Being drip fed information is useful I suppose, if those in charge of the feeding achieve their objective. Releasing information of this nature with only days to respond is not kosher George.

Then there is the question of the complexity of the subject. How many people do you know who might be able to effectively respond in writing in time ?

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You're right kaylene. George needs to provide a template response so we can all copy and paste and send. It is a very disconcerting subject but I feel helplessly inadequate to.oppose such evil, in written firm

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If you feel so moved as to put in a submission, it can simply be as short as saying you oppose the idea of having any further embedding or integration of defence contractors with the ADF or national security agencies. Re timing, I only just became aware of the reforms on the morning I wrote this post.

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It’s just that since watching your good buy speech to Parliament, I had placed you on a pedestal. So of course my expectation was that you, will have a workable practical and doable plan to save our Nation. All I have to do is wait for you to reveal it….

The pedestal treatment, is a terrible thing to do to another. It can only ever, result in wanting to tear down…

Perhaps that’s why Jesus Christ gave so many warnings against the pedestal treatment , in all its disguises?

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Thank you George.

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Thanks for my early morning smile !

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It is already happening. Was the ‘vaccine ‘ rollout controlled by a military man. We used the army during the covid nonsense to police our own citizens.

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Arms makers are a suspect breed ready to sell to any buyer who wants their merchandise but who rarely ask the buyer the reason for the deal There would be no war torn country that has not suffered from the effects of arms manufacturers who usually made money on the trade No reputable record is kept of the deaths and damage incurred in wars instead more news given about the winners and losers . Commercial trade is acceptable but employing products to enforce a result is another matter Africa has suffered and still is suffering from wars headed by greedy tyrants ,leaders and companies never concerned about the local people and armaments often illegal types ,are the main weapons to propel their cause and criminal world seem to have sources to obtain guns . Who makes them , who sells them,and who buys them and for what reason ? Most average people dont have guns and rarely need to use them If you have a weapon then so have opponents if happening to lose or drop it in an unruly incident . More public transparency needed about the deployment and containment of arms particularly heavy varieties with the lawful owners and their proposed projects

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The prophecy said after wwIII people will believe again on god and no more killing of baby's. The evil will be wiped out.

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Not sure where this is coming from. You are well aware of the Defence industry program that Pyne rolled out as Minister for Defence Industry you were sitting at the time. Contractors have been working alongside Defence personnel for decades yet it appears from the summary and headline to be giving the impression that is not the case and these changes will make that happen.

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The reforms will make it more so.

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I agree somewhat but these contracted companies could not be more embedded than they are now. What is of greater concern is Question "7. In what circumstances is it appropriate to extend Defence’s authorities to members of foreign forces who are in Australia?" The question is designed around permitting them to operate under Section 51 of the Defence Act. For example give the Marine detachment in NT the power to execute actions under section 51 independently if the minister authorises it. At present they can only do those things if assigned to an ADF unit. Foreign military would then be afforded immunity from prosecution under the Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Forces Response to Emergencies.) Act 2020. Defence have taken a cunning approach by failing to point out that people need to read both acts in order to understand the context of how this will impact on Australians.

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