The sqaub's thinking parallels that of Hitlers dream of breeding a pure Aryan race untainted by different skin colours looks or religions based and ruled only in Europe . It intends to be done through financial efforts slanted in many directions through shell companies and debt obligations which may take payment in various ways like land acquisition and empty promises that dont meet the reguirements

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It sounds far fetched at the moment . Maybe 2001? . Hopefully common-sense will prevail and people will reject microchipping . Will still have our senses eyes and ears to recieve information. Keep up the good work George but try not to delve to far into the future. The future is unknown

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Well , George goes to no other person went so far , let’s alone our politicians who are supposed to look after us & in who we did put our trust at elections time ....!!! Been European myself & had family members involved in the resistance during WW2 & had been described in gruesome details what the National Socialists ( Nazis ) did , all what George described bring back to my mind what I not only heard , but also saw the gruesome photos of shat they did . A couple of decade or so ago when they started microchipping dogs & cats under the “ disguise “ it was for their own goods , I always said this was the precursor of what is coming for us humans , a trial test in a word & I was quite horrified by it , but also the fact that herds of people went for it for their pets without a second thought . Well , unfortunately my worries & fears are coming true ..!! If humanity do not revolt about this , this is the end of mankind as we do know it ..! Wake-up shepple ..!!

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George .. thanks for going where no other politician would dare to go. Such things need to be exposed. All power to you for doing so. Cheers kevin

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This reminds me of the movie Total Recall. Monitoring the thoughts, tracking a person etc.

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I tried to forward this article to a friend by email today and this evening I find a note from the System Administrator saying this email had been rejected due to spam content! I wonder if other people have had a similar experience.

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