And we do have "the erasure of women when it comes to motherhood."

We also have the erasure of men when it comes to fatherhood.

Just look at the Labor party's Family Law Amendment Bill 2013. It will just about TOTALLY wipe out the role and importance of a father because mothers are apparently MUCH better at raising children than fathers!

I wonder if this is Albo's brainstorm because he, (as he is always spewing about), was raised in a housing commission house by a single mother. Boo hoo. So what.

Obviously he has no attachment to his father! And he gives them no importance.

Fathers are JUST as important as mothers!

As Pauline Hanson has said, if this goes ahead you can expect to see domestic violence and male suicide go through the roof!

And I can say categorically, if I go into a toilet and a man is there, or one comes in, I will go off my nut!

And I don't give a DAMN what anyone else says or what the consequences are!

And heaven help any male that goes into a women's toilet if one of my granddaughters is in there and my son/son in law is around at the time. He had better run for his life because they will NOT tolerate it!

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Unless the man is a registered /employed cleaner for that toilet it would be quite alarming for the reason of his presence There has to be a more definite ruling on these gender changes about being either male or a female Wearing lipstick fashionable dresses high heels doesnt make a HIM a female person only a cross dresser meaning his activities are still of male character and not required around females casually undressing even if for their own benefit . Which or what toilet should these mixed gender types be allowed to use, male or female ? Frightening question arises about disabled toilets which are mostly unisex though usually fitted with locking devices but where it isn't unusual for any people to use them when queues are waiting elsewhere Toilets are suitable venues for sexual predators and those users unable to be fully aware of who else is attending them are at high risk of attack and violence If disabled they would make easy targets for sex predators

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It doesn't matter what gender the cleaner is. When they clean the toilets they always put a sign outside to say they're closed for cleaning. If a woman is "busting" and really has to go then I suppose it's on them whether they use it if there's a male cleaner in there.

Another thing which just occurred to me - this is not just about females. The men in my family would be appalled if they found a woman in a men's toilet!

I've used disabled toilets due to long queues and they worry me less. At least when you open the door to them they're that large you can see if it's empty because you can see the entire room. Unlike men's and women's which have cubicles. You can enter there and not even know who's in them.

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This is TOTALLY wrong!. If I happened to see a male in a FEMALE toilet I would ask him if he has made a mistake and if not tell him to GET OUT whilst brandishing my walking stick! Not to be tolerated. The world's values are nuts and out of control. Time to take a stand for common sense.

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It’s happening all over again and we are complying. We are being put in camps and led to the gas chambers.

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Why do politicians keep pandering to small minority groups? Is it part of the socialist handbook to divide the population?

I don't care what someone does in their bedroom but I do not want to be confronted with their version of "normality".

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In 2003 I visited Gothenburg, Sweden and stayed at Viking hotel. It is an old "full rigger" sailing ship obviously not fit for past practices. But I trained on it in 1957 to become a seaman.

Cabins were small, but toilet and washing facilities were "unisex". While shaving one morning a woman opened the door, saw me and started closing. I said there is no danger here from me and this is for both sexes. Said in Swedish of course, the woman came in with her 10-12 year old daughter.

I finished shaving and departed.

Today, there is no respect whatsoever, and we can thank platforms like Facebook, TikTok and whatever for this culturedenegration worldwide.

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If I'm using a toilet that is not specifically designated for any sex, then I have no problems with whoever was in there before me - or after me. But usually these are whole rooms, not cubicles.

If I walk into a women's toilet and a man is walking out, without his daughter in tow, my antennae are spiking because I'm really wondering why he's in there. And if a trans woman is walking out, I just don't feel that's right. But then again, the trans woman wouldn't feel right going into the men's, either, right? Maybe trans people should use the disabled toilet if one's available - because at least that one's kind of gender neutral! But disabled toilets aren't always available and when you gotta go, you gotta go, right? But what about kids who see these overtly trans people? Will they ask questions? Do they even need to be aware of this stuff? I don't think they do. And because most trans women LOOK like trans women, not normal women, questions will invariably be asked. Awkward questions. Now, there are SOME trans women out there where you could not tell the difference...but normally you can most definitely tell that they're a man trying to be a woman.

