Well George, the simple answer is no, unless someone like Peta Credlin took charge but that won't happen because they are all scared of her, they would be held accountable. Either way, you will never be out of work as you could get a gig as a stand up comic just using that as the line to a whole string of jokes.

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That wasn’t the intention. Would you call it gallows humour?

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Just a bit of humour George, keep doing what you are doing, far more valuable than stand up that is for sure. I am sure that title would also make for a good radio segment and invite the likes of Daisy Cousins, Joel Jamal. Alex Antec and Renner and some of the other not so well known conservative party hopefuls. It would give them exposure.

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Hi SD. Feel like I walked in right in the middle of your conversation. Do u feel inclined to fill me in ? If not blessings to you anyway.

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May I suggest that you check out the ACMA and its intended function. That Albanese has exempted the Gov from this. In other words any posts they make will not be challenged or investigated. Misinformation of supposedly any kind will not go unchallenged but they can challenge you on anything they like - if you say NO to the voice then you are in breach and can be fined heavily or blocked, or your bank account closed! The WA Heritage Act says it all, this is what they are going to foist onto us in 35 days time. It simply means that anything they disagree with will be blocked :(

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This is exactly what totalitarian government is isn't it. Do as I say not as I do, the government has divested itself of any requirement to follow the law if it does not suit its agenda. The lockdowns, forced vaccinations, censorship. The creation of an unelected "national cabinet" that should not exist and if it was for the emergency it should have been stood down the day they declared covid a seasonal flu. What we have is a country that is now run like the EU, a bloated parliament of state reps who are a self licking ice cream and a bunch of states who are dictated to solely by the PM and the executive and think their state is their fiefdom and the people are their Serfs.. The PM is effectively bypassing every legislative check and balance by negotiating and dealing with these premiers in this false instrument of a national cabinet and Australians are letting them get away with it. That is how dumbed down we have become as a population.

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Thank you also. I agree with your statement that we are utterly dumbed down. But can you suggest how we might proceed ? Small or large doesn’t matter.

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If I had my way, I would work to force a split in the LNP and Young LNP, create a new conservative party and movement, capture the likes of Alex Antec and Renneck. Bring the group together as a coalition but sit as independents in the house. Block every Bill that threatens sovereignty. Every person involved needs to be focused on one message, One Australia, One Nation, One People, One Voice. Get in amongst the Young Libs and Nats, entice the truly conservative in those groups to come across and then create a new party "Australian Citizens Party" or something that will resonate with all Australians especially indigenous and in that area try and capture the likes of Senator Price and anyone who thinks like her. The Chinese community, seek out those who have no love for the CCP and recognise what China is up to and who speak out and are willing to push back. As for messaging, people need to stop trying to red pill with "Satanic Peadophiles" UN takeovers and NWO. I know because the average Aussie thinks that is just "Conspiracy theory". Attack the opposition on everything they say and do. In a way that the average mum and dad will listen to. Simple really, If I say "There are satanic peadophiles going into schools to groom kids with drag queen story time" People look at you like your an idiot. If I say, "How do you feel about this drag queen story time thing in schools, you think that is appropriate for your kids?" if they say I see no harm or its fun. Reply with, "Go online and search "Drag Shows", "Trans" or "TS" on Twitter and YouTube and when you see the results, come and let me know if you still hold that same position". That opens the door for a bunch of other conversations.

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Thank you for your reply. I am very new to politics very new to a lot of things.

I don’t really know what the average mum and dad look or sound like. Same for the young libs and Nationals.

I like what you have written and your intensity is encouraging because as long as you stay in the public arena and speak or write and think, there is hope for our Nation and her people. Never underestimate the power of hope.

Blessings to you n yours.

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Found my remaining point , my own experience with the Chinese community which is relatively extensive- has been that many though not all by any means , are infiltrating and spying .

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After some thought I would like to say that the term satanic paedophiles is not red pilling . As well it’s best if I leave the “ average mums n dads”to those who know how best to communicate with them.

My comments are directed to the faithful...to the Church of all denominations and I will continue to speak truth regardless.

