WHY??
With what is now known about the efficacy, what they (Political Elites & Health Bureaucrats) are doing by banning Therapeutic Treatments like HCQ & IVM could be (and is by me) considered premeditated Murder.
Thanks for all your great work George in speaking out against all the evil that is being propagated in this Country and all over the world. The demons are manifesting through political leaders and revealing much about the hearts of these individuals.
Thank you George for all that you are doing for Australia and Australians. You are a TRUE Aussie, in the REAL spirit of being an Aussie and in Politics there are very few. For anyone interested in what Vitamins and dosages of Vitamins (esp. checking Vitamin D Levels) for optimum use against Wuhan (minimizing and even possibly avoiding), let me know and I will list them here.
Thank you George for being out there and having the courage to do so. If you do decide to run again though please do so with one of the Independent political parties. They need individuals like you.
How can you know part of the truth about this pandemic, that it is mostly hype, and not know that it has been PATENTED by "Dr" Fauci. The Chinese were ATTACKED. The USA attacked China with their illegal biological weapon of mass destruction, and the Chinese, heroes that they are to the rest of the world, worked out a cure within eight days. They noticed, from their autopsy results, that lung congestion was the killer. They stopped bedrest and ventilators, in favour of exercise, and nearly beat it with that alone. Then they found the a CURE. Hydroxychloroquine. There are now over a dozen effective CURES, and we in the west are still dying from it because "Dr" Fauci, the creator of this weapon, told us that there is no cure. The CRIMINAL, "Dr" Fauci (Guilty of war crimes, being the manufacture of illegal WMDs), with the HONARY degree (Not a real doctor of ANYTHING, especially not a MD.), is telling us what he WANTS to be true, and not what is true. He made a defective WMD, which only kills people who follow his ridiculous instructions. DO NOT DO WHAT HE SAYS, AND THIS PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED IN MINUTES.
"The global financial system is a huge Ponzi scheme. If those who run it were to lose control of liquidity creation, the ensuing explosion would nuke the entire socio-economic fabric below. Simultaneously, a recession would deprive politicians of any credibility. This is why the elites’ only viable plan would seem to lie in synchronizing the controlled demolition of the economy (collapse of global supply-chain resulting in an ‘everything shortage’), with the rolling out of a global digital infrastructure for technocratic takeover. Timing is of the essence"
The mainstream fantasise that it is all about “saving the planet” or creating a greener economy for the good of all.
It is not, and it never was. It is about maintaining/centralising financial and economic power.
“Globalization” is a euphemism for Western USA-led economic predation of countries in the so-called developing world, of the global under-classes as resources themselves, and of the Western USA-allied nations to the extent tolerable.
WEF indebted Morrison sold us into serfdom to the big pharma, high tech corporate industrial complex in exchange for shiny hedge fund investments.
"sheep spend their entire lives being afraid of the wolf, but end up eaten by the shepherd"
The feedback below is a taster of what to expect from 15-20 mins investment of your time and attention when you read the above. Feel free to distribute and repost as you see fit. GM
👉 ‘Whew, just finished a first reading--there’ll be several more I'm sure. Beautifully written, [a] powerful's an important perspective that may shed some real light on how we need to proceed. i.e. [how we need] to break the Covidian trance. Thank you.’
👉 ‘Everything by this writer is worth reading, and this article in particular is one to be stashed and shared under "Must Read". Tear yourself away from arguing with someone about why or why not you'll get the "Vaccine"…and understand the deeply troubling ramifications of what this global emergency is about.’
👉 ‘Many thanks to you for sharing. You are an inspiration and a strength in a world made by a few, dull and weak (sic). I look forward to more of your great articles and stories. Hold your spirit strong ‘cause you are here on the right side of this great thing they call life. Your wisdom and words are much needed to awaken the dormants. Keep up your great work.’
