Goodness me, where are the Christians who are standing on the Word of God, God owns this earth, the elites do NOT!

We have been given the keys of the Kingdom, what WE bind on earth WILL be bound in heaven! Rise up Christian friends and stand on the Word of God! He is Almighty! He is our Deliverer!

Am I the only one who is standing on God’s Word while everyone else is saying “oh dear, this is what is going to happen”…

Goodness me, Jesus won the battle, we are the head and not the tail. Rise up and believe in who we have fighting for us, Jesus the conqueror, who defeated the devil at the cross with the one and only blood sacrifice needed. Let’s stand and pray and ask for strategies to defeat those that are warring against our Almighty God! AMEN!

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Maybe this is why China, India and other countries are madly buying tonnes of gold anywhere they can get it recently. As J.P. Morgan said, "Gold is money, all else is debt."

With the development of an alternative currency to the USD for international trade by BRICS and others wishing to deal in currencies backed by sold assets like gold, it points to a huge realignment of international bargaining power in the future. A future that does not include the mighty USD.

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I am all out of idea's George....

Is it possible that you et al, might come up with some direction - a map for the now and the future for our country - Australia ?

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This is all leading to the “mark of the beast” of Rev. 13. Like lambs to the slaughter we will stand in line and with great joy take the “mark”. I will fight this nonsense till the day I die, or caught up to be with Jesus, whichever first. Our blessed hope is my encouragement, and I hope all see it as clearly.

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Thankyou for the heads up on this one!

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More disasterous news. Will our weak government go along?

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How depressing! Another sleepless night with more to worry about!

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I did try to listen to you live yesterday George but was unable....will forgo the detail just wondering if others experienced similar ?

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One currency, one world ,controlled by one leader Gold was the applied standard for financial matters so what has happened to that ? Overtaken by big dirty money people who believe only in the wealth they have for themselves yet desire all others'finance and if placed in the one category global rule by one World has had enough of tyrants dictators yet they seem to arise from nowhere and start their own agenda. Australians are apathetic about the present political state where we seem to be handing out money,assistance and humanitarian aid to those who should be doing better for their country Why cant some supposedly desperate migrants stay within their country and fight to make it a better place for existence Seems most pack up and run claiming refugee status or asylum and aid before doing anything personally worthwhile

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