Hi George. Thank you for all your excellent work, especially in parliament yesterday! You may be aware of researcher Steve Kirsch stevekirsch@substack.com . He has offered USD1,000,000 to any government health official willing to publicly debate him on video on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. To date there have been no takers. Steve is aware we are facing a greater threat to freedom in Australia than they are in the US and may be willing to take on an Australian government health official. Any thoughts on who may be up for it?

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Is it true brother of Scomo Allan Morrison is is head of AHPRA Australian health practitioner regulations ?

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If you can't question something, then it's not science, it's religion.

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Greg Hunt says the debate is over; this is not a debate, it is a question of freedom to choose. The experiment victims cannot see that they are victims so you cannot debate the brainwashed.

Let us have time to see what develops and if somewhere a really safe vaccine can be implemented - until then get out of our face with the lies.

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Good on you George Christensen for Podcast with Dr Malone. You’re getting a lot of flak from our govt & media. Means you are over the target. Keep doing what you’re doing…more & more people hearing the truth.

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Thank you George Christensen for your stance. We need more brave Australians to stand up for the rights of other Australians.

Who knows what the long term effects of this experimental vaccine will be on our children - it is a risk absolutely not worth taking.

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https://www.facebook.com/terry.lawton.359/posts/453872562980430 I wonder how long this link will stay up?

English police being told to persecute jabbers. I hope it's genuine, and that it flows on to here.

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Hi George, can we please have a link to that 4min clip of Robert's that was in this episode

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If we don't wake up and stop them, they will keep doing it to us until they have destroyed our lives.


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Stephen don’t let the government beat you hopefully people are finely waking up the weak politicians needs to go we had needles for a reason government has reneged

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Thanks George. For the truth. Our government extermination Of The people.

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Thanks George for your efforts, they are appreciated.

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George we need you to stay on, you now have a large number of supporters who will get behind you. Only 3 months to the next Federal election and we need as many Independents as possible. This is our one chance to get rid of Liberal, Labor and the Greens, they are all parasites!!

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It is axiomatic that many politicians seeking to deflect blame from themselves, will stoop to accusing anyone who exposes them, of being guilty of what they themselves are guilty of.

For instance, George Christensen is the only politician in Australia with the backbone to expose the Covid lies for what they are and how does our lily-livered PM respond? How this for cowardice?

SBS News today reported ScoMo in a press conference saying "Don't listen to George Christensen."

ScoMo further told parents 'to ignore George Christensen's vaccine messages.'

He'll get away with that rubbish only with those who have drunk the cool-aid and believe everything the mainstream fake media tell them.

Those days are over for everyone with two eyes and a brain between their ears. ScoMo, your pathetic, cheap-jack smearing of George won't wash - go and wash your mouth out. You are the one no one should listen to. Quit while you are in front - that's NOW!

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George, join up with one of the other sane parties fighting this debarckle, and stay in the parliament, we need you and more like you! Thanks!

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