Dan Andrew’s is a puppet in the plan I believe someone more powerful is pulling the strings .Let’s go back to basic scrub out the last 2 yrs and write new rules that the public vote on .Yes individuals do have rights and Freedoms is our God given heritage not a gift from from any political party or politicians

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(1) Name. Both names you have chosen are FINE, but methinks Conservative One would capture some fringe dwellers.

(2) It is not possible to choose the worst as all premiers (and the gutless, spineless PM) come out of the same mould. All are as bad as each other as none questioned or challenged or indeed used common logic re C19 and simply kowtowed to the UN's WHO and passed all responsibility onto one mob at Melbourne Haus Sik (Doherty) and so their arses would always shine, slavishly pursued the Doughty Modelling, and to hell with any challenge from any of a plethora of highly qualified researchers and medicos.

But I am not at all surprised as exactly the same governance by edict has been in place for the last 30 years on any subject - Guns, Climate, Energy, Nuclear ....... all are identical in pattern to rule by edict - in other words - an Actual Totalitarian State masked by a gossamer of what people think is "Democracy".

Then in our non democratic duopoly, have no choice for the mob who will do us the least harm, and we are still there and won't escape because as Hitler said and wrote: "What good fortune for government that people do not think."

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From your list of the top 2021 dictators it was too hard to choose just 1. It would appear they all had/have United Nations & World Economic Forum narratives that they've been pushing, therefore, they all deserve to be rewarded for their dictatorial efforts.

Our forefathers risked their lives so this country wouldn't become Fascist/Communist..... never forget that.

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All that’s happened in the last two years has been the culmination of decades of planning. I’m highly suspicious of the integrity of our elections and that they’re rigged!! Is Australia a sovereign country at all?? We’re run by The Globalists 😬

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where are on Julian Assange? Assange is being tortured in Belmarsh prison in the UK. Every freedom loving person on this planet should be disgusted by his treatment. Our PM has not lifted a finger to get Assange home because Morrison is just another puppet of the elites and a fully fledged swamp monster.

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Democracy on the face of it is a wonderful concept. But the problem is ever since the days of Pericles money buys influence and of course votes. The multi national corporations say jump and the government says how high. More than a joke ^_^^_^

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Definitely not Conservative One, that is far to divisive, just leave it as Nation First, that says it all and confronts the international agenda for getting rid of nation states at the same time.

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Make yourself synonymous with "Nation 1st" as your label. Yes George Christensen, can you pick up the public fight to return Julian Assange to Australia. I too am disgusted by our weak non existent PM on the matter of returning Julian Assange to Australia NOW. I have forgotten the name of the Australian citizen terrorist who joined ISIS (or one of that extremist lot) in Afghanistan when Osama bin Laden was alive. He was returned to Australia and yet Julian Assange who received a 'Wakely award' for publishing via Wikileaks and has committed no crime, still rots in a British prison. He should definitely NOT be extradited to the USA under any circumstances. The DOD, CIA, HS, Dept of Justice - are all corrupt.

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Leave it as Nation First, it is so much better.

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I am sorry but I just cannot trust Barnaby at all. IMHO he is a crook just like all long term career politicians. Our country needs fresh blood and not rely on these crooks because in all their years leaching of the public purse nothing changes, in fact it gets worse.

The most important thing to do is hold the ABC to account along with you, the politicians for not making it comply with the legislation, it's Charter. This has allowed Our ABC to become a propaganda tool and it is this that is causing the most damage. Our ABC is a embarrassment these days with their 24/7 Covid Covid Covid fear porn from the Woke fools that populate it now.

Until this is fixed I will not be sending my vote your way..

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definitely Dan Andrews

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Conservative One is good as nobody else claims to be conservative since Bernardi folded.

Nation First is easily confused with Pauline's/ Mark's One Nation that isn't as clear what it stands for

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George I like you and a lot of what you stand for but your obsession with Conservatism and the rightness of the Right and the evilness of the Left leaves me cold. Just as you and I have a good side and a bad side, can't you see that the Right and the Left have that also. Sure the Left has socialistic tendencies but whereever it's been it's always tried to create a more materially equitable society. In fact, you need the Right and the Left together. They balance each other. Barnaby, God love im, is all for me, me, me and self, self, self. He can't see anything wrong with that but what works for him does not necessarily work for the next person. The wealth gap in Australia is widening every day and you can't really justify an obsession with "property rights" in the face of that.

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I vote to keep Nation First. I know it is similar to other party names, but putting our country first isa must. We need to bring manufacture back to Australia first and foremost, well after we sort the plandemic bullshit out. Conservative sounds to "stick up your arse" to me. Thanks for keeping it real George. I've enjoyed your thoughts and commentary!

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Thanks George for giving us some belief in the leaders of this world.

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Hello George.

Nation First should be retained. In my view it is self explanatory and a strong brand. Also it does not eliminate 50% of the population who are probably anti conservative. I suggest you continue to use "Conservative One", as you are doing with your messaging under Nation First. Regards Allan

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