And so called conservative politicians have let it happen. They have either rolled over after putting up feeble resistance, rolled over trying to appease leftards who will never vote for them or who have let left wing extremists(who they call moderates) remain in the party.
Thank you, George. I agree with almost everything you said here, except for one point. Linking emasculation of men with loss of being the family head seems a bit simplistic to me. Many couples have very good relationships and share in the leadership of the family. Also, there are men and women who aren’t mentally or socially healthy and can show poor leadership qualities, with overbearing attitudes to their husband or wife and children, even resorting to violence. But I have been aware for a long time how men have been portrayed in media ads as simpletons who can’t change a nappy. Women used to be portrayed in similar ways where men in lab coats had to show them how to use washing powders.
The belief that an accuser is always right in sexual abuse cases is extremely dangerous for men and threatens our long-established legal principles of innocent until proven guilty. No one will win if we discard this legal principle. The legal system isn’t perfect, and should always be open to improvements, but I will always speak up for this basic principle.
My own parents were extremely good and loving parents who showed they could both lead us, with strength and kindness.
Speaking out is imperative and social media, as toxic as it can be, is a good place to try to enlighten others to the truth because millions of people are on it.
Little by little evil has been eating away at society.
Back in 2011 the Labor government made a move to change the terms BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini - Medieval Latin translated as ‘In the year of Our Lord.’) and replace them with BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era).
It was a move Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, condemned at the time as an ‘intellectually absurd attempt to write Christ out of human history’.
And it was.
After seeing a meme about ''Happy New Year 2023" and FB being flooded with everyone saying Happy New Year!, I simply countered with comments such as "2023 years since what?" or "Praise to Jesus who was crucified for our sins 2023 years ago!" and so on. Yes I do know we don't know exactly when Jesus was born and that the Bible says it's his death we are to commemorate, not his birth.
Guess how many responses to the many I put up I got? Not one. But I do hope it actually made some people think! And just maybe opened their eyes a bit.
George, thank you for this very important article, so true but yet many many people in this country cannot see the warnings, perhaps there are to many distractions in their lives or maybe they have too much faith in the words from their politicians and the main-stream media both of which are subject to lies and deceit. The truth cannot be withheld nor supressed and will eventually be exposed by patriots and people of faith. Kenneth King Birchip Vic
Yes and how many celebrate Christmas and don't know why and if you don't believe in Christ why are they celebrating? But then the word of Christ might just hit home to someone out there, we can only hope.
Bless you, George, our only hope is in Jesus Christ! As we look around we can see that the signs are there for His return. We must stand strong and faithful to what we know is true.
Yes, our hope is in the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth.
When I pray for the people, I say The Jabez Prayer in 1 Chronicles 4; 10.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh that You would bless me indeed this day, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil that I cause no pain." (I insert them and they for me and I).
And I know God grants me what I have asked. I pray this every day and for myself also.
God knows what blessing the people need but for some blessings we must simply ask before Almighty God will give.
When I have asked the Lord for His blessings He often says to me, "Thank you for asking Me to bless".
I find I have become bolder to speak the Truth since I began praying the Prayer of Jabez for myself and for others.
Present Western society in thrall due to power and money greed . Added to that is the careless downgrading of the family unit and basic Christian beliefs being overlaid with superstitious tokens, strange religions ,suppression of free speech and naive acceptance of "expert"comments This future should look brighter after past histories and wars instead it seems to be repeating itself One example being the ISIS movement still dwelling on past religious wars to uphold God's word in a vicious manner. Are Australians are being too willing to accept and tolerate other people's ideas as truth yet time says wary reluctance may be needed Year 2023 2+2+3 is a seven year which ancient scholars said is the number of spirituality compassion love kindness and water Seven is the number than cannot be divided so let our thoughts actions and ways be directed along the lines of seven but it was not meant to be easy
We need to repent for being slack and allowing this fall and ask God how we can join with Him to bring heaven to earth. There are many great verses in the Bible that have not come to pass yet.
As God is the only one to know when Jesus will return we need to occupy until He comes and do as He asks:
(New American Standard Bible)
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
In the Bible when “the church” was under attack that is when (with God’s help) his followers raised their standards and asked for boldness to continue proclaiming His salvation.
