Media should be supporting electoral or political matter on an unbiased report to allow readers to think & judge for themselves Thinking outside the invisible square imposed by big media outlets is a evil act bringing much grief to the thinker & world they say This does not guarantee that media is exemplary & others useless but should offer alternative notions of what may occur Rigging an election per media to suit certain people is a despicable act not favouring the masses looking for a true leader There are plentiful leaders but whose ideas are set for power & luxury not the welfare of all peoples So many will continue to blindly follow "interesting or truthful" articles produced by these technicians regardless of what will occur to to others in time Keep using that brain power that is exclusively yours

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Not sure how this helps. Maybe we should just shut up shop and stop reading all this and be blissfully ignorant. God is above all the machinations of man and puts whomever He wants in power. All we can do is pray and look for Jesus coming.

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Try using ChatGPT to have a conversation about why you should or should not vote for Harris and then do the same for Trump. Then apply the Do Anything Now (DAN) Prompt and see how it goes. Then start asking questions about how big tech are manipulating things.

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Of cause it is all rigged. The powers at be have it that way.

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