👉 ‘I recommend this article [on transmarginal inhibition*] to understand why all this fear is being promoted. Pavlov did a considerable amount of work to understand this phenomena. Essentially, if the PTB can scare the crap out of you, then you can be made to believe the most implausible things.’
👉 ‘A really good read...I have read so much material that counters the current mainstream media regarding #COVID, I am seeing many of the tools used [by them] to get the counter argument across. I am now a firm believer that the world is currently being misled, [and] misinformed with selective information...But many counterarguments are falling short; this article managed to stay thought provoking all the way through without any sensationalism, and therefore sits alongside many of the great articles I have had the good fortune to read on this website. Genuine food for thought. Thank you.’
👉 ‘Greg, I wish I had your eloquence and gift for expressing yourself on so many topics, but alas, I don’t. Keep it up!’
👉 ‘Your essays are brilliantly informative and entertaining...don't change a thing...[For my part] I will continue to be obstinately objectionable and question EVERYTHING! AND you no doubt will continue researching and entertaining us with your wonderful essays.’
👉 ‘Thank you [Greg]. I found it a lucid and interesting article. It set me thinking* on a couple of things.’ [*Ed. Note: 👍 One of the main points of the exercise I’d like to think🤔.]
👉 ‘Greg, congrats on your Covid essay, I think you’ve nailed this in that it has become a total psychological game where our so called leaders dance to the tune of a prescribed narrative, and pity anyone who dare speak of an alternative view. The real tragedy is that most support the fools they call leaders. Your essay could be well illustrated with an image of the Pied Piper...’
👉 ‘Hi Greg, You are one of the most creative writers that I know of. This important article uses your remarkable creativity to broadcast an important message that goes against the convention (sic) madness.’
👉 ‘[Hello Greg], thank you for your impressive and admirable work. Congrats! It is very valuable for me because I can use and reference it in conversations and correspondence.’
👉'Many thanks Greg, again you have demonstrated your unique ability to voice the truth and add graphics plus links which make it easy for your readers to research for themselves your thesis...I'm totally "on board" with your presentation and clarity.’
Thank you George. Hope you're able to wake up more of the asleep because the damage is mounting fast and we need them. We're all doing what we can but it's better to fight on our feet than surrender on our knees.
Thanks for your hard work in keeping us informed. We will fight for our rights.
World Economic Forum is a front organisation. Nobody ever talks about who is really behind all of this. This Evil agenda is about destruction of the Human race and bringing about a "new order of the Ages".It has been building for for centuries, and The Medical Industrial/Inquisition Complex is an important part of it.
When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24 'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.' - The Hidden History of the Revived Roman Empire: Using predictive programming they've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is the Virus they are fighting: The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation
The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader. "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations):
None of this comes as a surprise to anyone who listens. They, the evil, want you to CONSENT to this sacrilege, the removal of our god given immune system, by getting your "vaccine" as ordered. That's why they've been telling us what they intend since the Pharohs were in charge of Egypt. IT'S NOT A VACCINE, it's a gene editing tool. when you get jabbed, you are giving up on being a human. You are voting against GOD.
real problem is us ... just like house cleaning. Most aussies nowadays would rather sell up than fix their troubles hence the RealEstateIndustry is thriving ... and communities broken (agenda). The 'cheap imports' in reality masked our own greed not wanting to pay more for quality and labour so manufacturers went offshore. Our so called Democracy was never realised thus giving political representation a sense autocracy. Then our fair-minded aussies began to flaunt their self inflicted importance on a world stage help give rise to extremism far far away and at home.
Our economics based on crudes that were manufactured further offshore came home to bite us as multi national corporations gouged price index for our own commodities needed to keep our lights on .... as if that wasn't enough most of our national assets were sold off... wonder who bought those as backwater Pacific Islanders claiming their toes are getting wet while 'our' Telstra is installing communications for them while aussies squirm at slow nbn connections and mobile drop outs in urbanised areas.