So c’mon church, ask for how each one of us can be His co-labourer to bring light to our families, our area, our suburbs, our cities and our nation.
After all, much of this darkness and these evil agendas are being made known so that we can ask Him for strategies to help stand against these onslaughts.
The Bible is full of strategies when people repented and asked God for His direction, and HE HAS NOT CHANGED.
So agree. I have listened to Martyn Iles from the Australian Christian Lobby. We all need to stand up for our Christian value. Thank you for your message and prayer.
Well said George. We are all share your prayer for our country in total decay.
I only wish each person would reject all Government platitudes and assists including child support of any kind. It is a bribe designed to destroy the family unit s control over the education of our children and health to mal educate and force/coerce each person to be complicit with their evil intentions
We are angry that the Politicians we elected, particularly the Liberals and National Party MP's and Senators who treasure our countries Democracy, freedom of speech and opinions and traditional
Australian culture, are silent. Peter Dutton has turned out to be a whimp and will not stand up for the Australian people. Shame on him!!
None of them (with the exception of just a few who we all know who those people are) is prepared to stand up, speak and fight for the traditions of our country.
They are weak characters who value their pay packets more than they do the stability and true Democracy of our country.
We are increasingly infuriated that these people whom we thought had the same values as us when we gave them our trust to vote for them, have abandoned us for their own agendas which do not in reality and actions align with our philosophies.
It is the Politicians of Australia over the past few years particularly who have destroyed our country.
Thank you so much George for your insightful email.
Democracy sees majority rule, yet we give in to pressure from minorities. Thank you for standing up and bringing us with you...Oh if only we weren't so 'she'll be right mate'
God is going to counter the cancel culture with his love culture, who can stand against that!
And so called conservative politicians have let it happen. They have either rolled over after putting up feeble resistance, rolled over trying to appease leftards who will never vote for them or who have let left wing extremists(who they call moderates) remain in the party.
Thanks George. Hope and light in the face of this darkness is the best strategy given the road ahead!
Thank you, George. I agree with almost everything you said here, except for one point. Linking emasculation of men with loss of being the family head seems a bit simplistic to me. Many couples have very good relationships and share in the leadership of the family. Also, there are men and women who aren’t mentally or socially healthy and can show poor leadership qualities, with overbearing attitudes to their husband or wife and children, even resorting to violence. But I have been aware for a long time how men have been portrayed in media ads as simpletons who can’t change a nappy. Women used to be portrayed in similar ways where men in lab coats had to show them how to use washing powders.
The belief that an accuser is always right in sexual abuse cases is extremely dangerous for men and threatens our long-established legal principles of innocent until proven guilty. No one will win if we discard this legal principle. The legal system isn’t perfect, and should always be open to improvements, but I will always speak up for this basic principle.
My own parents were extremely good and loving parents who showed they could both lead us, with strength and kindness.
Thank you for your thoughtful writings.
Speaking out is imperative and social media, as toxic as it can be, is a good place to try to enlighten others to the truth because millions of people are on it.
Little by little evil has been eating away at society.
Back in 2011 the Labor government made a move to change the terms BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini - Medieval Latin translated as ‘In the year of Our Lord.’) and replace them with BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era).
It was a move Archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, condemned at the time as an ‘intellectually absurd attempt to write Christ out of human history’.
And it was.
After seeing a meme about ''Happy New Year 2023" and FB being flooded with everyone saying Happy New Year!, I simply countered with comments such as "2023 years since what?" or "Praise to Jesus who was crucified for our sins 2023 years ago!" and so on. Yes I do know we don't know exactly when Jesus was born and that the Bible says it's his death we are to commemorate, not his birth.
Guess how many responses to the many I put up I got? Not one. But I do hope it actually made some people think! And just maybe opened their eyes a bit.
