I absolutely agree. The Antichrist spirit is growing more powerfully in our world, yet God is still all-powerful over all of His creation. No power can withstand Him, even though the world gets darker. He has promised in His word, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5). Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world" (John 8:12). While there is any light there is never complete darkness. As Jesus' followers also shine His light of truth and righteousness in the world, the darkness does not overtake it.
" When you want to help people you tell them the truth. When you want to help your self you tell them what they want to hear."
As Christians it is no accident we are here at this time ; so its important to discern His will in something for which there is no precedent in the history of the world. For me I pray that He will not, allow me to passively wait while men women and CHILDREN are being let into a living hell and death .
As Christians we know the end of the story - in the mean time we don't know when the end will be ?
I'd also like to add that it's very normal for girls to like girls and boys to like boys in their formative years.
Do women here remember when boys were "icky" and "gross?" Yuck.
Young girls stuck together. They joined arms when they walked. They giggled and laughed.
Young boys stuck together. They'd punch each other in the arms! They'd play rough and tumble games.
(And I'm speaking in the majority here. Some girls were tomboys. Some boys preferred cooking to sport etc.)
So it was for a large part of primary school.
This is not in anyway a sign of being gay. It's a natural transition from childhood to womanhood where girls learn to be girls - amongst girls. They learn what their sex is all about and how to relate to each other. A pecking order too.
It was the same with boys.
And girls would start talk with girls about boys. And vice versa.
It would be different ages for different people, but somewhere around the latter primary years - maybe year 5 or 6? - girls started taking more notice of boys. And vice versa. They'd often get their first boy/girlfriend.
It's a transition. Natural.
Unfortunately this transition from childhood to teenage years and onto adulthood has bee usurped by socialist indoctrination to suggest they may be gay.
Or if a girl is a tomboy, that she may really want to be a boy.
Or is a boy prefers cooking to sport, he may really want to be a she.
It’s all a plan to indoctrinate young children & is just another Satanic Mason humiliation ritual to abuse children because their innocence is closest to God. These people rape, torture & drink the blood of children. The Freemason Luciferian Bible tells you this.
You only have to look at the transgender literature that’s being published now, coming to a primary school near you! Even recently on Play School for preschool age children, a well known Drag Queen celebrity, Courtney Act, in drag was reading a story about a little girl who didn’t want to wear the dress her mother picked out for her but a spectacular suit like a boy!
Also a book, for young teenagers, ‘Welcome to St. Hell My Trans Teen Misadventure’ by Lewis Hancox. This is one of the books shortlisted for a prestigious children’s book prize. This book teaches little girls to hate their body & has a diagram of a naked little girl with arrows pointing to the unacceptable female parts. Some examples …. “Fatty lumps that need to be gone”, regarding breasts. And, “My imaginary Willy.” It’s absolutely disgusting & this is going to be rolled out to our kids! Parents need to be aware & make a stand against this ‘rainbow’ satanic movement now! 👿👺😇😇😇😇
Destruction of the family unit, divide and conquer, depopulation agenda, sexual perversion and pedo push by the global cabal deviants, all part of their great reset.
Pregnant mother to doctor after ultrasound: Is it a boy or a girl?
Doctor: We'll let the kindergarten teacher decide that.
Who is ‘Dr Moxie Philosopher’? Are his/her comments forwarded to the department of Education with a request to desist from this horrendous abuse in schools. Are the schools conducting these activities being named and shamed??
I am totally against grooming of our children and the Mardi Gras being advertised as a family event!
I am against children being given drugs to prevent puberty when wantIng to change the sex they were born and drag queens reading to pre-schoolers in libraries, kindergarten and schools.
We tried to warn people when the phlebesite for gay marriage was occurring. The No campaign was trying to warn that we would go down a slippery slope and it well and truly has.
I can't help but think it is all a part of the depopulation plan. Mutilated kids will not breed. We are living in a very strange and scary world.
I absolutely agree. The Antichrist spirit is growing more powerfully in our world, yet God is still all-powerful over all of His creation. No power can withstand Him, even though the world gets darker. He has promised in His word, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it" (John 1:5). Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world" (John 8:12). While there is any light there is never complete darkness. As Jesus' followers also shine His light of truth and righteousness in the world, the darkness does not overtake it.
