Amen George.

To focus on that which we can action , is I believe the only way forward. The alternative plays into the hands of the the enemy.

May God in His mercy and grace protect us from cooperating with the enemy.

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"LEST WE FORGET" this refers to the the men and women who lost their lives. I am eternally grateful to them for the wonderful opportunity and life they gave me.

BUT What did they do it for? LEST WE FORGET = FREEDOM from Governance tyranny, by Hitler

We MUST to educate the Public to ask themselves: What is happening now?

= A different type of war

The tyranny of Governance all round the world is taking piecemeal the FREEDOM our forefathers fought for with bullets. Now the enemy is our own Governments changing laws and constitutions and the internet and media to numb us into submission with lies and propaganda to pursue the WEF agenda.!!!

The Populous is in a BOILING POT, slowly being cooked.g The temperature is rising. then without warning we all suddenly l be "dead" FRIGHTENING.

LEST WE FORGET............

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Lest we forget

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Personal feeling that much of our history basic and martial has been ignored and overlooked by Education We hear about indigenous history but less about our army exploits which rank among the highest globally despite being deprecated by others yet believing that best defence is attack. Recall The Light Horse WW1 who changed the Palestine campaign the saving of French villages who still respect them, WW2,Africa's El Alamein where Rommel gained his first defeat from Australian General Morshead Pacific battles Coral Sea battle, the hard won Kokoda conflict Vietnam's Long Tan ,Korea Malayasia Turkey reveres the Anzacs as warriors plus and more Japanese would have dealt harshly with our indiigenous people. How many of today's youngsters can answer these if questioned


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We will be indebted to these brave men forever

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Thanks George, well said.

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