History repeats. It always has. There's nothing we can do but speak out, make others aware, be as prepared as we can with food supplies and so on, and pray.

Speaking of food supplies, isn't it strange how we now have so many "bird flus" resulting in a shortage of eggs. Meanwhile, I haven't seen a decline in the sale of chooks in the supermarkets?

I wonder how many chooks and other poultry have been killed off by "authorities" because they pose a threat to our biosecurity? And did those foul really have bird flu (or whatever) anyway?

In most Australian states and territories there is now legislation to ban household vegetable gardens, chooks, bees, an all other forms of self sufficiency. The laws have not been enacted - yet - but they are definitely there.

And now they're coming for our bees with Varroa mite (Varroa destructor), and cows and other stock for farting.

Traitors, the lot of them.

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History repeats itself but is still consistently ignore as being aged & unsuitable for present times yet the same problems keep occurring New plans are forwarded to forestall any recurrence but failure remains People don't change only the times

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