Income splitting would be one of the best ways to recognise the important role of a mother. Not allowing this simple and fair process in our tax system puts huge pressure on young mothers to return to the work force as quickly as possible.
An excellent insight into Motherhood! My husband and I bought our first home in 1988 for $30,000. It wasn't flash, but comfy. I was a homeschooling Mum. In the light of home prices today and interest rates continually going up, I wonder if families can manage that any more.
They can if they work carefully . Consider the costs of dad only working and mum staying at home. (Or vice versa. I've know stay at home dads because their wives earned more and enjoyed it more than being a stay at home mum - no judgement there either!)
I was a stay at home for many, many years, and homeschooled.
My daughter aged 36 single no children, shares a house with transgender people & has declared herself ‘non-binary’. This was the first Mother’s Day I did not hear from her. No acknowledgment to me as her loving mother at all. In fact I don’t hear from her anymore. Broke my heart! 😢
Very sad. I’ll say a prayer for you and your daughter. Her new ‘family’ might see their lifestyle as a new way, but how can it be healthy to deny and avoid the connection to our life-giving mothers? Happy Mother’s Day anyway. I hope she’ll come back to you before too long. ❤️🙏
That’s a shame. Who knows what these jabs have done that people were coerced into taking and antidepressants can change personalities. Finding herself will be her biggest task then if she realises she needs to. I guess all you can do is be there if she needs you.
The demeaning of mothers has increased dramatically over the past decades. Women in general were told they were "owned" by men if they stayed home. That men wanted them to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen because it gave them total control. (And there were some men who used the fact they earned the money to control their wives, however the actual numbers were blown waaaayyyyyy out of proportion.) Suddenly mothers were bloody idiots for allowing men to dominate them!
And then women were told they could have everything - a career, wealth, freedom from male control, AND motherhood. Except when women realised their biological clock was ticking away they found themselves often without a partner (or at least one of marrying material), and unable to have children. Hence IVF!
Women have been LIED to. And they sucked it up like thirsty camels in the desert!
Jordan Peterson: Career vs. motherhood: Are women being lied to? | Big Think
It can be very difficult to get a balance. We were whipped up at one time to have the career and have it all. Not easy to achieve and often detrimental to health and to a marriage and the children involved. It helps once you find peace with yourself in what you actually enjoy doing in the moment. If you have children and stop fighting the urge to get them grown or to get them to kindy or whatever, so you can get on with your work, you can actually enjoy just being with them in that moment. Time passes so quickly and they are not young for long. Once they are grown you find yourself wishing they could be little again so you could enjoy that time. Too late then if you have wished it away. Having some outside interests is a good idea and can be managed within a stable home and bringing up children so they become worthwhile citizens for the next generation. There is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing you have children that are able to care for themselves, are not criminals, manage to have families themselves if that's what they want and still like being in contact with you. I had a great Mother's Day and I am certain I was not the perfect mother but enough to get my children through to surviving on their own. Life can be tough but I'll always be grateful for that.
Once upon a time when I was a young mother and on the road to “ professional “ I drank the cool aid described here.
It had the effect of multiplying the poisoning of the generations. Just as was intended and it’s no small thing to to look on the consequences of such horror and call it by the true name of indoctrinated satanic evil.
May God bless each one who is willing to open your eyes , when invited by God.
I fully support Stay at Home mums, but from what I understand, it is impossible if the couple are buying a home. Or even want a decent schooling in a private system.
The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world is an old adage that exists today in spite of all contradictions, expanding family values as Mother is the one to whom babes connect with more frequently than other family members Lately Mums' status has been rather disregarded and downgraded in favour of commercialism but still retains its virtue Some mothers are unfit to be a mother,or dont enjoy it greatly ,others cant get enough of children all depending on personality yet somehow that mother energy will emerge at the most unlikely times She does not have to be the calm pious adoring kind often depicted in paintings but as a hard working ordinary human doing the best to cope with the mighty task of shaping new lives into credibly good citizens There will always be failures but the theme continues that mum is the first call in damaging dangerous or depressing situations asking for help. Last words of some dying person is telling mum that they love them even if never previously said She may not be the youthful glamour girl or older well worn type but she is mum who holds power that endures and in extraordinary times is recognised for that . Mums the word
Your readers would be greatly encouraged by the writings of the late Rousas John Rushdoony (Chalcedon Foundation in America) who has clearly written about the primacy of the family. May I recommend his, The Institutions of Biblical Law. Keep up the good word.
EVERYTHING THEY DO is the agenda of the Klaus Schwab WEF to break down the families.
Income splitting would be one of the best ways to recognise the important role of a mother. Not allowing this simple and fair process in our tax system puts huge pressure on young mothers to return to the work force as quickly as possible.