Ahhh yes the dreaded virus the one that got away and swallowed the globe in a pandemic of epic proportions beating The Flood hands down .... extinction of Man, no less. This tale has no beginning and no end as human recall is non existent at best and as tiresome as MSM's gaggle of ducks.... never-ending diatribe of nothing much.
And where do we go now .... George? Australia was and still is a nanny state and its babes have yet to grow up and look at the world without the rose tints of so many foreign national interests. Own up to our mistakes, stop blaming others for our failures and clean up 'our own mess' first.
As for all those far far far away anglosphereic propagandas, agendas, utopians, etc .... have you ever wondered why they are allowing some to be heard and others shuttered? Bipolar disorder.
Barnaby Joyce is VERY quiet after mouthing off about how ineffective McCormack was....and I thought the PM was a Christian? He is certainly not acting like one. Obviously by his words & Actions, Willing & Happy to sell out Australia's Sovereignty and OUR future Health to the highest bidder and Labor/Greens are just as dangerous. Avoid the Duopoly (except for certain genuine few like George) Libs/Nats, Labor/Greens. PM has been told/warned about danger of vaccine compared to virus but IGNORED! WHY??
With what is now known about the efficacy, what they (Political Elites & Health Bureaucrats) are doing by banning Therapeutic Treatments like HCQ & IVM could be (and is by me) considered premeditated Murder.
Thanks for all your great work George in speaking out against all the evil that is being propagated in this Country and all over the world. The demons are manifesting through political leaders and revealing much about the hearts of these individuals.
great work George this is and always has been to me a plandemic and the more people like yourself and others can bring this to light the better
Thank you George for all that you are doing for Australia and Australians. You are a TRUE Aussie, in the REAL spirit of being an Aussie and in Politics there are very few. For anyone interested in what Vitamins and dosages of Vitamins (esp. checking Vitamin D Levels) for optimum use against Wuhan (minimizing and even possibly avoiding), let me know and I will list them here.
Thank you George for being out there and having the courage to do so. If you do decide to run again though please do so with one of the Independent political parties. They need individuals like you.
Please run in next election. Please do not resign
Please keep up the ‘Good Work’! It’s much appreciated.
This explains some of what is going on too.
How can you know part of the truth about this pandemic, that it is mostly hype, and not know that it has been PATENTED by "Dr" Fauci. The Chinese were ATTACKED. The USA attacked China with their illegal biological weapon of mass destruction, and the Chinese, heroes that they are to the rest of the world, worked out a cure within eight days. They noticed, from their autopsy results, that lung congestion was the killer. They stopped bedrest and ventilators, in favour of exercise, and nearly beat it with that alone. Then they found the a CURE. Hydroxychloroquine. There are now over a dozen effective CURES, and we in the west are still dying from it because "Dr" Fauci, the creator of this weapon, told us that there is no cure. The CRIMINAL, "Dr" Fauci (Guilty of war crimes, being the manufacture of illegal WMDs), with the HONARY degree (Not a real doctor of ANYTHING, especially not a MD.), is telling us what he WANTS to be true, and not what is true. He made a defective WMD, which only kills people who follow his ridiculous instructions. DO NOT DO WHAT HE SAYS, AND THIS PROBLEM WILL BE SOLVED IN MINUTES.
Two important articles that explain the real agenda behind the plandemic.
1. ‘Uncovering the Corona Narrative’ by the German author and journalist Ernst Wolff,
The economic motif of the Covid whodunit must be placed within a broader context of social transformation
2. Fabio Vighi with the third instalment of his analysis of pand-economy:
"The global financial system is a huge Ponzi scheme. If those who run it were to lose control of liquidity creation, the ensuing explosion would nuke the entire socio-economic fabric below. Simultaneously, a recession would deprive politicians of any credibility. This is why the elites’ only viable plan would seem to lie in synchronizing the controlled demolition of the economy (collapse of global supply-chain resulting in an ‘everything shortage’), with the rolling out of a global digital infrastructure for technocratic takeover. Timing is of the essence"
The mainstream fantasise that it is all about “saving the planet” or creating a greener economy for the good of all.
