We need a new ‘safe word’ in Victoria.
Topher Field takes the reins at Nation First with a take on the Victorian State election results.
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Dear friend,
I invited pro-freedom commentator Topher Field to give us his take on the results of the Victorian State election.
Topher has been doing commentary and producing documentary videos on hot topics from a libertarian perspective for quite a while.
You might recall him from the now famous ‘marbles’ video explainer on preferential voting (which he was forced to take down by the Australian Electoral Commission… only to upload a new one soon after).
You might also recall him for producing the fantastic documentary movie Battleground Melbourne which you can now purchase from Topher’s store with a 20% discount.
Topher is a Victorian as well, so is much better placed to inform us of the take-out lessons than a North Queensland such as myself.
I hope you enjoy.
Until next time, God bless you, your family and nation.
Take care,
George Christensen
Check out this montage of the fake news legacy media and political elite attacking me:.
We need a new ‘safe word’ in Victoria.
It seems that Victorians are partial to a little BDSM… and it seems that recently we may have forgotten the ‘safe word’ and be destined for four more years of like-it-or-not sadistic madness with Daniel Andrews wearing a gimp suit and wielding a whip on TV every day.
Sorry for the mental picture.
That’s the bad news.
But whilst the re-election of Daniel Andrews is a terrible thing for our state, and a stain upon our once-good name, it’s not the end of the world and we should not treat it as such.
The fact is that the struggle to be free against the overwhelming power of the State has been going for generations and will continue long after each of us are dead.
In the grand scheme of things the results of a single little election in little ol’ Victoria doesn’t really rate a mention.
But that’s cold comfort for those of us who live here and have to live with the consequences.
Many are asking “What went wrong?” It’s a good question.
Whispers of fraudulent vote counts, rigged elections, and slogans such as ‘selected not elected’ are floating around in various corners of the interwebs.
The answer, I regret to inform you, is much closer to home.
If Victorians want to know what went wrong, we must start by taking some advice from Michael Jackson.
Yes, THAT Michael Jackson.
Start with the ‘Man in the Mirror’.
Yes, us.
You see Daniel Andrews is a symptom of a much bigger problem: Our apathy and hubris.
Victoria, and in fact the whole of Australia, is suffering from our success and prosperity.
When Donald Horne called ours the ‘Lucky Country’ he wasn’t being nice.
He was issuing a warning to us that whilst our lives and lifestyles were exceptional by global standards, this success was not a product of us actually having a clue what we were doing but due to dumb luck of circumstance, topography, geography, and hey-presto add a little hard work and we became (albeit briefly) the country with the highest standard of living on earth.
He was warning us… don’t get cocky, don’t be complacent, don’t think that this ongoing success is assured or that you deserve it because you’re special.
We didn’t listen.
Now we’re seeing the truth in his warning.
To paraphrase Helen Dale, the problem with Australia’s Government is that it works pretty well.
Or has done for a long time.
When combined with our unwarranted prosperity this has given us a completely false sense of security, left us with completely misplaced trust, and when that Government stopped acting on our behalf and began acting in its own interests we were caught completely flat-footed with most of us unable even to comprehend what has happened much less believe it.
And thus we arrive at the Victorian State Election 2022, having faced the longest lockdowns on earth outside of a Communist country, our health system in a shambles with people literally dying while waiting for an ambulance, our cost of living jumped over $7,800 this year according to IPA estimates, and driving to work now involves dodging pot holes bigger than the plot holes in Dan Andrews’ IBAC excuses…
…and at this critical moment what do we do?
We line up and beg for four more years of the same, have a democracy sausage on the way home, and tell ourselves that ‘She’ll be right’.
She isn’t right.
Hasn’t been for a long time, and we need to snap out of it if we’re going to avoid a Venezuela-style future.
People laugh at me when I mention Venezuela, in fact I had them laughing at me in the YouTube comments only today!
What they don’t remember is that they laughed at me when I said inflation was coming.
Just like they laughed at me when I said lockdowns did more harm than good, that Daniel Andrews is the worst human rights abuser Australia has seen in my lifetime, and that ‘green’ energy policies were driving up prices.
This laughter, this mockery of the obvious, is rooted in complacency and hubris. “It’ll be ok because it’s always been ok!”
At the risk of sounding like an investment ad: “Past performance does not indicate future performance.”
Our luck is fast running out and if we want to stay free and prosperous we’re going to have to work for it.
That means you, man in the mirror.
If we’re the problem, then that means we can be the solution too.
And that’s the good news.
Topher Field is an Australian Political Commentator, Libertarian of the Year, International award winning documentary film maker, and accused criminal… by which we mean ‘Human Rights Activist in Daniel Andrews’ Victoria’.
You can join Topher’s email list at topherfield.net and follow Topher @topherfield on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and a host of other ‘socials’.
Get 20% off the DVD of Topher’s movie Battleground Melbourne and other products at https://aussiebotstudio.com/topherfield/
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his www.georgechristensen.com.au website.
I did subscribe to Topher once and there is no denying his gift's. However over time I found that watching him get respectably intoxicated during his interview's, irritating at best. And callous and pretentious of our youth during a time when their despair was at its peak at worst.
Keeping in mind closed churches increased suicide, lockdowns, open bottle shops and home delivery of what ever...
Yes I know...how judgmental of me but " To whom much is given - much is expected ".
Yep. He pretty well nailed it on the head.