An excellent insight into Motherhood! My husband and I bought our first home in 1988 for $30,000. It wasn't flash, but comfy. I was a homeschooling Mum. In the light of home prices today and interest rates continually going up, I wonder if families can manage that any more.
They can if they work carefully . Consider the costs of dad only working and mum staying at home. (Or vice versa. I've know stay at home dads because their wives earned more and enjoyed it more than being a stay at home mum - no judgement there either!)
I was a stay at home for many, many years, and homeschooled.
My daughter aged 36 single no children, shares a house with transgender people & has declared herself ‘non-binary’. This was the first Mother’s Day I did not hear from her. No acknowledgment to me as her loving mother at all. In fact I don’t hear from her anymore. Broke my heart! 😢
Very sad. I’ll say a prayer for you and your daughter. Her new ‘family’ might see their lifestyle as a new way, but how can it be healthy to deny and avoid the connection to our life-giving mothers? Happy Mother’s Day anyway. I hope she’ll come back to you before too long. ❤️🙏
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement & prayer. God bless you! ❤️🙏🏻😇
Thank you, Glenda. 💐
Oh so sorry to hear that. Very hard to know why someone of that age would choose that path. I hope she has an epiphany soon.
Since taking four jabs & antidepressants her personality has drastically changed! I don’t know who she is anymore & neither does she. 😢
That’s a shame. Who knows what these jabs have done that people were coerced into taking and antidepressants can change personalities. Finding herself will be her biggest task then if she realises she needs to. I guess all you can do is be there if she needs you.
The demeaning of mothers has increased dramatically over the past decades. Women in general were told they were "owned" by men if they stayed home. That men wanted them to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen because it gave them total control. (And there were some men who used the fact they earned the money to control their wives, however the actual numbers were blown waaaayyyyyy out of proportion.) Suddenly mothers were bloody idiots for allowing men to dominate them!
And then women were told they could have everything - a career, wealth, freedom from male control, AND motherhood. Except when women realised their biological clock was ticking away they found themselves often without a partner (or at least one of marrying material), and unable to have children. Hence IVF!
Women have been LIED to. And they sucked it up like thirsty camels in the desert!
Jordan Peterson: Career vs. motherhood: Are women being lied to? | Big Think
It can be very difficult to get a balance. We were whipped up at one time to have the career and have it all. Not easy to achieve and often detrimental to health and to a marriage and the children involved. It helps once you find peace with yourself in what you actually enjoy doing in the moment. If you have children and stop fighting the urge to get them grown or to get them to kindy or whatever, so you can get on with your work, you can actually enjoy just being with them in that moment. Time passes so quickly and they are not young for long. Once they are grown you find yourself wishing they could be little again so you could enjoy that time. Too late then if you have wished it away. Having some outside interests is a good idea and can be managed within a stable home and bringing up children so they become worthwhile citizens for the next generation. There is nothing like the satisfaction of knowing you have children that are able to care for themselves, are not criminals, manage to have families themselves if that's what they want and still like being in contact with you. I had a great Mother's Day and I am certain I was not the perfect mother but enough to get my children through to surviving on their own. Life can be tough but I'll always be grateful for that.
Food for thought indeed.
Once upon a time when I was a young mother and on the road to “ professional “ I drank the cool aid described here.
It had the effect of multiplying the poisoning of the generations. Just as was intended and it’s no small thing to to look on the consequences of such horror and call it by the true name of indoctrinated satanic evil.
May God bless each one who is willing to open your eyes , when invited by God.
Thank you for your work.
I fully support Stay at Home mums, but from what I understand, it is impossible if the couple are buying a home. Or even want a decent schooling in a private system.
The hand that rocks the cradle rocks the world is an old adage that exists today in spite of all contradictions, expanding family values as Mother is the one to whom babes connect with more frequently than other family members Lately Mums' status has been rather disregarded and downgraded in favour of commercialism but still retains its virtue Some mothers are unfit to be a mother,or dont enjoy it greatly ,others cant get enough of children all depending on personality yet somehow that mother energy will emerge at the most unlikely times She does not have to be the calm pious adoring kind often depicted in paintings but as a hard working ordinary human doing the best to cope with the mighty task of shaping new lives into credibly good citizens There will always be failures but the theme continues that mum is the first call in damaging dangerous or depressing situations asking for help. Last words of some dying person is telling mum that they love them even if never previously said She may not be the youthful glamour girl or older well worn type but she is mum who holds power that endures and in extraordinary times is recognised for that . Mums the word
Your readers would be greatly encouraged by the writings of the late Rousas John Rushdoony (Chalcedon Foundation in America) who has clearly written about the primacy of the family. May I recommend his, The Institutions of Biblical Law. Keep up the good word.