Thank you George!

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George you are wonderful. I cannot believe Australia is so complacent and full of dumb shts except for the ones who are “Awake” I have friends who say - I’m double vaxed I’m OK. This is a nightmare that is for real. Why do Lib Dems not condemn Vaccine Passports?? I have it in writing from Campbell Newman. I was shocked. I can supply if you want. BWood

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Thank you from Germany.

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God bless you George. Thankyou for standing up for Freedom and Human Decency. I'll stand beside you any day!

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I'm ashamed of our Paliament for not heeding you message George.

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Fantastic read. I think all those people who are ‘awake’ agree. I am surprised by how many are sleeping their way to communistic rule.

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Your an absolute legend George. I love how you put it straight and really work to educate people around the hard truths. Please continue your fight. You and Craig are doing a great job. I hope you will remain in parliament. We need more like you . Join UAP and become a strong force

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Thanks, keep up the good work George.

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On assiste ici et maintenant à un changement radical du monde , les responsables de ce désastre veulent changé l’humanité en la détruisant et pour ce faire il fallait attendre les moyens technologiques dont ils disposent et abusent allègrement aujourd'hui pour la surveillance totale de chaque individu , on assiste avec cette pseudo pandémie a un processus marketing pour la mise en place du great reset , isolement des réfractaires ,suspicions des uns sur les autres , amendes pour celui ou celle qui n'obéit pas , camps de concentrations , tire à balles réelles, tabassage policier , ou est le soin sanitaire dans tout ça ?

L’oligarchie est faible , elle se sent menacée et elle dérive vers une paranoïa évolutive et un changement radical du monde dont les moyens extrêmement brutaux ne cessent de s'amplifier , fait dans la précipitation et le choc , l'humanité actuelle ne peut prendre du recul et comprendre ce qui se passe , apeurée aussi elle préfère obéir à ces bourreaux pour éviter les ennuis qui finiront pourtant à arriver à chacun de nous si nous n’obéissons pas à la moindres lois absurdes comme celles que nous subissons aujourd'hui .

Nous assistons bien là à la mise en place d'un monde totalitaire , la résistance sera minoritaire mais dangereuse pour oligarchie et jamais plu elle ne dormira tranquille comme jadis car à partir du moment ou elle a décider de prendre une carabine pour menacer et tuer , jamais plu elle ne pourra la lâcher car traquer par tout ceux dont la raison n'a pas quitté leurs esprit .

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So sorry for our ignorance. How can we translate into English? Merci.

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sorry here is the english translation We are witnessing here and now a radical change in the world, those responsible for this disaster want to change humanity by destroying it and to do this it was necessary to wait for the technological means at their disposal and blithely abuse today for the total surveillance of each individual, we are witnessing with this pseudo pandemic a marketing process for the implementation of the great reset, isolation of the refractory, suspicion of each other, fines for those who do not obey, concentration camps, shooting real, police beating, where is health care in all this?

The oligarchy is weak, it feels threatened and it drifts towards an evolutionary paranoia and a radical change of the world whose extremely brutal means continue to amplify, made in haste and shock, current humanity cannot take of hindsight and understand what is happening, also afraid she prefers to obey these executioners to avoid the troubles that will end up happening to each of us if we do not obey the slightest absurd laws like those we are subjected to today.

We are indeed witnessing the establishment of a totalitarian world, the resistance will be in the minority but dangerous for the oligarchy and it will never sleep peacefully as in the past because from the moment it decides to take a rifle to threaten and kill, never rained it will not be able to let go because to hunt by all those whose reason has not left their minds.

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we are in the Fourth Reich it catches the eyes of the most lucid, thank you for the link

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given all the problems orchestra by this false pandemic and that there is not yet a person in charge tried and condemned and still in service applying stupid laws is the proof that they are protected by an opaque system

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Extermination is intended for most I fear. More are perishing from this “clinical trial” than those who choose not to participate. A disturbing trend.

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Thanks george, a voice of reason amongst the shrill cacophony of misinformation.

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