Recall how Hitler hypnotised the German people with his proscribed task for "the good of their country ' He lulled them into believing in him becoming their father figure saving and protect them by his thoughts and actions Though many of his activities did achieve some good, power corrupts, and the following years brought horror to the world. While these were occurring blinded Germans still idolised Hitler as they massed together raising the arm high salute ,following him with admiring eyes and telling the rest of the world they would be conquered by Hitler's Germany Same pattern throughout history with many past regimes and likely to be similar in time with Russia and China Think differently, refuse to believe everything, or nothing at all ,but wherever, be aware of your own thoughts, beliefs and speech and its effect on others Dont be part of the massed group

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Great post, George!

You know, I've been speaking up the WHOLE time - at a rally, to my patients, to people in the street, to my friends and family. I didn't get suckered into the covid crap even once. But almost no-one has listened to me. Maybe I wasn't doing it right. Maybe I should've been more EMOTIONAL about it, even hysterical, like preachers from yesteryear "AND YOU'LL BURN IN THE LAKE OF FIRE!" Hmmm...like my 7th grade Scripture teacher Mrs Bickell...

Anyway, I think you're bang on the money with your comment that the truth will appear to people when they are "ready to receive it". Maybe I just know too many people whose antennae are broken ha ha...

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Hi George

As you know, we are not fighting against men and women, but the dark side that control them.

This is a spiritual battle and has already been won. We just have to believe it and stop living FOR victory, but FROM victory.

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Thank you for this great article George, spot on in every respect.

There are still people walking around where I live in the countryside with masks on & also on the V/line trains talking about getting PCR tests after their trips. I just visualise gold “wake up” dust being thrown in their eyes. I have had so many unpleasant encounters with jabbed people who have actually accused me of suffering from mass formation psychosis & that I am part of a ‘misinformation’ cult & need medical intervention, including my partner now ex partner. So your post is such a comfort to me, George, as I am in my 70’s. Thank you & God Bless. 🙏🏻💜😇🤩

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Hi George,

Wanted to share with you my leadership training in regards to your 30-40-30 categories (I have always subscribed to 20-60-20). High performance leadership teaches one to not focus on the 30% (or 20%). Encourage the top, ignore the bottom and focus on the middle. A room full of individuals on the same page high five each other and pat each other on the back. Important, but not necessarily productive. Trying to convince those that are against your narrative is a waste of time. Only a blow to the head changes their minds and even then probably not. The 40% (or 60) is where the gold mine is. They are the ones that one must put their energies into as they are unsure and need help to make a decision. Getting them to see a reality (whatever that may be) is where change truly comes from. Focusing on those who are lined up waiting for their 6th booster are a waste of ones time.

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Great analysis, George. I think having a sceptical mindset of anything being pushed en masse by governments, preachers, schools, the UN, the medical profession, academia and so on helps prevent people being sucked in. Always ask yourself "qui bono" (who benefits) and trust your own instinct (God).

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Email just in this morning from that legend who took the CDC to court in the US to release Pfizer's data & represented the original 30 doctors/academics.

Aaron Siri has posted an article to his substack that is worthy of a read too.


We really do need someone of his calibre in Australia to take on our lousy legal processes against corrupt govt agencies, APHRA, TGA, etc. Softy, softy just does not work or, it works far too slowly, lagging way behind the current times we are already in.

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Amazing how we can so often overlook the obvious, I am grateful that you are willing to put your faith out there because outside of our faith none of what we are seeing around us makes any sense but as soon as you put God back into the centre we see a direct correlation between what is happening and his word. Revelation and the news are looking very similar these days

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Fantastic post as always George. Keep speaking out the truth. Thank you for not compromising

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Don't just talk to people on the street and your friends.

Especially take note of "Point 4. Focus on family. This can include reading to our kids, and teaching them to think for themselves."

Speaking to a mum recently who's daughter's been having a lot of problems at school, (she's being picked on by the now usual gangs who pick on those who they view as less worthy, easy targets, and won't fight back), she mentioned the Stymie program at a local high school. Look it up!

This program is for students to "anonymously" report bullying etc., in school, whether it be by students or teachers.

After a search it shows it was started by a woman named Rachel Downie. Created for good intentions of course.

Her Linkeden profile states, "The notifications are encrypted, anonymous and confidential. Stymie does not have access to schools’ information or statistics."

There's also this - An "incident" reported in Stymie, (family violence, suicidal thoughts, fighting, bullying etc.), leads to "A response is devised according to the needs of the young person and your wellbeing framework."

Question. If the program is completely anonymous, encrypted and confidential, then how can a response be devised for THE young person? i.e., an individual?

Warn your children, grandchildren and any other children about using this program!

This is NOT about helping children. This is about collating information on individuals. This is about creating dossier on individuals - which could be used against them or to bribe them in future.

This is about creating a Big Brother surveillance system using children as pawns.

This is evil.

I've spoken to this teenager, (we have quite a close relationship), about not using this program.

I'm happy to say that I don't think she thinks I'm as old and silly and know nothing as she used to think. (You know teenagers...)

However I never thought when she was a young child that I would one day be speaking to her about various tactics to defeat her antagoniser, (as peacefully as possible of course).

I never thought I'd be speaking to her about using counter psychological warfare as a means of defence such as "divide and conquer" (i.e., a bullying gang), by using mind games and speech to single out the leader of the pack, (a gutless, arrogant child who uses her "friends" as pawns because she's so pathetic on her own account), and focusing on the girls weak points as a means of defense.

Mind you, this girl was the target. But the leader didn't originally target her. She targeted one of her friends who is a quiet, shy and sweet girl who doesn't have a mean bone in her body - to get at her. Because the original target really couldn't give a damn what anybody says. It's like water off a duck's back. But when her friend was targeted that was a catalyst to draw her into her mind games.

Gee, this bully leader is good isn't she?

Make sure your young ones know how to defend themselves against such people. Make them aware. Give them practical lessons on self preservation and defense.

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