This is completely appalling. God bless this family for making a stand.

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Unbelievable that this behaviour is starting to happen all around us. The Australia that we grew up in has gone off the rails. Sad sad times for us all….😢

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This has implication for all families in Aus ..........that aside we must find ways to support this family.

If you go to Bernard Gaynor's site he has a letter template and a petition as well. Thank you and God bless you George.

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Yes, I’d suggest do both forms so we tackle it from all angles: the organiser and their money base (sponsors).

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Thank you George.

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What's the police in Qld doing? why haven't the police arrested & charged this moronic leftist woman for Incitement for violence - Hate - intimidation - threats - using a media carriage device for the mentioned offences, do these laws only work for certain people but not for others, are the police going to protect this family from this violence & hate!

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Yes there are new rules now - good for some but not for others. As Christians we must speak up when we can and be seen . Otherwise we are like a bullied child with no one to protect us and the damage done to us and families like this one will take a great toll.

Blessings to you and yours.

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Great article George, God bless you brother for bringing this urgent matter to public awareness.

All Christian's must unite as one in prayer and help this Christian family who dared to make a righteous stand against this global epidemic of sinfulness pervertedness evil that is rife within the insidious reprobate evil radical Satan inspired Marxist LGBTIQ brigade.

It is clear to all Christians who are blessed with God's spiritual discernment that this insidious reprobate evil Satan inspired Marxist LGBTIQ brigade is being used as a demoniac weapon of global warfare by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican U.S. White House New World Order Globalists to utterly destroy Biblical Christianity, the immutable eternal Law and Truth of God & Jesus Christ in the Bible. In the same way that this insidious reprobate evil Satan inspired Marxist Islamic Jihad is being used as a demoniac weapon of global warfare by the Luciferian Jesuit Vatican U.S. White House New World Order Globalists to utterly destroy Biblical Christianity, the immutable eternal Law and Truth of God and Jesus Christ in the Bible.

The socialist liberals of today believe that anything pertaining to biblical Christianity must be kept out of our public schools, out of our courts, and out of our entire government. But they have no problem whatsoever welcoming Muslims into our country and embracing their Sharia Laws and their religion of Islam. To the liberals, any religion is acceptable in the public sector except Christianity. To them, the Bible has no place in politics or in the education process of our children. But the Koran, (which commands all Muslims to kill everyone who doesn't embrace their religion), is quite tolerable and even embraced. If religion and politics don't mix, and there should be "separation of church and state," then why is Islam embraced in our schools and in our government?

Recently, a Christian friend and brother of mine who lives in America applied for a temporary teaching position for a History class in a large local High School. Since he had taught history fulltime for several years, the administrator invited him for an interview and basically told him that the job was his. He excused himself during the interview to get some water, when he noticed a plaque hanging on the wall just outside this man's office. It read:

"This award is given to (name of school) in appreciation for your recognition and embracement of the Muslim religion and culture of Islam."

This High School had a policy that no Bibles would be allowed on their campus. The teachers could not say, "Merry Christmas" (they had to say "Happy Winter Holidays"). No mention of Jesus (even in a historical context) by the teachers was allowed. Any references to Christianity were forbidden. All in the name of "separation of church and state." Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), my Christian friend and brother turned down the job offer!

Thanks to the socialist liberals in our city, county, state, and federal governments, the name of God and the religion of Christianity have been squashed and deleted. But the religions of Marxism, Hinduism, New Age Universalism, Islam, Darwinism, and Secular Humanism continue to be embraced and taught in our public education institutions---because these religions fit into the agenda of the New World Order Globalists who want a one-world religion under their one-world government! In their minds, true Christianity is just too abrasive, divisive, and counterproductive for their global cause of "unity."

Whatever happened to "freedom of religion" and "freedom of speech?" The Marxists socialists running our country have killed them! But God is not One to be ignored, disregarded, or "killed" without dire consequences! When the Globalists killed the biblical concept of the God of Truth in every sector of our government and society, they simultaneously killed America, Australia, and Western Society!

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