Whenever there's a "big" news story MSM keeps harping on about - try and find out what's really going on that they're trying to distract you from.

Example - the death of Matthew Perry recently. I don't even like the sitcom Friends, but that's neither here nor there. Day after day, week after week, all we heard about was Matthew Perry ad nauseam! Yep - just did a Google search and there's been even more "news" reports about him today!

Unfortunately most people have no idea they're being duped because people have been so dumbed down by our Socialist "education" system. And it's been going on for decades! We now have at least 2, close to 3 generations of DUMB people who don't know how to think for themselves.

Teach your children to THINK parents. Get them to question EVERYTHING they are taught at school. Unfortunately it's too late for many children. I try talking to my grandchildren and they just give me a sad look like I'm some old, uneducated, dumb idiot who can't possibly know more than their teachers. Oh, yeah. And the "science."

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Imagine having to work for those same dumb people who's minds have been corrupted by a leftist compromised education system. I am at the older end of the working spectrum and have to deal with their mindless university grade business acumen which is less smarts than a kid with a lemonade stand. Question them and its cancel time for you. Oh yea, its all Welcome to country and smoking ceremonies when these clowns decide to make an appearance. Smart business decisions, nope, lets walk through more smoke and the spirits will take care of the rest.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

George, the only reason the 'climate change' notion is important is to get people worked up and fearful so they can sign us on to multibillion dollar ideas they will bill us for. In other words it is a money grabbing scam invoked to impoverish the masses, so the masses will sign up to the new world order and become their slaves... It has nothing to do with the climate. Although they are also claiming that by burying trees they are burying 'harmful' carbon - another huge lie to destroy our means of farming, grazing and crop growing. They also want to starve us. Well the few that is who are left after their bigger culls. The Jabs didn't cull the masses enough!

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Absolutely correct. Climate change as caused by humans is a hoax. There’s no actual proof that humans cause climate change. The CSIRO cannot offer any real proof either,( check out Malcolm Roberts enquiries of them). In any event CO2 is required for plant growth. The amount we in Australia produce is nothing in comparison to the rest of the world.

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It is coming out that Gaza has gas in the billions! Now we know why the genocide on the people.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023

I have always said they can build the Bradfield scheme to transport water from Nth Australia to the south and interior and use renewables to move that water through the system. Yea I agree, there are far better solutions such as Thorium reactors which can use nuclear waste as fuel. Imagine how many billions we could charge every other country to burn their waste and then hand back the ash which only needs to be stored for 20 years instead of a hundred and can be thrown out on the ground. It would be more profitable than oil.

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Hi George, the thing that worries me about this new “environmentalist” push is that it is all being done at the expense of the natural world. As an old fashioned conservationist I thought I would never see the day that infrastructure would go into ecologically sensitive areas with no impact studies, ecosystems getting ripped up to mine rare minerals and poisoning of the environment when the components reach end of life - it goes on and on. All for a hoax! (or a best something that is not as urgent as they claim)

It is a self for filling prophecy as we WILL destroying the planet carrying out this crazy plan. This is something that not many commentators point out.

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'Climate change' and 'environment' are in fact two different things.

'Climate change' is all about telling people they're bad people for not living in a tepee and being vegan.

Meanwhile, our 'environment' is suffering.

You make good points about the real environmental problems, George, and you're right - no-one in government is doing much to address these issues. Who knows, maybe they could make legislation to require companies to actually USE recycled materials in their packaging, for instance? Wouldn't that be a novel idea?! Then maybe the Third World wouldn't have to drown in our recyclables and we wouldn't have people burying our recyclables here as well. Maybe the govt could also require businesses to start using some plastic made from coconut rather than oil, which DOES actually break down properly.

There are lots of little things that could change environmental things for the better, but shaming people into far-fetched ideas like England becoming another Siberia in 20 years, or the oceans rising by metres in but a few decades, is not helpful. It is hyperbole and actually detracts from the REAL issues we are facing, and if people could only WAKE UP to this, that'd be a good start.

Yes, over-fishing the oceans leads to huge problems, including dead zones.

