George, thank you for your work and dedication in serving the Australian people. You, Pauline and the PHON Party have my support 100%.
The Australian people are sleep walking to a place where they will incrementally lose all their freedoms and privacy. That’s not an exaggeration. The Marxists have captured our education departments and are brainwashing our children, to become walking, talking advocates and voters for their reps in parliament. Regards, Peter
Whatever the Hell is going on, the control is operating through the Medical "Health" system. Our Western Medicine Health system.... a corrupted system since its invention by the two wealthiest families of the time, Rockefeller and Carnegie. Among the first job of a new incoming government is the swift sentencing and imprisonment of all involved in the covid health scandal. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse. And there's certainly no excuse for those who participated in full knowledge of the corruption.
Don't worry about the Russians. We already in WWIII and we're not just sacrificing young men in combat, the entire population is being decimated at the hands of our bribed officials.
George thank you for all you do. Can you tell us if Australia has signed up to the WHO treaty which gives them sovereignty over our Constitution and our rights if they declare another pandemic or consider National security a risk. I believe there is a World Health Assembly in Geneva May 22-28 to have this written into International Law.
This is the first election I’ve ever been excited about. Never paid attention before but I have awoken from my deep sleep. Thank you George as you give me hope in this dark time in history.
Thks George. I am never going to waste my vote again thru' election ignorance. Thks to the great "how to vote/understanding preferences" videos out there🙃🙂I am now armed and ready for the 2022 great freedom fight to🤔weelll VOTE OUT THE MAJORS. I have the greatest respect for Pauline Hanson & One Nation Party who are my 1st choice. Exciting days ahead fellow Australians 🇦🇺
Out of the darkness comes One Nation! Keeping dodgy pollies accountable with truth and patriotism. Gotta get those responsible for the lost liberties during and post the pandemic brought to justice.
Hi, you need to check the OneNation website, lots of errors, e.g. photos for candidates, with presumably Senate candidate Kate McCullough in a photo with Pauline showing up in many of the Representative candidate slots:
I am really looking forward to reading or hearing your answers to some of the questions below George. May our Lord Jesus continue to bless you n yours.
Greed and immorality have been the destroyers of all past "leading" civilizations. Have we not learnt anything from our ancestors. All hope is not lost, as with God all things are possible. The two major Parties and the Greens have completely "lost the Plot". Thank you George, Pauline & Co for being our voices in the wilderness. You give us hope for the future of our children and grandchildren. You have my support, ongoing prayers and you have my Vote!
George - who is Donald McKenzie for Mitchell. On the ticket, not even on your website! I was going to vote for them, but without knowledge I cannot, and I so want to vote Alex Hawke out.
When I use the how to vote section, the candidates below one nation only show the candidate's first letter of their first name, as for their party I only get a 3 letter abbreviation with no way to view that party's own preferences and who they're aligned with. I even tried googling that abbreviation to find out which party they are but they don't seem to even exist on the AEC website... I've been googling for 20 mins... How do I know you're not just recommending preferencing parties who preference the majors high on their list?
Truly enlightening and I’m conscientiously taking the time to vote for the freedoms we are entitled to. Watching what God is doing in our world and what is happening here.. standing firm in our liberty.
Thank you George for standing up and making a sound noise.. be blessed.
George, thank you for your work and dedication in serving the Australian people. You, Pauline and the PHON Party have my support 100%.
The Australian people are sleep walking to a place where they will incrementally lose all their freedoms and privacy. That’s not an exaggeration. The Marxists have captured our education departments and are brainwashing our children, to become walking, talking advocates and voters for their reps in parliament. Regards, Peter
Whatever the Hell is going on, the control is operating through the Medical "Health" system. Our Western Medicine Health system.... a corrupted system since its invention by the two wealthiest families of the time, Rockefeller and Carnegie. Among the first job of a new incoming government is the swift sentencing and imprisonment of all involved in the covid health scandal. Remember, ignorance of the law is no excuse. And there's certainly no excuse for those who participated in full knowledge of the corruption.
Don't worry about the Russians. We already in WWIII and we're not just sacrificing young men in combat, the entire population is being decimated at the hands of our bribed officials.
George thank you for all you do. Can you tell us if Australia has signed up to the WHO treaty which gives them sovereignty over our Constitution and our rights if they declare another pandemic or consider National security a risk. I believe there is a World Health Assembly in Geneva May 22-28 to have this written into International Law.
This is the first election I’ve ever been excited about. Never paid attention before but I have awoken from my deep sleep. Thank you George as you give me hope in this dark time in history.
Thks George. I am never going to waste my vote again thru' election ignorance. Thks to the great "how to vote/understanding preferences" videos out there🙃🙂I am now armed and ready for the 2022 great freedom fight to🤔weelll VOTE OUT THE MAJORS. I have the greatest respect for Pauline Hanson & One Nation Party who are my 1st choice. Exciting days ahead fellow Australians 🇦🇺
Out of the darkness comes One Nation! Keeping dodgy pollies accountable with truth and patriotism. Gotta get those responsible for the lost liberties during and post the pandemic brought to justice.
Hi, you need to check the OneNation website, lots of errors, e.g. photos for candidates, with presumably Senate candidate Kate McCullough in a photo with Pauline showing up in many of the Representative candidate slots:
Scroll down to the lower section of the page.
I am really looking forward to reading or hearing your answers to some of the questions below George. May our Lord Jesus continue to bless you n yours.
So appreciated for George, Pauline's an staffs tireless fight for our freedoms and justice in Australia. Well done. Thanking you
Greed and immorality have been the destroyers of all past "leading" civilizations. Have we not learnt anything from our ancestors. All hope is not lost, as with God all things are possible. The two major Parties and the Greens have completely "lost the Plot". Thank you George, Pauline & Co for being our voices in the wilderness. You give us hope for the future of our children and grandchildren. You have my support, ongoing prayers and you have my Vote!
Both you and Pauline are our saviours!! God bless you both!!
George - who is Donald McKenzie for Mitchell. On the ticket, not even on your website! I was going to vote for them, but without knowledge I cannot, and I so want to vote Alex Hawke out.
When I use the how to vote section, the candidates below one nation only show the candidate's first letter of their first name, as for their party I only get a 3 letter abbreviation with no way to view that party's own preferences and who they're aligned with. I even tried googling that abbreviation to find out which party they are but they don't seem to even exist on the AEC website... I've been googling for 20 mins... How do I know you're not just recommending preferencing parties who preference the majors high on their list?
Truly enlightening and I’m conscientiously taking the time to vote for the freedoms we are entitled to. Watching what God is doing in our world and what is happening here.. standing firm in our liberty.
Thank you George for standing up and making a sound noise.. be blessed.
Where is Mallee candidate Vanessa Atkinson ?