There was another point I wanted to make but I must return to your original comment to clarify. Before I go I would like to say that I truly appreciate your willingness to engage .Thanks again.

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They are doing the same things in Canada we need to be looking what the WEF and UN are doing around the world

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Thank you. You seems very secure in your reference to 35 days time . Can you speak more to this please ?

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Hi George

Honestly I think the LNP has committed suicide by letting center left MPs into there ranks there are a handful of good conservatives still there that are fighting a good fight but unfortunately they are also fighting there own party as well as full blown communists

Conservative parties need to always back each other up not like in the last election were they were virtually dropped by the LNP

We are better to have a government of 4 parties with the same values than what we have now

I would also like to leg you know that I have been trying to donate to the LNP fighting fund for the NO campaign along with other organizations but my card is blocked by my bank to donate I can still get money to organizations with PayPal so this tells me how deep this corruption runs

Regards Ian

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Go get ‘em George,

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We must all follow your advice. It’s solid and we can’t leave it to the few.

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The good men are leaving the ship (Australia )

We have had enough so much so that we are now leaving Australia. Climate Change Idiocy , Gender Crap that is destroying our next generation , Net Zero BS. Dividing Australia with the Constitution Change. Taxing us to death and now playing with our Superannuation.

Enough is enough

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No point in leaving Aus. There is no where to run to.

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Your interview with Lyle Shelton was sooo good George. Who was it who said “ be a man for me and not a coward “ ?

Australia is finding her voice! “

The good men And women, of our Nation are speaking.

praise God and pass the ammunition “....

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The Liberal party is not worth saving, the best thing that could happen is a division, the truly conservative splitting to become independents in name but form a coalition in parliament and rule the cross benches forcing the government to negotiate with them. The alternative is join forces with One Nation or the Liberal Democrats, the key is to take the power away from the two major parties and force them both into negotiating for any new Bill. Block any Bill that will undermine soveriegnty of the Australian people. Push the message, One Australia, One Nation, One people and One Voice. Get new blood, there are smart young conservatives, the likes of Daisy Cousins, Joel Jamal to name two. Harvest new blood from CPAC. The Young Liberals, try and force a split entice the more conservative to the new conservative movement. The average aussie does not want to hear there are satanic peadophiles in their school library or depopulation agendas. That will not win seats or votes, that language needs to disappear. Any aspiring candidate needs to stick to slamming the problem issues, housing crisis, the voice, China, jobs and cost of living, The business of rooting the real muck needs to be discussed, planned for and carried out behind the scenes once control is won.

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Great comment, SD - you have nailed it!

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I watched the Shelton/Christensen interview on ADH TV and was deeply impressed. The letter that George received from Morrison in 2021 when he was still PM, followed by the angry phone call from a Liberal Senator, exposes how politically and ideologically bankrupt the Morrison Govt really was. It explains a lot. But here is something you won’t read in the newspapers, or get from the self-proclaimed political ‘experts’ - and I don’t think that even Lyle & George understand it. Most grass-roots Liberal Party members certainly have no clue why things have gone so wrong. After reading the following analysis everything will become clear.

You can only understand what has taken place in Australian politics in the last 15 years if you have the perspective of history. In March 1996 the Howard Government had just been elected and the Left of Australian politics was apoplectic about it. The ALP & ACTU were unwilling to accept the decision of the Australian people and staged a trade unionist protest against Howard outside Parliament House in Canberra. Unfortunately for them, the ALP MPs lost control of the protest and the ACTU thuggish element attacked the Australian parliament building, smashing down the doors and causing millions of dollars of damage. In a moment of weakness, the new Govt failed to charge the perpetrators. PM Howard thought that everyone would still play by gentleman’s rules.

In parallel with this, the ABC’s commentators displayed much anger at the Howard victory. On Radio National they were beside themselves in distress and seemed to be in some sort of political agony. Their comments were of disbelief at the election result and they warned of impending doom. I thought this reaction curious at the time - but it is only with hindsight that I now understand what it led to.