Yes, too many GMO crops & nasty crop chemicals = less bees. That's not good news, either. Not to mention the quality of our soil is quickly going downhill.

But are people in power doing anything to address these problems? Errrr...no.

However, our planet DOES have a gradually rising CO2 level (among other gases...) and people saying that lots of CO2 is good for trees may indeed be true - but they forget that humans evolved in COLD conditions and that too much CO2 actually makes the planet warmer - and us STUPID! Seriously, our brains don't work properly in higher CO2 environments!! Studies have shown this! So go ahead, ignore that one, and we can all gradually become dumber than what covid and the 'education' system have done to society, plus perhaps in time (maybe a few hundred years or more) we'll see those ocean levels rise lots after all with the added bonus that all those trapped gases in the frozen tundra etc will lead to an even warmer, more CO2-rich environment.

Yay! Go trees!

Oh, and I guess that's 'Die humans!'. Whoops.

And see, this is the point I'm trying to make, just like George. There really ARE serious environmental problems right now, but they're not being addressed, or being taken seriously. The baby is being thrown out with the bathwater. And some of these environmental problems, if left long enough, may be enough to do in a large chunk of our species. Meanwhile, the MSM harps on about useless crap and a pile of fear-mongering and people are told to drive electric cars whilst they starve to death, because food prices are unnaturally skyrocketing.

Imagine if we started dealing practically with the real issues now, and bit by bit we might actually make a real difference in a few hundred years! And THAT is something worth doing for your descendants.

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One hundred percent, that whack job shill of the CCP Twiggy Forrest is cutting down hundreds or hectares of native bush to expand a wind farm in Queensland. How ironic is it that a bloke named Twiggy and Forrest would do something like that. Of course he will be buying the turbines from his mates in CCP controlled China.

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I don't mind the odd wind farm here and there. Would rather have some wind turbines in my backyard than an open cut coal mine ha ha! BUT to cut down a shitload of trees to put in/expand a wind farm? Er, no. There are SO many places you can put wind turbines. Why destroy more flora to do this?!

And yes, very ironic re the name! Anyway, I thought Andrew 'Twiggy' Forrest was meant to be a philanthropist but it sure doesn't sound like it. More book-cooking going on, no doubt.

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Nov 15, 2023·edited Nov 15, 2023

I hate the damn things, they are so environmentally unsound, same with solar. Look at what they want to do off Newcastle 4000 square km of windfarm, in your face, right in the middle of whale migration paths and fisheries. Victoria, same deal. Take a drive out to a big wind farm and see how long you can stand within a couple of hundred meters of those things. Turn the car radio to AM tune to the 500 band and you can hear the electrical interference from the turbines. Very nasty things.




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Oh I know wind farms are not 'green'. Unless you can get electricity out of the air like Tesla supposedly suggested, ALL forms of energy production use mined minerals or burn things or some other such thing! There are pros and cons to ALL forms of electricity production. And I wonder, living in electromagnetism, if we COULD extract electricity directly out of the air, would that upset our electromagnetic balance in the end and cause something very bad to happen?!

Perhaps I should have written I wouldn't want a wind farm OR an open cut coal mine in my backyard, but if I had to pick, it'd be the wind turbines. But I'd much rather be looking at trees, or a nice big body of water, preferably far away from any neighbours! :-D

Anyway, I don't see why they can't invest in micro-turbines in moving water, for instance. You could even put them in the water supply! No eyesores for anyone this way, and you wouldn't be cutting down any trees for that - although minerals would still have to be mined, this is true. But with microturbines being so small, they would create far less of an EM field, and they could be put in clusters, all along the water supply, not fields and fields of them all in one place. But of course the brainiacs in charge would prefer some phallic structures high in the sky. I forgot about people's Egos. Whoops.

There are SO many better options available to us, but we keep chipping away at the old 'tried and tested' ways, because humans just aren't that good at 'change', let alone positive change.

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That is my contention about this climate change scam. We are not addressing the real issues in our environment which I am sure there are plenty.

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