I agree however I would like to add the following
" When you want to help people you tell them the truth. When you want to help your self you tell them what they want to hear."
As Christians it is no accident we are here at this time ; so its important to discern His will in something for which there is no precedent in the history of the world. For me I pray that He will not, allow me to passively wait while men women and CHILDREN are being let into a living hell and death .
As Christians we know the end of the story - in the mean time we don't know when the end will be ?
PS. The author of the quote I have used is Thomas Sowell.
I like that quote. Thanks.
And in the mean time there is a great deal of money to be made .
I'd also like to add that it's very normal for girls to like girls and boys to like boys in their formative years.
Do women here remember when boys were "icky" and "gross?" Yuck.
Young girls stuck together. They joined arms when they walked. They giggled and laughed.
Young boys stuck together. They'd punch each other in the arms! They'd play rough and tumble games.
(And I'm speaking in the majority here. Some girls were tomboys. Some boys preferred cooking to sport etc.)
So it was for a large part of primary school.
This is not in anyway a sign of being gay. It's a natural transition from childhood to womanhood where girls learn to be girls - amongst girls. They learn what their sex is all about and how to relate to each other. A pecking order too.
It was the same with boys.
And girls would start talk with girls about boys. And vice versa.
It would be different ages for different people, but somewhere around the latter primary years - maybe year 5 or 6? - girls started taking more notice of boys. And vice versa. They'd often get their first boy/girlfriend.
It's a transition. Natural.
Unfortunately this transition from childhood to teenage years and onto adulthood has bee usurped by socialist indoctrination to suggest they may be gay.
Or if a girl is a tomboy, that she may really want to be a boy.
Or is a boy prefers cooking to sport, he may really want to be a she.
Evil. Pure Evil. Preying on our babies.
It’s all a plan to indoctrinate young children & is just another Satanic Mason humiliation ritual to abuse children because their innocence is closest to God. These people rape, torture & drink the blood of children. The Freemason Luciferian Bible tells you this.
You only have to look at the transgender literature that’s being published now, coming to a primary school near you! Even recently on Play School for preschool age children, a well known Drag Queen celebrity, Courtney Act, in drag was reading a story about a little girl who didn’t want to wear the dress her mother picked out for her but a spectacular suit like a boy!
Also a book, for young teenagers, ‘Welcome to St. Hell My Trans Teen Misadventure’ by Lewis Hancox. This is one of the books shortlisted for a prestigious children’s book prize. This book teaches little girls to hate their body & has a diagram of a naked little girl with arrows pointing to the unacceptable female parts. Some examples …. “Fatty lumps that need to be gone”, regarding breasts. And, “My imaginary Willy.” It’s absolutely disgusting & this is going to be rolled out to our kids! Parents need to be aware & make a stand against this ‘rainbow’ satanic movement now! 👿👺😇😇😇😇
Come, Lord Jesus!
Destruction of the family unit, divide and conquer, depopulation agenda, sexual perversion and pedo push by the global cabal deviants, all part of their great reset.
Pregnant mother to doctor after ultrasound: Is it a boy or a girl?
Doctor: We'll let the kindergarten teacher decide that.
Please share the video link with this email as widely as possible ?
Who is ‘Dr Moxie Philosopher’? Are his/her comments forwarded to the department of Education with a request to desist from this horrendous abuse in schools. Are the schools conducting these activities being named and shamed??
Google ?
I commend the video that you link.......absolutely brilliant !
I am totally against grooming of our children and the Mardi Gras being advertised as a family event!
I am against children being given drugs to prevent puberty when wantIng to change the sex they were born and drag queens reading to pre-schoolers in libraries, kindergarten and schools.
We tried to warn people when the phlebesite for gay marriage was occurring. The No campaign was trying to warn that we would go down a slippery slope and it well and truly has.
Let our kids be kids, leave them alone.
Interesting chemtrail un meeting 2006
“THE PLAN is by 2025, most remaining humans will be bug-eating transgenders connected to a trans humanist super computer.” WE are the Light! 🙏🏻😇💕🙏🏻