Most people who follow politics have some idea that since the collapse of the Communist regimes in Europe in 1991, there has been a “Long march through the institutions” in Western countries by the ideological Green-Left. The education systems, the bureaucracies, the media, the NGOs, and more recently the major corporations, have all been taken over by people imbued with Green-Left ideologies. Why would a political party such as the Liberals be exempt? The ALP has iron-clad controls over who can join their party. By contrast, the Liberals are just a politically amateurish ‘Dad & Dave’ show, and have let just about anyone in – even prominent people who unsuccessfully tried to join the Labor Party!

At some point during the Howard Government years, the ideological Green-Left of Australia (which is essentially Marxist at its core), decided to adopt a long-term strategy to emasculate the Liberal Party as a politically relevant force in Australia so that another “Howard Surprise” could never happen again. They then put in place a long term plan to achieve that objective - that of infiltration.

By 2013, things were coming to fruition and the old ‘Wets’ faction of the Liberal Party had been supplanted by the harmless-sounding ‘Moderates’ – a new term that the corporate media ‘experts’ suddenly started pushing at about that time. Abbott’s defenestration was an early manifestation of the effects of the now rising power of the ‘Moderates’.

The political castration process of the Liberal Party then accelerated under Turnbull, followed by Turnbull’s nominee replacement, the ineffectual and naïve Morrison. So, to cut a long story short and provide the explanation for why the Liberal Party is failing so badly, one must understand that the “Moderate” power brokers now control the Liberal Party. They have been faithfully carrying out the 20-year mission set for them by the Marxist Green-Left of Australia - starting way back during the years of the Howard ascendency. So what was that mission? Simple – to infiltrate the Liberals and use the political naivety of the high-trust mentality of the ageing grassroots membership to work their way up the ladder and take control. Once enough held the internal levers of power, their function was to stack the system and turn the Liberals into an emasculated political shell – controlled by the infiltrators – the so-called “Moderates” - with the assistance of the invertebrate castrati class. Essentially, many of these invertebrates are the people that George Christensen refered to in his interview with Lyle Shelton – elected Liberal MPs who have no values and are therefore driven like reeds in the wind chasing the media-controlled fake opinion polls and phoney focus groups. The pattern of their political reactions suggests that they behave like puppets on a string – whenever the Green-Left jerks that string, they jerk in unison. That’s why the Coalition keeps passing Green-Left legislation.

The implanted Green-Left fellow-travellers in the Liberal Party now have de-facto control over the weak-willed, valueless castrati that George alluded to. The infiltrators have been brilliantly successful in executing their long-term task, and one must give credit to the political cunning of the back room boys of the ALP for adopting such a farsighted and ruthless strategy to destroy Menzies legacy for once and for all. Peter Dutton is a good man – however his real challenge is whether he can prevail over the political eunuchs who now hold his party in thrall.

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Your description of infiltration in politics applies also to our churches , all denominations. It applies to our medical institutions our education institutions. Our prison system and our rehabilitation facilities.

The list is long and we differ in the time line. But perhaps your focus is politics alone.

Thank you for making time to shed light in this darkness.

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Your observation is correct Kaylene – the neo-Marxist ideology has penetrated most institutional bodies, not just those that are primarily political. It was not my intention to limit my comment to just the political sphere, however I realised after I posted the comment that I should have included the churches. That includes the Catholics as well, who once upon a time (in the 1950s) in Australia led the push to prevent the communist takeover of the unions, which would have turned the ALP into an overtly Marxist organisation 60 years ago.

In the area where I live, the Catholic Archbishop has adopted the patently false and unscientific neo-Marxist ideologies associated with the ‘climate change’ alarmist fraud as official church policy, and in the last year has instituted a statement at the start of each main Catholic liturgical worship event (the ‘Mass’), which requires the congregation to verbally recite a statement paying obeisance to the ‘traditional owners’ and their defective culture. The whole thing leaves a very rotten taste in my mouth, especially because the Archbishop soft-pedalled any serious objection to the State government introducing state-sponsored euthanasia – euphemistically called ‘Voluntary Assisted Dying’ (VAD) - and was hiding in the cloisters when de-facto infanticide was introduced by the State government in the form of full-term abortions. I can tell you, the Catholic Church in Australia is in pretty bad shape.