It is not, and it never was. It is about maintaining/centralising financial and economic power.
“Globalization” is a euphemism for Western USA-led economic predation of countries in the so-called developing world, of the global under-classes as resources themselves, and of the Western USA-allied nations to the extent tolerable.
WEF indebted Morrison sold us into serfdom to the big pharma, high tech corporate industrial complex in exchange for shiny hedge fund investments.
"sheep spend their entire lives being afraid of the wolf, but end up eaten by the shepherd"
G’day George, Appreciate your dedication to the cause. Hope we can stay in touch. If you’re ever in Perth, look me up. In the meantime, see below.
More Dispatches from the🙅♂️🦠Zone — Close Psychic Encounters of the Covid Kind
📝👉Article: With a Lie this Large (The Psychic Dangers of our Infected Minds), by Greg Maybury.
The feedback below is a taster of what to expect from 15-20 mins investment of your time and attention when you read the above. Feel free to distribute and repost as you see fit. GM
👉 ‘Whew, just finished a first reading--there’ll be several more I'm sure. Beautifully written, [a] powerful's an important perspective that may shed some real light on how we need to proceed. i.e. [how we need] to break the Covidian trance. Thank you.’
👉 ‘Everything by this writer is worth reading, and this article in particular is one to be stashed and shared under "Must Read". Tear yourself away from arguing with someone about why or why not you'll get the "Vaccine"…and understand the deeply troubling ramifications of what this global emergency is about.’
👉 ‘Many thanks to you for sharing. You are an inspiration and a strength in a world made by a few, dull and weak (sic). I look forward to more of your great articles and stories. Hold your spirit strong ‘cause you are here on the right side of this great thing they call life. Your wisdom and words are much needed to awaken the dormants. Keep up your great work.’
👉 ‘I recommend this article [on transmarginal inhibition*] to understand why all this fear is being promoted. Pavlov did a considerable amount of work to understand this phenomena. Essentially, if the PTB can scare the crap out of you, then you can be made to believe the most implausible things.’
👉 ‘A really good read...I have read so much material that counters the current mainstream media regarding #COVID, I am seeing many of the tools used [by them] to get the counter argument across. I am now a firm believer that the world is currently being misled, [and] misinformed with selective information...But many counterarguments are falling short; this article managed to stay thought provoking all the way through without any sensationalism, and therefore sits alongside many of the great articles I have had the good fortune to read on this website. Genuine food for thought. Thank you.’
👉 ‘Greg, I wish I had your eloquence and gift for expressing yourself on so many topics, but alas, I don’t. Keep it up!’
👉 ‘Your essays are brilliantly informative and entertaining...don't change a thing...[For my part] I will continue to be obstinately objectionable and question EVERYTHING! AND you no doubt will continue researching and entertaining us with your wonderful essays.’
👉 ‘Thank you [Greg]. I found it a lucid and interesting article. It set me thinking* on a couple of things.’ [*Ed. Note: 👍 One of the main points of the exercise I’d like to think🤔.]
👉 ‘Greg, congrats on your Covid essay, I think you’ve nailed this in that it has become a total psychological game where our so called leaders dance to the tune of a prescribed narrative, and pity anyone who dare speak of an alternative view. The real tragedy is that most support the fools they call leaders. Your essay could be well illustrated with an image of the Pied Piper...’
👉 ‘Hi Greg, You are one of the most creative writers that I know of. This important article uses your remarkable creativity to broadcast an important message that goes against the convention (sic) madness.’
👉 ‘[Hello Greg], thank you for your impressive and admirable work. Congrats! It is very valuable for me because I can use and reference it in conversations and correspondence.’
👉'Many thanks Greg, again you have demonstrated your unique ability to voice the truth and add graphics plus links which make it easy for your readers to research for themselves your thesis...I'm totally "on board" with your presentation and clarity.’
Someone posted this in the comments of another Nation First article. Has some good info.