Blackrock and/or Vanguard are a major institutional shareholder in almost every major corporation in the globe. Are we that naive that we do not see the control that seek? When they are ready, they WILL reset.
God has already given us mercy by grace through faith in Jesus. We are also given a seat in the throne room after the rapture of the saints saving us from tribulation. What more mercy do we need?
You seek a theological discussion/debate I think. Fortunately I have no theology I know only that I love our Lord Jesus Christ and seek His will in all things.
I also have no theological training, but I am an indwelt spiritual slave to Jesus. I have His mind and live FROM Him, not for Him. I have no fear of what has been prophesied, it will come to pass. Keep going Kaylene, Jesus has much more for you. Bless you.
The bombshell Durham Report may be SHOCKING to the media, but we knew it from the get-go.
Trump is exonerated. There was "no basis" for even opening the investigation. There was NO EVIDENCE. Russia collusion was a hoax.
What isn't a hoax is that the FBI lied. The Jesuit Deep State manufactured a constitutional crisis to try to take down Donald Trump and the American people. The Durham report lays bare the lawlessness of Strzok, McCabe, and FBI Director Comey's entire circle of corruption.
The FBI even admits the Durham Report is true but claims it has since "fixed" the problem – a problem until yesterday it claimed didn't exist. That's absurd. A sacred trust has been broken. The idea that the FBI has been meddling in the political process – election interference – should send shockwaves through America.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is taking action. They have filed multiple lawsuits against the FBI over this corruption and have SIX court deadlines against the Jesuit Deep State this week.
These so called elites only got there through the purchases and theft from all of us otherwise they wouldn't be rich. Think of bankers over the years creating wars to keep everyone in chaos and govts constantly borrowing money so they never get out of it and people are kept continually struggling. I believe all this trans stuff going on just now is another distraction while they keep going with their reset plans under our noses. I think the only way out of this is to say 'no' to everything they plan and to be aware of their distractions. Parents particularly should say no to going to any trans parties at libraries, etc. Why don't those colourfully made up trans people ask to amuse the elderly, the sick and those in other care situations. They might think differently if they did.
I agree with your assessment and believe the trans activists are also being used as a distraction while the elites push forward with their agenda. Then the trans will also be disposed of. This is satanic and the enemy turns them into it’s minions. May God grace us with the ability to focus on Him and follow His word and will.
The pure evil corporate elites of the world system of politics & religion who are Anti-Christ and deceived and controlled by Satan today are openly waging perpetual warfare against God, the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, the Bible, and Christianity. As Christians it is imperative that we have spiritual discernment from God and the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ to wage spiritual warfare to stand against the evil enemy Satan and his demonic cohort. The majority of the world is deceived, confounded, controlled by Satan, the conscience and mindset of the majority of society today is reprobate and deceived. The majority of today's society and world have zero spiritual discernment or real concept of the pure evil that is rapidly unfolding globally today. The world is moving rapidly towards the diabolical Mark of the Beast and The Great Tribulation Period warned and predicted by the eternal creator God in the Bible. The diabolical Mark of the Beast warned and predicted in the book of Revelation in the Bible will someday soon be thrusted upon ALL the world to compel ALL the world to Worship SUNDAY LAW and SATAN, a SUNDAY Worship Law shall be enforced in this End-Time period of Earths Final Hours, just prior to the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, by the Jesuit Vatican (acting as self-appointed Global Church Authority and the United States of America (acting as self-appointed Global State Authority).
The human toll of suffering and persecution and death that is prophesied in the Bible to be unleashed upon All the world and global humanity in this end-time period during the Mark of the Beast and The Great Tribulation will be far greater than any other event in human history. All Christians who have faith in the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ have absolutely nothing to fear, however, All the sinful, unrepentant, evil, Anti-Christ unbelievers will be the ones living in fear and the recipients of the End-Time Judgments of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ and God's Seven Last Plagues warned and prophesied in Revelation in the Bible!
The world will soon learn the immutable truth that a loving eternal creator God must punish and crush evil permanently, that agape love, and evil cannot coexist in a just and gentle and peaceful world, that only the eternal love of God and the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ shall reign in God's Eternal Kingdom of Heaven!
Hi Kaylene, I definitely didn’t take it as a complaint. I always want to reply to your insights because you’re one of my most prolific readers and commenters. I appreciate your views!
Much said about belief in good sound thoughts words and deeds and their value in society which brings stability and deters chaos fro disorderly conduct Totalitarian management attempts to crush these seemingly ordinary beliefs which create fear for those who aim for one world rule Keep your hearts and minds on a better society by doing and accepting belief in of good words deeds and thoughts to empower that belief in self family community and country Light will show through the dark pall that hangs around us built with greed felony and overwhelming bad power We are rightful people not slaves to cater for the dominant over wealthy elite
Good summary, to the ultra-rich elites we are a slave class, cattle, useless eaters, and I guess they despise us.
We must not let them infect us with their hate ! This is how Satan operates.
praying for us all and sending you blessings and love.
Blackrock and/or Vanguard are a major institutional shareholder in almost every major corporation in the globe. Are we that naive that we do not see the control that seek? When they are ready, they WILL reset.
Only if we allow it.
I pray for guidance from God, may He lead us to repent of our addiction to comfort . May He then grant us mercy.
Hi Kaylene
God has already given us mercy by grace through faith in Jesus. We are also given a seat in the throne room after the rapture of the saints saving us from tribulation. What more mercy do we need?
