Why do they push this stuff on kids?
Nation First’s Dr Moxie says confusing kids with gender identity is akin to child abuse.
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Promoting gender transition, and child abuse
By the Moxie Philosopher
Gone are the days of Disney cartoons about princes and princesses.
It is now the age of destructive identity politics.
Gender identity politics is causing harm to young children who are going through natural development and forming their identity.
Children are being bombarded with messages about transgenderism and sexuality, causing confusion and harm to them.
The education system is a core area where this is occurring, with children being indoctrinated to think that transgenderism and mutilation of their bodies should be viewed as normal.
The education system should focus on literacy, numeracy, art, literature, physics, chemistry, kindness, compassion, and solid values to ensure the next generation flourishes.
Confusing kids by focusing on sexuality and gender identity is child abuse, and the education system has a great deal to answer for.
NOTE: To save from being de-platformed, I have opted not to post the latest Nation First video on YouTube, so instead watch the video at Rumble or click the image below.
Young minds are impressionable and vulnerable, particularly up to, and during puberty.
The prolific nature of the gender debate is causing, in many cases, irreparable harm to young boys and girls who are simply going through natural development.
The fact is, it is natural to ask the question “who am I?” as a kid.
It is part of growing up and forming an identity in the world that is separate from parents and immediate family.
But children are now being bombarded with messages about transgenderism and sexuality which are not providing inclusion; rather, creating more confusion and damage to an entire cohort of children.
The education system is a core area in which this is occurring.
We now have children that are being indoctrinated to think that transgenderism and mutilating their bodies should be viewed as a normal occurrence.
At a recent Queensland Legal Affairs and Safety hearing (in Australia), Kat Karena from Active Watchful Waiting recounted the disturbing story of a father who called a support organisation seeking help because his young daughter wanted to chop off her own breasts.
He was so distressed; not only because of his daughter’s situation, but also due to his concern about being targeted by the family court system for being unsupportive ofher decision.
Karena states that this is a common story and that children are being removed from parents who are wanting to take a less dramatic approach to children who are questioning their identities.
I encourage everyone to listen to her powerful testimony.
The reality is, there is a reason why certain information is restricted from developing brains; because it can be harmful.
Whatever the child is exposed to will form an integral part of their thought process; one doesn’t need to go to university and study psychology to understand this as it’s pure common sense.
If children are bombarded with messages that say your gender and sexuality are the most important things in life, it is only natural that they will focus on it.
Here is an idea; how about the education system focus on literacy and numeracy: beautiful art, literature, physics and chemistry, so that children can focus on the wonders of the magnificent world in which they live.
How about showing kindness, compassion and imparting solid values that will ensure the next generation flourishes?
Children have enough to deal with at these crucial ages of development.
We need to end the madness and let children be children.
Years of research tells us that growing brains require a nurturing environment in order to flourish.
Confusing kids by focusing on sexuality and gender identity is child abuse.
In the future, I suspect we will look back on this period in horror at the damage inflicted on this generation of kids.
The education system has a great deal to answer for.
Dr Moxie is a Sydney based professional. She has worked to advance human rights and justice causes for over two decades. She holds several degrees in politics, national security, human rights and philosophy.
George Christensen is a former Australian politician, a Christian, freedom lover, conservative, blogger, podcaster, journalist and theologian. He has been feted by the Epoch Times as a “champion of human rights” and his writings have been praised by Infowars’ Alex Jones as “excellent and informative”.
George believes Nation First will be an essential part of the ongoing fight for freedom:
“The time is now for every proud patriot to step to the fore and fight for our freedom, sovereignty and way of life. Information is a key tool in any battle and the Nation First newsletter will be a valuable tool in the battle for the future of the West.”
— George Christensen.
Find more about George at his www.georgechristensen.com.au website.
I can't help but think it is all a part of the depopulation plan. Mutilated kids will not breed. We are living in a very strange and scary world.
I'd also like to add that it's very normal for girls to like girls and boys to like boys in their formative years.
Do women here remember when boys were "icky" and "gross?" Yuck.
Young girls stuck together. They joined arms when they walked. They giggled and laughed.
Young boys stuck together. They'd punch each other in the arms! They'd play rough and tumble games.
(And I'm speaking in the majority here. Some girls were tomboys. Some boys preferred cooking to sport etc.)
So it was for a large part of primary school.
This is not in anyway a sign of being gay. It's a natural transition from childhood to womanhood where girls learn to be girls - amongst girls. They learn what their sex is all about and how to relate to each other. A pecking order too.
It was the same with boys.
And girls would start talk with girls about boys. And vice versa.
It would be different ages for different people, but somewhere around the latter primary years - maybe year 5 or 6? - girls started taking more notice of boys. And vice versa. They'd often get their first boy/girlfriend.
It's a transition. Natural.
Unfortunately this transition from childhood to teenage years and onto adulthood has bee usurped by socialist indoctrination to suggest they may be gay.
Or if a girl is a tomboy, that she may really want to be a boy.
Or is a boy prefers cooking to sport, he may really want to be a she.
Evil. Pure Evil. Preying on our babies.