How could this be? Well, there was some evidence that in Eastern Europe in the 1970s the Soviets and their satellite intelligence organisations adopted a policy of infiltrating homosexual men into the ranks of the celibate Catholic priesthood in order to destabilise the Catholic Church, because it was the only institution left in the communist countries that had the organisational structure to resist the totality of the Marxist system. In the event, matters overtook the communist states when in the 1980s, Reagan, Thatcher, and John-Paul II were able to jointly undermine the Eastern Bloc Marxist states, and their cruel and rotten system all came tumbling down.

But now we may be seeing a situation where those original pre-1991 infiltrators have risen to positions of authority and presumably are replicating themselves. I cannot say whether this is a confirmed fact or not, but a lot of ordinary people in the Catholic Church with their eyes open certainly suspect it. Of course many will dismiss this with the pejorative label of it being a ‘Conspiracy Theory’ – but the conclusion fits the facts, and some of those facts include information that has become known since 1991 from former apparatchiks of KGB-equivalent bodies in the former Eastern Bloc communist states. The test to apply to these people is the principle enunciated in Matthew 7:20 - “By their works you shall know them”. When you apply that test to the current pope, Jorge Bergoglio, he doesn’t come up looking too good. His ‘popularity’ with the legacy media is one give-away. Something certainly stinks.

And while on the subject of ‘works’ – I have a lot of time for Lyle Shelton, a man who shows leadership and who displays the courage of his convictions - unlike many of the fakes in ‘leadership’ positions in the Australian churches – including the Catholics.

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PS Lapun Ozy

I have returned to complete my thoughts after meditating on our discourse.

The infiltration you site started long before the 70’s, in my understanding. And whilst I do not condone homosexuality I know many who would be horrified by the behaviour of these so called trans and alphabet people, who are seeking the destruction of children and families.

Thanks for your willingness to discuss these issues. Blessings to you n yours.

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I have replied but forgot to tick the box for notes. I’m pretty IT challenged ..sorry about that.

Also I spoke only to one part of your very extensive post , it’s been a long but productive day.

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Nothing can save the Liberal Party at this point. It has been corrupted and subverted by people whose philosophy is indistinguishable from those of its supposed enemies. I grew up in the Young Libs and the Liberal Party and have been active in supporting Liberal candidates for years, but nowadays, I would rather not vote at all than vote for any of them.

Unless someone like Gerrard Rennick can gain enough followers and lead a party which garners enough support to become a government in its own right, there is no hope for Australia.

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I do not accept that the hope of our Nation depends on one of-two people being elected . Isn’t that what helped us to arrive at this dystopian nightmare we are currently living ? I mean no disrespect.

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They cannot be saved. They are no longer the party of the centre right.

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Hi George

Just thinking of the Qld car immobilization devices they are funding

After thinking about this it is another trogon horse if you add these to your car if you can demobilize your car so can the government

Again they are not fixing the actual problem just putting in place another way to control the public

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It’s been a long time since I attended Mass but my relationship with Our Lord has never been stronger. Though I miss - well that’s another issue.

Why do you and the faithful comply ? What might it look like if those who feel as you do said no not sayin it not doin it ?

I agree with your position and conclusion’s. I struggle to understand why n how the faithful can comply with this genocidal position ?

The last two times I attended mass I did not take communion because my heart was full of rage n hate toward the priest. Who by the way was (just following orders. )Still knew that I should not take communion whilst in that state so I didn’t and I left.

My relationship with Him stands strong.

Thanks for taking the time to communicate on such issues.

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On the subject of your conversation on ADH tv with Lyle Shelton, you said you don’t understand why the minor parties don’t merge, unless it’s just about personalities. You added if that’s the case, time to get over it.

Being in the same space with people who hate you is no small feat , but perhaps with the grace of God....

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Fred P is a really interesting young man

With a good strong voice and the ability to use it. Don’t ch reckon ?

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