Anyway, I'm probably not going to say anything, because it's the first time I'm seeing that person doing it, but if it's a repeat offender in the toilet block, then I might say something. I can cope with any gender next to me on the toilet, even if it's the next cubicle - but I haven't been sexually abused. My Mum used to work for two gay guys for years, so I wasn't bothered by people being gay. BUT other people might have concerns about a guy or a trans person walking out of the girl's toilet! And it is the concerns for others that would eventually make me speak up.

BUT as I age, I realise that it's not the gay that bothers me, it's not the bi that bothers me, it's the trans- thing that bothers me! People are born gay; they can't change that, in the same way that I can't change that I'm NOT gay. But to say you are born in the wrong body and you should've been a girl or a guy, and you go and have doctors chop bits off you and re-form you and get injected with heaps of hormones, well, that's I think that's crazy. It's a mental health issue and a massive acceptance problem, being unable to accept your physical form, and needing surgery to fix it so you feel 'right'. Do we say that being anorexic is normal, and that having a super skinny arm and throwing up or exercising excessively or taking laxatives to lose lots of weight is 'normal'?! NO! We say that you've got a problem and you need help. Do we say that everyone should have plastic surgery if they don't like something in their body? No, we say to exercise more, or to work on acceptance, or something like that. So what do we do with people who want to shoot their bodies full of hormones that don't belong there, and demand risky surgeries that totally change their bodies (which stops them ever having kids - that part I'm actually OK with!)? We say it's OK, go ahead. Medicare might even pay for part of it.

If all this trans stuff and LBGQXYZ stuff wasn't smeared all over the media, maybe people wouldn't think about it so much!! Maybe it wouldn't be a problem. Maybe we wouldn't need to discuss it much. Maybe we could focus on other more important issues in this world: there are plenty!

Because when it comes down to the crunch, being gay, bi or anything other than 'straight' is NOT normal - not biologically. It's not got a biological future ahead of it therefore Nature says it's not right (to either be the norm or even greater than a small percentage of a population). Sure, there are studies where super-fertile women sometimes have a gay brother. Perhaps that is Nature's way of making sure that their genetic pool didn't breed excessively! So yes, SOME small percentage of non-straight is probably within normal bounds, at least where humans and a few other species are concerned, but that's where it should end. And with such a small percentage being non-straight, they should get MSM coverage to only a small percentage. Unfortunately, they are getting a HUGE percentage of that coverage and that's making other kids - and adults - ponder things they never needed to ponder. Which comes full circle to us having to be wary about going into toilet blocks!

The world has gone mad.

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Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism.

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Absolutely agree.

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We have technology to help us now. Let a sensor pick up if a person has male or female DNA and let a ray of voltage hit the person and an automatic lassoo wrap around them until a special purpose truck delivers them to a lock up. Let there be a people's court to judge each conviction and if found guilty give due punishment!

Women should be safe in women's spaces!

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If I noticed a man (identifying as either a trans woman or as himself, a man) in the women's toilets I would walk out, same as I would if I accidentally walked into the men's toilets by mistake.

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I accidentally walked into a man's toilet last week! Shame!

Thank goodness there was no one in there.

Note to self - just because you're busting to go to the loo, don't forget to look at the sign on the door!

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A further add on to my previous comment is regarding the ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ aimed at 3-11 year olds which is all the go in America & other countries, mostly implemented at libraries but is already a thing in some primary schools. Yes, there is an agenda & a very sinister one. Why do 3-11 year olds need to know about transgender people making them believe it’s normal, confusing them at such a young age??

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The dark side to this woke government backed transgender movement is sterilisation. Pubity blockers & gender affirming surgery for minors without parents consent is all part of the sinister WEF depopulation agenda.

Thankfully, transgender Minister for Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, has now resigned. Sturgeon thought it was okay to put a biological man in a women’s prison which resulted in some pregnancies of inmates. She/he also was pushing a ‘Gender Recognition Reform Bill’ that would have allowed 16 year old children to change their gender without medical advice or parents consent.

If you Google, ‘Can a man menstruate?’ The response totally defies biology: “Having a period is NOT a feminine thing, & people of ALL genders menstruate, including non-binary people, agender people & even plenty of men! Menstruation doesn’t change anything about your gender, it’s just a thing that some bodies do.” OMG!! No wonder our children are gender confused!! 🤮👿

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Cross dressing is wrong from a biblical point of view Deuteronomy 22:5

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So it is! Thanks for pointing that out. Just goes to show I don't read my bible enough.

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God."

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