George, thank you for this very important article, so true but yet many many people in this country cannot see the warnings, perhaps there are to many distractions in their lives or maybe they have too much faith in the words from their politicians and the main-stream media both of which are subject to lies and deceit. The truth cannot be withheld nor supressed and will eventually be exposed by patriots and people of faith. Kenneth King Birchip Vic
Yes and how many celebrate Christmas and don't know why and if you don't believe in Christ why are they celebrating? But then the word of Christ might just hit home to someone out there, we can only hope.
Bless you, George, our only hope is in Jesus Christ! As we look around we can see that the signs are there for His return. We must stand strong and faithful to what we know is true.
Numerology is from the Kabbalah which is steeped in mysticism (witchcraft). 7 won't save you but Jesus will.
Yes, our hope is in the Lord Who made Heaven and Earth.
When I pray for the people, I say The Jabez Prayer in 1 Chronicles 4; 10.
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, 'Oh that You would bless me indeed this day, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil that I cause no pain." (I insert them and they for me and I).
And I know God grants me what I have asked. I pray this every day and for myself also.
God knows what blessing the people need but for some blessings we must simply ask before Almighty God will give.
When I have asked the Lord for His blessings He often says to me, "Thank you for asking Me to bless".
I find I have become bolder to speak the Truth since I began praying the Prayer of Jabez for myself and for others.
Present Western society in thrall due to power and money greed . Added to that is the careless downgrading of the family unit and basic Christian beliefs being overlaid with superstitious tokens, strange religions ,suppression of free speech and naive acceptance of "expert"comments This future should look brighter after past histories and wars instead it seems to be repeating itself One example being the ISIS movement still dwelling on past religious wars to uphold God's word in a vicious manner. Are Australians are being too willing to accept and tolerate other people's ideas as truth yet time says wary reluctance may be needed Year 2023 2+2+3 is a seven year which ancient scholars said is the number of spirituality compassion love kindness and water Seven is the number than cannot be divided so let our thoughts actions and ways be directed along the lines of seven but it was not meant to be easy
We need to repent for being slack and allowing this fall and ask God how we can join with Him to bring heaven to earth. There are many great verses in the Bible that have not come to pass yet.
As God is the only one to know when Jesus will return we need to occupy until He comes and do as He asks:
(New American Standard Bible)
Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.
In the Bible when “the church” was under attack that is when (with God’s help) his followers raised their standards and asked for boldness to continue proclaiming His salvation.
So c’mon church, ask for how each one of us can be His co-labourer to bring light to our families, our area, our suburbs, our cities and our nation.
After all, much of this darkness and these evil agendas are being made known so that we can ask Him for strategies to help stand against these onslaughts.
The Bible is full of strategies when people repented and asked God for His direction, and HE HAS NOT CHANGED.
So agree. I have listened to Martyn Iles from the Australian Christian Lobby. We all need to stand up for our Christian value. Thank you for your message and prayer.
Well said George. We are all share your prayer for our country in total decay.
I only wish each person would reject all Government platitudes and assists including child support of any kind. It is a bribe designed to destroy the family unit s control over the education of our children and health to mal educate and force/coerce each person to be complicit with their evil intentions
We are angry that the Politicians we elected, particularly the Liberals and National Party MP's and Senators who treasure our countries Democracy, freedom of speech and opinions and traditional
Australian culture, are silent. Peter Dutton has turned out to be a whimp and will not stand up for the Australian people. Shame on him!!
None of them (with the exception of just a few who we all know who those people are) is prepared to stand up, speak and fight for the traditions of our country.
They are weak characters who value their pay packets more than they do the stability and true Democracy of our country.
We are increasingly infuriated that these people whom we thought had the same values as us when we gave them our trust to vote for them, have abandoned us for their own agendas which do not in reality and actions align with our philosophies.
It is the Politicians of Australia over the past few years particularly who have destroyed our country.
Thank you for the prayer George. We do need to look to our Lord in these times.
Blessings Thelma
And the biggest CONTROLLER of the world is GOOGLE and it's NOT the be all and end all,. Wake Up people and start thinking for yourself!
Thank you so much George for your insightful email.
Democracy sees majority rule, yet we give in to pressure from minorities. Thank you for standing up and bringing us with you...Oh if only we weren't so 'she'll be right mate'
God is going to counter the cancel culture with his love culture, who can stand against that!