Thank you George for your courage and Truth. The MSM can never take that away from you.

Australian medical authorities have never advised of any treatment for Covid apart from the vaccine which is an irresponsible omission on their part. Everyone needs to wake up!

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Yesterday I ordered a new book out by the author Glen Beck called The Great Reset. He was on Tucker Carlson warni g of what’s coming.

Well today I received an email from Amazon saying my order was cancelled!

Fascism is running rampant!

If anyone has any ideas on where else to purchase it please let me know. Im about to contact Tucker Carlson.

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Have you tried Book Depository? Just a suggestion.

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Thanks Paula. I have ordered through Angus and Robertson although it’s on back order and may take awhile.

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Thank you once again - a common sense approach as usual. 👍

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Great podcast George! Well done - thanks for being the voice of truth !

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Thank you for your honour in promoting truth! May God bless you abundantly! Thank you! Keep it up! Truth will prevail, it has to because God said it!

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Thank you for this podcast! It is great that truth is now getting out to more and more people.

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Fantastic! Very informative, will listen again to take notes. Great job George! Thank you

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George thank you for what you have done and are doing,with sadness i see that there is a minority with hate mail,if they do not like what they see just close it down and agree to disagree there is no need for sending hate ,over that now has any one read shawbs {think spelt right} great rest manifesto had to be done about 2017 if not before ,he is as evil as that weird little doctor in America ,my nephew sent it to me and have just started to read .

George keep it going mate we need more like you ,and i noted that bit about Iodine ,purchased a supply just in case that is also a no purchase item in the near future , AS a side line they are again using that in hospitals for theses super bugs that modern medicine cant not control ,old but works like many other items

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Thanks George I'm reading "the real Dr Fauci"at the moment

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Hopefully common sense will prevail!! Thank you George for your voice of truth!!

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