You seek a theological discussion/debate I think. Fortunately I have no theology I know only that I love our Lord Jesus Christ and seek His will in all things.
I also have no theological training, but I am an indwelt spiritual slave to Jesus. I have His mind and live FROM Him, not for Him. I have no fear of what has been prophesied, it will come to pass. Keep going Kaylene, Jesus has much more for you. Bless you.
We must never stop trying to wake up our fellow Australians . You set a fine example George and thank you .
The bombshell Durham Report may be SHOCKING to the media, but we knew it from the get-go.
Trump is exonerated. There was "no basis" for even opening the investigation. There was NO EVIDENCE. Russia collusion was a hoax.
What isn't a hoax is that the FBI lied. The Jesuit Deep State manufactured a constitutional crisis to try to take down Donald Trump and the American people. The Durham report lays bare the lawlessness of Strzok, McCabe, and FBI Director Comey's entire circle of corruption.
The FBI even admits the Durham Report is true but claims it has since "fixed" the problem – a problem until yesterday it claimed didn't exist. That's absurd. A sacred trust has been broken. The idea that the FBI has been meddling in the political process – election interference – should send shockwaves through America.
The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is taking action. They have filed multiple lawsuits against the FBI over this corruption and have SIX court deadlines against the Jesuit Deep State this week.
Amen !
These so called elites only got there through the purchases and theft from all of us otherwise they wouldn't be rich. Think of bankers over the years creating wars to keep everyone in chaos and govts constantly borrowing money so they never get out of it and people are kept continually struggling. I believe all this trans stuff going on just now is another distraction while they keep going with their reset plans under our noses. I think the only way out of this is to say 'no' to everything they plan and to be aware of their distractions. Parents particularly should say no to going to any trans parties at libraries, etc. Why don't those colourfully made up trans people ask to amuse the elderly, the sick and those in other care situations. They might think differently if they did.
I agree with your assessment and believe the trans activists are also being used as a distraction while the elites push forward with their agenda. Then the trans will also be disposed of. This is satanic and the enemy turns them into it’s minions. May God grace us with the ability to focus on Him and follow His word and will.
George thank you for your time and effort you put into your fact finding!
The pure evil corporate elites of the world system of politics & religion who are Anti-Christ and deceived and controlled by Satan today are openly waging perpetual warfare against God, the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, the Bible, and Christianity. As Christians it is imperative that we have spiritual discernment from God and the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ to wage spiritual warfare to stand against the evil enemy Satan and his demonic cohort. The majority of the world is deceived, confounded, controlled by Satan, the conscience and mindset of the majority of society today is reprobate and deceived. The majority of today's society and world have zero spiritual discernment or real concept of the pure evil that is rapidly unfolding globally today. The world is moving rapidly towards the diabolical Mark of the Beast and The Great Tribulation Period warned and predicted by the eternal creator God in the Bible. The diabolical Mark of the Beast warned and predicted in the book of Revelation in the Bible will someday soon be thrusted upon ALL the world to compel ALL the world to Worship SUNDAY LAW and SATAN, a SUNDAY Worship Law shall be enforced in this End-Time period of Earths Final Hours, just prior to the glorious Second Coming of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ, by the Jesuit Vatican (acting as self-appointed Global Church Authority and the United States of America (acting as self-appointed Global State Authority).
The human toll of suffering and persecution and death that is prophesied in the Bible to be unleashed upon All the world and global humanity in this end-time period during the Mark of the Beast and The Great Tribulation will be far greater than any other event in human history. All Christians who have faith in the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ have absolutely nothing to fear, however, All the sinful, unrepentant, evil, Anti-Christ unbelievers will be the ones living in fear and the recipients of the End-Time Judgments of the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ and God's Seven Last Plagues warned and prophesied in Revelation in the Bible!
The world will soon learn the immutable truth that a loving eternal creator God must punish and crush evil permanently, that agape love, and evil cannot coexist in a just and gentle and peaceful world, that only the eternal love of God and the Lord Saviour Jesus Christ shall reign in God's Eternal Kingdom of Heaven!
So glad you explained George because I watched your clip on youtube and had no idea what you were trying to communicate .
Blessings to you and yours.....may our Lord Jesus Christ guide us as we stand against such satanic tactics.
The YouTube clip was merely to show that Fink actually said those words which some people may find incredulous.
Thank you for taking the time George. I was not complaining, just giving feedback because I believe it’s so important to assist in this way.
Hi Kaylene, I definitely didn’t take it as a complaint. I always want to reply to your insights because you’re one of my most prolific readers and commenters. I appreciate your views!
Interview reveals how governments routinely run terrorist attacks on their own citizens
Mike Adams at Brighteon features a bombshell interview with Richard Gage, founder of Architects & Engineers for 911 truth.
In this interview reveals how the truth about covid is exposing the lies about 9/11 (and building 7 in particular).
See the full interview on Mike Adams channel page at Brighteon:
And see all the breaking stories for more news you need to know.
Much said about belief in good sound thoughts words and deeds and their value in society which brings stability and deters chaos fro disorderly conduct Totalitarian management attempts to crush these seemingly ordinary beliefs which create fear for those who aim for one world rule Keep your hearts and minds on a better society by doing and accepting belief in of good words deeds and thoughts to empower that belief in self family community and country Light will show through the dark pall that hangs around us built with greed felony and overwhelming bad power We are rightful people not slaves to cater for the dominant over wealthy elite